Friday, January 29, 2016

就是喜欢你 JUST SO LOVING YOU - 第五页 Chapter 5


有一天,拍完广告的依静回到经纪公司里。 无意间,她听见许多同事在背后对她的指指点点。依静对这突如其来的情况感到错愕,迷惘。原来报章媒体都在争相报道依静平时喜欢欺负团队成员。这个晴天霹雳的消息使依静感到格外的愤怒。她怒气冲冲的问经理人,“为何会出现这些不实的报道?” 经理人透露这些谣言并非无中生有,这次依静是跳进黄河也洗不清了。他接着透露一者惊天动地的消息,原来造谣者就是自己的好姐妹 - 谢丽颖。

依静听见这件事情之后感到晴天霹雳,无法理解为何成员们联合一起设计陷害她。她誓言一定要问个明白。她回到孤独的房间里,翻看报章的报道,内心十分难过。这时丽颖走进房门,得意地说,“你也有今天,真是痛快啊!” 依静感到莫名其妙,不知道为何丽颖会胡说八道,编造故事。丽颖说,“背叛的滋味很难受吧!你知道我活在你的影子里有多痛苦吗?” 依静这才觉醒自己是被姐妹们当成敌人似的憎恨。丽颖摇摇摆摆的离开房子,只留下不知所措的依静呆呆的看着前方。原来姐妹们因妒忌心产生的敌意是如此的不可思议。


Sunday, January 24, 2016

就是喜欢你 JUST SO LOVING YOU - 第四页 Chapter 4


深夜,骏胜在拳击场锻炼身体。他回想起四年前,在纽约的街头被一群黑帮老大殴打。他被追打而躲在垃圾堆里,满身伤痕。张永和路过把他带走并且帮助他疗伤。   骏胜不但不感激永和,他甚至大声吼永和,“为何救我!不要用同情的眼光看着我!” 不料永和却说,“你可以继续打架,但是你要用不同的方式。” 接着永和拿出皮夹里的名片给骏胜。名片上印着拳击教练-张永和。骏胜惊讶地问,“这是什么意思?” 永和深思熟虑的思考后对骏胜说,“要打就站在擂台对决。”


依静用轻快的步伐来到骏胜的身边,只想静静的陪在他身边。骏胜惊讶依静突然出现在身旁。他无奈的叹气,接着开口说,“你为什么在这里?” 依静温柔的回答,”我只会静静的在你身边,让我陪在你身边吧?” 骏胜说,“你不知道我的悲伤。” 依静望着骏胜说,“我不需要知道什么,我只希望能安慰你。” 骏胜默默无声地地转过身,眼神还是一样的悲伤。依静望着骏胜寂的背影,想用指尖触摸那长长又忧郁的背影。依静心想,“好想再靠近一点啊!”

Saturday, January 23, 2016

就是喜欢你 JUST SO LOVING YOU - 第三页 Chapter 3



丽颖知道这件事后就得意地说,“我的签名原来如此昂贵,那我可要好好利用啦!”依静恳请丽颖帮助她。丽颖最终回应,“好!但是我可要你记得这份恩情喔!” 依静感到自己十分幸福拥有这份友谊。丽颖笑着把签名照交给依静,但是那灿烂的笑容逐渐变得十分阴险可怕。


然而,正直善良的骏胜却无法袖手旁观,毕竟人命比较重要。他回头发现情况不妙了。骏胜慌张地跳进水里救出了差点溺水的依静后,毫无犹豫地进行人工急救。昏迷的依静突然苏醒过来了,惊讶的骏胜也顿时间松了一口气。苏醒后的依静却俏皮的问,“这算接吻吗?” 骏胜看着眼前的依静,哭笑不得。可爱单纯的依静接着问骏胜,“我们的距离更加接近了吗?” 骏胜感到不可思议。

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


With many Korean drama talking about beauty and slimming down, this two drama does talk about these factors in an entertaining manner. Between these two drama, which one do you like best? In my opinion, both of them are pretty different yet talking about the importance of beauty at the same time. Perhaps, it is in our culture to look good in order to feel good and be optimistic about our future.


Sa Geum Ran is a kind-hearted and unattractive woman with the character of an ahjuma (auntie). She was married to a well to do family but was badly treated by the whole family. After a fatal accident which  involved her husband, she escaped death and met Han Tae Hee, She sought to transform her looks to take revenge on her husband, Han Tae Hee agrees to help her in the transformation with an ulterior motives. Through plastic surgeries Sa Geum Ran became a beautiful woman and changed her name to Sa Ra. Gradually, Han Tae Hee begins to fall in love with Sa Ra as he assisted her in the plan for revenge.

Drama Queen review

This is a romance comedy about revenge, success and love. Basically, i love the story line  and the interesting characters. I had seen Han Ye-Seul acted in a few drama and this character is somehow similar to the other drama - Couple or Trouble.  The only difference is that this character is more down-to-earth. Likewise, she was betrayed by her husband and suffered accidents. In her most unfortunate and desperate moments, she met a kind soul and a hero for her to live her life again. 

Joo Sang-Wook and Han Ye-Seul have good chemistry and is convincing as a couple. It is hilarious to see Joo Sang-Wook  acting as Han Tae Hee, who is a comical genius. Sometimes, he appears to be in a confused state whenever he see Sa-Ra. He always acts in serious role and i seldom see him acting so relaxed and cute in any drama. Despite the fact that the main characters are matured in age, they can act cute and funny at the same time. There were some touching scenes such as the main characters supporting each other along the way and is always there for one another. The doctor and ahjuma interaction is pretty cute and funny too. 

Like any drama, the drama do have flaws which is hard to explain. For instance, the total transformation of Sa Geum Ran is too unbelievable. The whole revenge plan is rather silly and i don't like the way she executed the "plan" as it sounds so harmless and i am not anticipating anything from the  script writers after the first few episodes.  There are some parts which are draggy too. 

Jang Gyu-Woon is really good as a villian  and i really hate his character in this drama. Every time i wished to see him and his family gets punished severely.  It is gratifying to see all the villains down-fall and received their tribulations. I love that the drama have clear and define villains to hate and the good characters to support. At least there is a plot to follow and to look forward in every episode. I think the drama is moderately good if we can overlook some of its flaws. Generally, i like this drama and hope they have more sweet moments every time the couple appears onscreen.


Young-Ho (So Ji-Sub) comes from a wealthy family background. He has been suffering from a devastating leg injury since his childhood days. He overcame his problems through stubbornness and determination. His other identity is a personal trainer for celebrities and he has two friends who always supports him. Kang Joo-Eun (Shin Min-A) is a 33 years old lawyer. She used to be very beautiful in her school days. However, she suffered from thyroid problems and became overweight over the years. She is struggling to support her family.

Drama Queen review

So Ji Sub and Shin Min-Ah shares an amazing chemistry. If you had seen the drama, you would be amazed  by the two leads. Their every actions and eye contract feels so loving, making me jelly every time they were together. Asides from the cute and interesting romance, i love the interaction between the brothers, Ji Woong and Joon Sung. They were played by the charming duo - Henry and Sung Hoon. In my opinion, Henry does a good job playing himself in this role. I like the enthusiastic and friendly Ji Woong who always light up the scene with his energy. On the other hand, Sung Hoon is so cool and handsome. 

Despite the cute chemistry from the cast, the plot is a let-down since i do anticipate a lot from this drama after its impressive premise. Sadly, the scriptwriter does not have enough materials to work on and it results in a hasty and inadequate ending. The constant flashbacks implies that there is really nothing else to talk about in the finale. It is so unsatisfying that i rather they fill those emptiness with some other story. For instance, Yi-Jin and Joon Sung love-line can be further explained in this case. I think this couple is cute but there is not enough scene time from the two of them. The viewers felt that Joon Sung sudden interest in Yi-Jin is out of place as he did not show much interest in her all these while. However, i do see the hint that Joon Sung has interest in her. Some people commented that they don't like Yi-Jin character and labelled her as a stalker. I think Yi-Jin did improved herself later on, it is just too bad that those changes were not prominent.

The lack of a true villain is another major disappointment. The conflict that was built up from the early episodes came to a halt when the whole revenge plot is not carried out properly by the uncle. The adulterous pair in the drama live a comfortable life after all but let's be forgiving. There are many flaws in this drama such as the inconsistency in the main characters personalities, all the talks about healthy which does not follow through towards the end and Young Ho fast recovery from the car accident which is so sudden makes it unbelievable.

In conclusion, I am disappointed that the scriptwriter did not explore more with this incredible casts. I would only recommend this drama for fans who only looks forward to a fluffy romance comedy drama even when the drama falls short in certain aspects.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

就是喜欢你 JUST SO LOVING YOU - Prelude; Chapter 1

故事内容描述一位单纯可爱的女明星爱上一位英俊冷酷的拳击手,并且展开了一段浪漫甜美的爱情故事。梁依静是23岁的偶像组合- Pretty girls 的成员。她是一位勇敢追求幸福的女生。即使途中遇到许多困难,都不会轻易放弃,甚至勇敢前进! 她不惜放下明星光环也要追求自己的爱情。
江骏胜是一位29岁的拳击手。父亲早逝,母亲改嫁给一位充满暴力倾向的丈夫。为了儿子的安全,她把骏胜送进孤儿院照顾。骏胜带着抱怨的情绪成长,并且经常打架,过着落魄自残的生活。四年前的一次机缘巧合下,他邂逅了一名专业拳击训练导师 - 张永和。他即是骏胜的导师也是恩人。他帮助受伤的骏胜,并且把他训练成专业拳击比赛冠军。
第一页 (Chapter 1)

骏胜正在努力锻炼体力,为了接下来的拳击比赛。另一边,依静正在台上准备Pretty girls 的演唱会。台下的粉丝们尖叫偶像团体的成员名字- 梁依静,赖丽颖,谢文妍。在休息室里,丽颖兴奋的爆料依静即将完成心愿,与自己的偶像江骏胜拍广告了。在一旁化妆的依静微笑着拿出包包里的手机给成员们看储存在手机里的骏胜照片。成员们都取笑依静是个花痴,而依静却傻傻的看着照片里的骏胜。
演出结束后,经理人在车里报告一件坏消息- 江骏胜拒绝与依静拍广告。传媒接获消息后,大致宣扬表示依静被骏胜拒绝了。成员们用同情的眼光看着失落的依静。夜里,依静翻来覆去,无法入眠。她无法了解为何骏胜要拒绝与自己合作拍广告。她告诉自己明天一定要找骏胜问个清楚!
骏胜一如往常的在健身房锻炼身体。从更衣室走出来的骏胜光着上身,突然戴着墨镜的依静打开门仔细地观察眼前的骏胜。他惊讶的看着依静,并且羞涩地用手遮住自己的上身。依静愤怒的问骏胜,“你为什么拒绝我?” 骏胜感到莫名其妙的问道,"你是谁?” 依静惊讶对方不知道自己就是人气偶像团体的成员。她对着骏胜骄傲地说,“我是梁依静!样貌甜美,身材完美的人气偶像 梁依静!” 骏胜淡淡地回复,“我不认识你。” 愤怒的依静追问骏胜为何拒绝合拍广告。骏胜表示自己正在准备比赛,并且他还没有决定是否要接拍广告。这时,经理人出现把依静带走,并且向对方道歉。骏胜默默地望着被经理人架走的依静。

Saturday, January 16, 2016

就是喜欢你 JUST SO LOVING YOU - 第二页 Chapter 2

回到家里的依静始终无法释怀,更无法理解为何骏胜不愿和自己合拍广告。隔天,她到拳击场寻找骏胜追问答案。骏胜一见到依静就感到厌烦,可是依静依旧苦苦逼问。骏胜直言自己没兴趣拍广告也对她没有兴趣。依静摆出明星架子,脑羞成怒的问道,“你是同志吗?” 骏胜惊讶地望着依静不回答。依静再也无法掩饰内心的感受了。她投向骏胜的怀里,坦诚自己就是他的第一粉丝。骏胜这时不知所措,一时间不知如何反应这图如此来的状况。一个人在家里,骏胜回想起之前发生的事,若有所思。
几天后,依静从经纪人得知骏胜愿意接下这宗广告后兴奋不已。Pretty Girls 的文妍表面上为依静感到开心,心里却不愉快。因为经济公司决定捧红依静,文妍暗地里感到妒忌与愤怒。丽颖也感到自卑,认为自己不如依静漂亮可爱。这时候的依静并不知道成员们的内心感受。

Friday, January 15, 2016

Drama Special: The reason I'm getting married

Sypnosis: Han Seung Woo (Song Jun Ho) and Kim Jiwon (Park Hee Bon) have been dating for six years and they were about to get married. However, Jiwon is upset at Seung Woo's unenthusiastic attitude towards their wedding. Lee Joon Ki (Hong Jong Hyun)  is a chaebol of a hotel who has a crush on Jiwon. Coincidentally, they meet each other while Jiwon is trying her wedding dress. It turns out that Jungi still liked Jiwon and intend to win her heart again. One day, Jiwon finds something that her late father left behind and finds out about what happen between Seung Woo and her father.  In the end who will Jiwon choose? Jiwon and Seung woo faced many obstacles while preparing for the wedding. Will they be able to get married? 

Drama Recap

Jiwon is getting married to her long time boyfriend. However, Seung Woo does not seem to care enough for Jiwon and leave all the wedding preparation to her. While Seung Woo is busy entertaining his bosses and suffered stress at work, Jiwon has no idea of the pain that he went through and reprimanded Seung Woo for being unconcern about their wedding. One day while trying her wedding gown, Jiwon meet Joon Gi who is a chabeol of the hotel. He praised Jiwon for her beauty and it took Jiwon some time to realize that she knew Joon Gi. 

A flashback to six years ago when they were still very young. Joon Gi who is younger than Jiwon mustered up all his courage and wrote a letter to Jiwon. However, Jiwon took that as a joke and teased him like a noona (older sister). When she introduced Seung Woo as her boyfriend, Joon Gi looked sad and disappointed.

Fast forward to present days, Joon Gi asked Jiwon is she going to remarry. Jiwon rebuked Joon Gi that she is not that old and she is getting married to Seung Woo. Unknown to her, Joon Gi is the CEO of lluso hotel, she mistakenly thought that Joon Gi is a valet. 

Those days when Jiwon and Seung Woo shared the sweet moments between them seem to be yesterday. Interestingly, they used Kim Jong Kook song - Lovable as the soundtrack. In comparison, nowadays the couple do not have time for each other. Due to the lack of communication, Jiwon misunderstood Seung Woo. 

Alone in his house, Joon Gi recollect the past when he confessed his feelings to Jiwon and was flatly rejected. I love the way Joon Gi sees Jiwon like a baby that he cherish. Sadly, Jiwon did not feel the same way as him. She only sees Joon Gi as a dongseung (younger brother). There is a spark in Joon Gi eyes as he seem to be deep in thoughts.

Joon Gi walked into his hotel reception and was immediately welcomed by the staff. At the hotel, he met Jiwon who came here to reserve her wedding venue and the wedding gown. Jiwon thought that Joon Gi is a valet and told him to get her car. Flustered, Joon Gi hilariously asked the valet about the parking lot while Jiwon is distracted by a phone call.

In the car, Jiwon received a phone call from Seung Woo and Joon Gi overheard that they will be meeting up. Joon Gi planned to stop Jiwon from meeting Seung Woo. He plotted and overlap and turn the car to the other lane, which caused the car that they were driving to collide with the car at the back. Joon Gi was send to the hospital and he tried to held back Jiwon who felt sorry for him.

Despite trying his best to prevent Jiwon from leaving, Jiwon still left Joon Gi with a message and went back to work. A desolate Joon Gi murmured to himself that Jiwon left again, indicating that she left him six years ago too. At work, Jiwon was confused and troubled by her thoughts. 

It was raining heavily and Jiwon did not bring her umbrella after she left her workplace. Joon Gi suddenly appeared by her side and sheltered her with an umbrella. There is still a distance between them and the rain dripped on Joon Gi shirt. Jiwon noticed that and asked Joon Gi to come closer to prevent getting wet.

Joon Gi took a step forward and wrap his arm around her shoulder. Jiwon was caught by surprised. The next moment, he shield Jiwon from a passing vehicle that splashed water on the road. As a gentleman, Joon Gi was drenched in the rain and he asked Jiwon if she would join her in the cold. 

Feeling puzzled, Jiwon asked Joon Gi why did he come here. Without answering, Joon Gi moved forward and planted a kiss on Jiwon lips. 

It was then that Jiwon finally understood Joon Gi feelings for her and acknowledged it. She felt sorry for misleading Joon Gi all these years and also apologized for the misunderstanding

Jiwon told Joon Gi that she is looking for a rich man to marry so that her family will be well taken care of financially since her father had passed away when she was still young. Hearing that revelation, Joon Gi revealed his identify as a chaebol of the hotel to the surprise of Jiwon. Six years ago, Joon Gi professed to be rich and that was actually the truth which Jiwon took it lightly. On the other hand, Seung Woo drove to Jiwon work place to pick her up from work, and he witnessed the happenings between Jiwon and Joon Gi. He misunderstood the whole situation and thought that Jiwon has a change of heart. 

Refused to give up, Joon Gi tried to pursue Jiwon back. On the other hand, Jiwon was troubled and confused. Her friends met her at the bar and offered advice to her. One of her friend mentioned that it does not matter if her partner is rich as long as she can accept everything about him. Jiwon dropped Joon Gi a message, while he drove over as soon as possible. However, Jiwon and her friends left before he arrived. Joon Gi found a letter on the table and a message on it which stated - I'm sorry. 

Jiwon went back home with a weary heart and suddenly remembered that today is her father death anniversary. Seung Woo had came to the house earlier to prepared everything. Her mother and sister talked to Jiwon about their late father. Jiwon gradually dozed off to sleep and dreamt of her late father. She opened the door and heard the conversation between Seung Woo and her father. Seung Woo asked Jiwon father for his daughter hand and promised to be there for her. In response, Jiwon father make Seung Woo promise  that no matter what, he has to live longer than Jiwon in order to take care of her.

At Jiwon's father wake, Seung Woo consoled her family and carried her sister on his back for a rest. He had promised to take care of Jiwon and her family and has been doing that all these years. Overwhelmed with emotion, Jiwon rushed to Seung Woo house and asked him to marry her. Of course, that is a happy ending for the couple as Seung Woo pulled Jiwon in for a kiss. The next  thing we know, they are married. 

The couple were back to teasing each other but they found joy in something as tiny as bickering with each other. When Jiwon ask Seung Woo causally why did he married her, without a second thought he planted a kiss on Jiwon lips. That is to indicate, "I love you" and Seung Woo showed his affection through action. The both of them smiled sweetly at each other , knowing that they have found happiness. The crystal ball that was placed on the table, represented Jiwon father watching over the couple.

Drama Queen review 

How to resist such a rich, hot and handsome guy like Hong Jong Hyun? Where can we find such a devoted lover like Joon Gi? These two guys love Jiwon wholeheartedly, although Joon Gi resort to using obnoxious method to win Jiwon over.  Despite that, i  am envious of Jiwon happiness and to have Hong Jong Hyun one-sided love.

This mini drama is about romance and I watched it solely because of Hong Jong Hyun after watching his appearance in We Got Married. The moral of the story is to tell us that communication between a couple is very important to prevent any misunderstanding. We should accept each other flaws and practically everything. It is important not to pick on minor issue such as material things which does not necessary bring happiness.  Cherish the happiness that you have while it last. 

I am glad that Jiwon married Seung Woo in the end. He had proved to be reliable and always stand by her side. It is heartwarming to see Seung Woo taking care of Jiwon and her family when her father passed away. I like the conversation between Seung Woo and Jiwon father at the hospital bed. It is touching to hear that Seung Woo promised to marry Jiwon and take responsibility of the family happiness. 

In conclusion, this mini drama is nice, sweet and has typical story line. However, the drama does not have time for the writer to develop the character of each person. I do not have much connection with these characters as everything seem so short. it is just a segment  among other stories. I realize that it is a trend in Korean drama to cast a noona-dongseung love line. Hong Jong Hyun was coincidentally also a young and handsome chaebol in another Korean drama - Mama. On a side note, the heroine look like Kim Tae Hee. Maybe it is just me that think so, anyway i will write a drama review on  Mama. Do keep a look out! :) 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kill me, Heal me Original Soundtrack Review

An amazing and beautiful drama must be accompanied by wonderful original soundtrack. Kill me, heal me has everything in a package. I can feel the  hard work and the meticulous entire production. 

Track 1: Jang Jae In feat. NaShow (장재인 feat. 나쑈) – Auditory Hallucination (환청)

Why i like this song: I love the haunting atmosphere and the dreamy vocal of Jang Jae In. This song is indeed tailor made for the drama - Kill me, Heal me. The background music is captivating and NaShow rap added more layers and feelings to the song. What an impressive song which matches the story-line  of this marvelous drama. It painted the vision of confusion in the mind.  

English Translation 

There are so many hidden things inside of me
It made me change so much
It put me to sleep, it tied my hands and feet
It trapped me in a dark room
The pieces of lost time
The memories of love that I threw away
They have been deleted and thrown away
Only the outer shells remain
Without knowing anything, I just shouted
I just have that memory
My heart that was cold as ice
It will be forgotten after I sleep
I want to escape from this pain that chains me down
Someone wake me up
From my soul that is filled with scars

The deeply colored night sky
Is filled with you, who won’t leave
It wakes me from my sleep
Kissing me again

Your voice that whispered I love you
Your scent, I hear it in my ears every day
Where are you?

You’re hidden in a place where I can’t see you
The pain you received for me
When my anger becomes one
I’ll chase the lost memories from the deep sleep
I want to find the real me that is not you
But the bruises in my heart are too big
I try hiding it but they hide in my heart and wake me up
I met you on the other side of my horrible memories
You embraced even my lost feelings
Helping me get up from being broken
I’m trying not to let go of your hands
I’m trying to erase the nightmares
I’m trying so hard
In this place where I trapped myself

I want to roll up the darkness
And find you
Though I can’t touch you
Or be held by you

What controls me
Isn’t what lives in me
What can heal me isn’t strong medicine
It’s just love
The voice I hear in my ears
Wakes me up from being lost
After it wraps around me and kisses me
It disappears and I can’t see it anymore

The deeply colored night sky
Is filled with you, who won’t leave
It wakes me from my sleep
Kissing me again

Your voice that whispered I love you
Your scent, I hear it in my ears every day
Where are you?

In the night sky that I can’t touch
I see you turning back
Making me escape from the exhausted days
Making it into a picture

I’m sorry, I say as I hold onto you
Don’t go far away, I call out to you
In the sadness that I can’t ever see again
Tears fall again

Track 2: Luna of f(x) and Choi of LU:KUS (루나 (에프엑스) and 초이 (루커스)) – Healing Love

Why i like this song: I like the duel that is full of energy and sweetness. This is a confession song between Chae Do Hyun and Oh Ri Jin.

English Translation 

Why do you love me?
I keep wanting to ask you
I have a lot of fear, I’m afraid
So I might lose you

Your fear-filled eyes
Your trembling lips
They just seem lovable
It’s okay

Though I’m clumsy and awkward
I want to be brave
Your small hands that you hid behind you
I will hold them

Even though I’m anxious at times
I will believe in you
Even if we miss paths
I will always be here

When you fall and are in pain
I will embrace it all
On days you shed tears
I’ll be with you
It’s love

Will you believe in me?
Don’t be so scared
I will protect you with all my heart

Though I’m clumsy and awkward
I want to be brave
Your small hands that you hid behind you
I will hold them

Even though I’m anxious at times
I will believe in you
Even if we miss paths
I will always be here

When you fall and are in pain
I will embrace it all
On days you shed tears
I’ll be with you
It’s love

Even if our love shakes and breaks and hurts some day
Remember me today
Remember how hard it was to hold hands
You’re my love yeah

Promise me
Even after many nights pass
Even if I get lost sometimes
Always be by my side like you are right now

When you’re tired and exhausted
I will accept it all
Just like I am now
I’ll be with you

Only for you
I’ll carefully lean on your lips
And love you
Always be with you

Track 3: Moon Myung Jin (문명진) – Unspeakable Secret (말할 수 없는 비밀

Why I like this song: Moon Myung Jin soulful and emotional voice attracted me whenever there are any sad scenes. 

English Translation

A secret you can’t tell anyone
Everyone has a secret like that
Even if you say it’s nothing special
Even if I try to be indifferent, it hurts

Don’t love me
I can’t help my heart being like this
What I can give you
Are just unstoppable tears
With a strange face you’ve seen for the first time
I would only give you scars in your heart
I’m just going to leave you so I can love you alone

Even loneliness feels like a long-time friend
It’s time I get used to it but I miss you

Don’t love me
I can’t help my heart being like this
What I can give you
Are just unstoppable tears
With a strange face you’ve seen for the first time
I would only give you scars in your heart
I’m just going to leave you so I can love you alone

Don’t come to me
I can’t help my heart being like this
I’m afraid the pain will go to you
I don’t know if you know that’s why I’m pushing you away
Forget the me that used to love you
Just remember the bad me who only made you cry
The lies I reluctantly say
I say with no choice because it’s for you
Though I can’t tell you I love you, I love you

Track 4: Lee Yoo Rim (이유림) – This Feeling (이런 기분)

Why I like this song: This song represents Oh Ri Jin cheerful character. It is a happy song that was delivered sweetly. 

English Translation 

I want to place you in my eyes

Carefully so I won’t get caught
I want to whisper that I love you
So no one can hear

Sometimes, you can lean on me
I want to be your girl

How can I describe this feeling? Is this love?
Like starring in my own fantasy
Even if I don’t explain what this feeling is, you will know
I want to be brave and ask you, want to date me?

I think I’ve gotten used to you
I want to hug you, who is like the moonlight

How can I describe this feeling? Is this love?
Like starring in my own fantasy
Even if I don’t explain what this feeling is, you will know
I want to be brave and ask you, want to date me?

The more time passes, the bigger the memories get
At some point, I only think of you, I think this is love

How can I describe this feeling? Is this love?
Like the lead actress of a good movie
Even if I don’t explain what this feeling is, you will know
Kiss me, I like your lips right now
Come to me, do you want to start dating?

Track 4: Park Seo Jun (박서준) – 너를 보낸다 (Letting You Go)

Why I like this song: I did not know that Park Seo Jun can sing so well. Apparently, he sang in the musical drama Dream High. 

English Translation 

I’m lightly calling out to you
Unlike my heavy heart
I hold myself back and hide behind the playful words
I live as the person you know

You’re smiling so pretty
Honestly, it’s so hard to just look at you
My feet go toward you several times a day
It gets faster day by day

My heart blocks my love
My lips tremble but I hold it in
Because that’s the right thing to do, because I have to
The more I try to have it, the more it’ll break
Because it’s that’s kind of love

The things that hurt you
I said I would stop all of it, whatever it is
But what if I can’t stop it and you get hurt anyway?
I’m afraid that’s what my heart will be to you

My heart blocks my love
It flows without a single moment of rest
I shouldn’t do this, I will lose everything
But I take a step back, this is as far as I should go
Because it’s that kind of love

I think I’ve had this heart for a while
It’s not mine and it won’t listen to me
Every time I see you

I can’t do anything about my heart
My heart keeps hurting more and more
I can’t hold it in, I want to hold you
But I’m afraid my feelings will make you cry
So I’m letting you go once again

Track 6) Ji Sung– Violet (제비 꽃)

Why l like this song: Ji Sung is an all rounded artiste! Not only he can act, he can sing very well too! I heard this is his  favorite song and he does do the beautiful song justice with his soothing vocals. 

English Translation:

When I first met you

You were a small girl

You had a violet in your hair

You told me with a smile

That you wanted to fly far away like a bird

When I met you again

You looked so thin

Sweat beads on your forehead

You told me with a smile

That you shed tears over the littlest things

When I saw you for the last time

You looked so peaceful

The paths were snowy outside the window

You told me with a smile

That you want to be awake even in the middle of the night

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Movie Review: My P.S partner


The movie is about the romance of Hyun Seung (played by Ji Sung) and Yoon Jung (played by Kim Ah Joong). Their romance started with a 'secret' phone call to the wrong person. Instead of calling her boyfriend, Yoon-jung accidentally calls a total stranger, Hyun-seung, a man who is having trouble getting over his ex-girlfriend. She ends up having phone sex with him and later, they become comfortable with each other and start talking about their respective relationship problems. They eventually decide to meet and a more intimate friendship develops, which leads to both falling for each other.

Starring: Ji Sung, Kim Ah Joong, Shin So Yool, and Kang Kyung Joon 

Spoilers ahead (Only for 19+ audience)


The story begin with Hyun Seung having a farewell gathering with his friends. Hyun  Seung ex girlfriend So Yeon was present and Hyun Seung still misses her. Desperate to rekindle their relationship, he chased after So Yeon only to see her happily hugging her new boyfriend. To make matter worse, his close friends actually knew about this a long time ago and chose to keep the secret from him. 

Devastated, Hyun Seung reminisces about the time he had with So Yeon, tears rolling down his eyes. What a steamy scene with actress Shin So Yool baring her top and Ji Sung sexiness!

Suddenly, a phone call from a stranger awaken him. The person on the other line is Yoon Jung. Thinking that she is talking to her boyfriend, she started to have a sexy talk with him. To her surprise, the person at the other end is not her boyfriend ! She was shocked that she had phone sex with a total stranger!  

Yoon-Jung expected her Boyfriend to propose to her during their 5 years anniversary and was disappointed that she received a hair clip instead of a ring.

Hyun Seung was distracted during work as he thought of the day they broke up. Apparently, So Yeon left him because he is penniless and his aspiration is to be a singer-song writer. She wanted a rich boyfriend who is capable to take care of her.

Hyun Seung still cannot get over her ex-girlfriend. Despite his buddies trying their best to console him. Ji Sung is so good in acting and his tears touches my heart. That is what we call a professional actor.

Yoon-Jung received a call from the stranger that she accidentally dial the other day. She was shocked and called him a psychopath! The hilarious expression Ji Sung made was so funny. He does have a funny bone in him!

Sensing that Hyun Seung was heartbroken like her, Yoon Jung initiated a conversation with him and comforted him. They discovered that they have a connection with each other. Both were disappointed with their respective lover.

In order to persuade her boyfriend to marry her, Yoon Jung brought a sexy nightgown to have a naughty night with him. However, her boyfriend responded coldly to to her and uses work as an excuse to avoid her. 

Hyun Seung and Yoon Jung began to talk on the phone frequently. They exchange pointers and shared secrets about their respective partner. 

Still in the state of recovering from a heartbreak, Hyun Seung thought about the past events with So Yeon and was sexually deprived?

Hyun Seung called Yoon Joon and was sexually arose by her moaning. When Yoon Joon Mother open the bathroom door, Yoon Joon immediately pretended to read a book. 

They continue to converse with each other on the phone and confined their problems with each other. Suddenly, Hyun Seung suggested to meet one of these days. However, Yoon Jung was hesitant and rejected the idea. Hyun Seung question Yoo Jung if her boyfriend has ever cheated on her. A flashback brought us to Yoon Jung driving past her boyfriend company and saw him hugging another woman. Tears rolled down Yoon Jung eyes as she cannot believe what she had seen earlier.

A colleague asked Hyun Seung out for a movie and he coincidentally saw So Yeon with her boyfriend at the movie theater. He felt so dejected after the movie and was left alone to grief. On the other hand, Yoon Jung went for a social gatherings and the girl that hang out with her boyfriend is around. She felt so angry that she imagined punishing them. Unfortunately, that was just in her mind and she do not have the courage to face this betrayal issue. 

Yoon Jung was disappointed by the betrayal of her boyfriend with a younger woman. On the way home, she saw a wedding grown on display and stared at it longingly. She thought of Hyun Seung and called to meet up. While anticipating her P.S partner, she met an unpleasant looking man who asked for direction to a convenience store. Afraid to be disappointed, Yoon Jung decided to cancel the meet up, but Hyun Seung had already arrived and she saw him at the escalator. Fortunately, Hyun Seung is a handsome man and they were pleased  with what they see. 

There were some sexy bed scene of Yoon Jung and Hyun Seung. After they met, they were quickly in each other arms, to heal their emotional wounds. Perhaps, Hyun Seung was too aggressive and hot for Yoon Jung to handle, she was shocked and rejected his further advance.

They decided to take things slow and talk on the phone like they always do near the bed. Both of them felt comforted and warm as they confined in each other. As they get closer and closer, they were in the bed together. The next moment we know they were in each other embrace, locking lips with each other lovingly.

Cover themselves with a blanket and the rest is history. Both wounded puppies seeking comfort and love from each other. I think that sort of sum up the whole story in a sentence.

Hyun Seung was with his buddies at the bowling alleys, he was informed about his ex girlfriend So Yeon having broke up with the boyfriend and the news of his friend heartbreak. On the other hand, Yoon Jung and her boyfriend were dinning at her friend Japanese restaurant. 

So Yeon wanted patch things up with Hyun Seung and he does not know what to do. Under Yoon Jung advice, he pretended to be a different person. Playing hard to get is a tactic which went hilariously wrong.

Poor Hyun Seung was depressed after the reunion with So Yeon and he gave a call to Yoon Jung. She rushed over to comfort the wounded puppy under the heavy rain. 

Yoon Jung asked Hyun Seung why he is upset and he kept silence initially, but not for long as Yoon Jung threaten to leave him alone. Hyun Seung disclosed that he was upset with the comparison about his and her boyfriend private part and it measures more than him. 

Hyun Seung cautiously asked Yoon Jung to compare his and her boyfriend, and was relieved to hear that he is better than her boyfriend. They spend the rest of the day recording songs in the house or should i say playing with sounds to amuse themselves and to know each other better. Hyun Seung was touched when Yoon Jung praised him for his talent in music. He lean over to kiss her, but she moved backwards to avoid the kiss.

The next day, they had breakfast together in a cafe. While Hyun Seung stepped away to the counter to foot the bill, Yoon Jung saw her classmate and tried her best to avoid. Unfortunately, she was spotted by her classmate and was make fun by her. In order to help Yoon Jung take revenge, Hyun Seung make fun of her in public and said that she looked like a sea turtle. Ouch! That is pretty mean and hurtful. Needless to say, she gave Hyun Seung a slap on the face. 

Yoon Jung reprimanded him for his reckless act and he apologized for that. Hyun Seung said that in order to love some one, you must love yourself first. Yoon Jung was thankful to Hyun Seung for standing up for her. She stepped forward and gave Hyun Seung a kiss on the lips, all in full view of his buddies.

Both of them thought about the kiss and tried to figure out what it means to them. They were confused with their feelings and how to handle their relationship. He had a drink with his two buddies as they discussed about love issue.

Yoon Jung boyfriend wanted to have some sexy time with her in the car, however she rejected his advance. Her boyfriend felt something is amiss as she seem to be cold towards him. On the other hand, Hyun Seung had a talk with his buddies and he became more aware of his feelings for Yoon Jung. He tried to call Yoon Jung but was dismay to hear a male voice on the other end. It is Yoon Jung boyfriend who became suspicious of the strange numbers in her phone. In order to help Yoon Jung, he pretended to be angry with her for the accidental phone call.

In a fit of anger, Hyun Seung had a fight with the patrons at the nightclub and was brought to the police station with his friends. So Yeon came to bailed them out and Hyun Seung was shocked to see her again. 

So Yeon is having some regrets as she cannot get over Hyun Seung and wanted to get back together. On the other hand, Yoon Jung boyfriend proposed to her and apologized for taking so long to marry her. I think instead of love, her boyfriend is more insecure or being threatened of his position as her boyfriend and wanted to desperately "possess" her as an object. On the other hand, So Yeon letting go of Hyun Seung at the first place is a wrong decision after all.

Yoon Jung was apprehensive of the whole event and discovered that she does not want to get married with her boyfriend now. She finally decided to run into the arms of Hyun Seung but was upset when she saw him with his girlfriend together. She pretended to be happy and gave a wedding invitation card to them. Despite the effort to start all over again, So Yeon was rejected  by Hyun Seung as he clearly knows that he had given his heart to Yoon Jung.

Hyun Seung decided to go on a vacation with his buddies to heal his broken heart. During the trip, he realized from his friends that it is too early to give up as he did not even confess his feeling to Yoon Jung. It was obvious that Yoon Jung does not want to marry her boyfriend. The only reason she hang on to the person is because she had wasted five years with him and yearn to bear fruits as in marriage.

Yes, finally Hyun Seung confessed to Yoon Jung infront of everyone. However, it not the typical type of romantic confession. Hyun Seung rushed to the wedding venue and sung the panties song to her. Oh my gosh! I will be terribly embarrassed by him if i am Yoon Jung. However, the lyrics is very direct and funny, somehow it sound good with Ji Sung singing it on stage. I admit that i have a weak spot for someone like Ji Sung.  

Finally, the confrontation between those involved in the adultery. Yoon Jung pointed out his boyfriend unfaithfulness with another woman. It was a messy "wedding" with finger pointing. At least they settled their personal problems. In the end, they decided to leave behind everything and sort out their own life.

After some time, Yoon Jung get back to work where she is the most charming and confident. On the other hand, Hyun Seung fulfilled his dream as a singer-songwriter as the popular song he wrote was played on air. A fan called in to sing his song and it turns out to be Yoon Jung as she sang along sweetly. Hyun Seung recognized her voice and smiled. 


The story is a refreshing and daring exploration for Korean movie. Nudity and bed scene were a daring move and they even openly discuss about sex and uses expletive in the film. Shin So Yool went topless onscreen and did a steamy act with Ji Sung was a surprised to me. It seems that the Korean are more open to the idea of discussing about Sex now than before. No doubt, this movie is rated as an adult film and used a lot of reference on sex. They even directly imply to it every now and then to the audiences.

Although i love the pairing of Kim Ah Joong and Ji Sung, they do not make a deep connection in the movie because of the script. Most of the time, they only acted as wounded puppies who licked on each other wounds. Their physical contact and bed scene was romantic and hot, but only if both party are as good looking as the main leads. What are the chances of meeting a good looking person in an accidental phone sex? Anyway, both of them were so attractive and charming in their own ways. In addition, we can see the toned abs of Ji Sung! Yes, i am thinking how fortunate his wife Lee Bo Young is, to have such a handsome husband.