Adapted from a manga of similar name, this story revolves around a high school student named Akira Uehara. Contrary to his sensitiveness and demureness, that he has a huge crush on the schools's most feared and violent girl- Nanako Momoi - who appears fragile and cute... until she opens her mouth.
It so happens that one day due to school circumstances, Uehara has to make a trip to Momoi’s house. This is where the true story starts as he meets her mad scientist grandfather and unwillingly becomes the test subject for one of his machines.
Due to a freak accident, Momoi also gets tangled in the experiment and the two end up switching bodies. And to make matters worse, the strain of Momoi being in Uehara’s body breaks the machine, thus causing them to incur a debt of cost 2 milion yen, in order to repair the machine and return them to original selfs. And so begins their adventure into a world full of debts and troubles....
An interesting story for comic relief... watch only if you are bored or want a good laugh...
It so happens that one day due to school circumstances, Uehara has to make a trip to Momoi’s house. This is where the true story starts as he meets her mad scientist grandfather and unwillingly becomes the test subject for one of his machines.
Due to a freak accident, Momoi also gets tangled in the experiment and the two end up switching bodies. And to make matters worse, the strain of Momoi being in Uehara’s body breaks the machine, thus causing them to incur a debt of cost 2 milion yen, in order to repair the machine and return them to original selfs. And so begins their adventure into a world full of debts and troubles....
An interesting story for comic relief... watch only if you are bored or want a good laugh...