Plot: The series follows the story of a group of strangers who are all having a hard time processing a horrible experience from their past. Each of them is going about their normal lives when they are all strangely pulled to a light shop located at the end of a dubious alleyway. A cautious shopkeeper guards the light shop, which may contain the key to the strangers' pasts, present, and futures.
Episode 1 : Strangers
I had been anticipating this drama for some time after hearing about the scenario at the Disney event. As a result, I was rather eager to see this drama on December 4, 2024, at Disneyplus.
A woman in white was seen walking aimlessly outside the light shop at the beginning of the story. Without entering the store, she paused at the door.
The action cut to Hyunmin, a man who rides the bus after work. Hyunmin always takes the same bus home, and he always sees the same long-haired woman sitting in the same position at the same bus stop, with a heavy luggage.
Hyunmin notices the white woman tapping the bench with her fingers and making noises. He observes her with curiosity each time he walks by her.
Hyunmin noticed the enigmatic woman sitting in the same location at the bus station one day while it was pouring heavily. Since it's difficult to find a cab in these weather, he chose to strike up a conversation with her and offer to call one for her. The woman asked, "Do you know me?" after glancing at Hyunmin. He responded that he had seen her a couple times after attempting to remember their interactions.
Jiyoung is the name of the woman in white. She recommends seeking refuge at Hyunmin's place. Hyunmin reluctantly consented to take her back because his house is close by. Jiyoung accompanied Hyunmin home, but when he offered to assist her with her luggage, she forbade him from touching it. The rear door of the house automatically closed once she stepped inside.
There is a gasping sound, as if someone is sprinting, as the scene shifts to a hospital. The panting stops as the camera pans to an intensive care unit. While caring for the patients who were admitted to their care, a few nurses work night shifts inside the intensive care unit.
Cherry tomatoes are a favorite food of Kwon Youngji the critical care unit nurse. She eats far too little, so when her coworkers decided to take a break and eat some quick noodles, they left her out. Thus, while the other nurses had a break in the panstry room, Youngji offered to watch the monitor. Youngji was told by the head nurse to notify them right away in the event of an emergency.
An enigmatic man showed up at the critical care unit. The man was prevented from entering by Youngji, who explained that he needed to schedule a visit. The man asked for directions to the morgue while giving her a blank stare. Youngji thought the man was deaf, but she was wrong.
All of a sudden, the monitor begins to beep. Youngji alerted the other nurses right away that the patient in bed one was having trouble breathing. She was assisted by the other nurses in resuscitating the patient. The tube's loose connection to the patient's breathing apparatus was suspected. The head nurse, Mrs. Heo, is upset with Ms. Park for her negligence and requests a private conversation with her.
Wearing a pair of sunglasses, Wonyoung was running his light shop late at night. Vintage lamps and light bulbs of all kinds are available for purchase at this lovely light business. The enigmatic man who vanished from the intensive care unit suddenly shows up in the light shop. Before leaving the store, he appeared bewildered and made no purchases.
Byeongjin entered the shop after a dog rushed by the light shop. He couldn't sleep since the dog's panting was so upsetting. Wonyoung was then asked by Byeongjin if he had ever seen a dog like that. Byeongjin left after Wonyoung informed him that he had not seen a dog. Wonyoung continues to wait for clients to arrive at his light business till sunrise while brewing his own coffee.
At school, Joo Hyunju spends her evenings studying with her peers. A frightening story of witnessing a ghost in the classroom is the topic of conversation among her pals. They claimed that a student whose presence was so unimportant once occupied the vacant seat in the corner. People often forget that this student is in the class. Hyunju told her friends that she had seen a student no one had previously seen, but they did not believe her.
The dark alley is where Hyunju and her friends part ways. She was informed by her buddies that they find it frightening to pass the dim lane.But she assured her pals that she would feel safe after she passed a light store after walking down the alley. Hyunju went on to say that she needs to buy her mother a lightbulb for her house.
The strange noise behind her and the darkness frightened Hyunju. So she grabbed her umbrella and ran right up to the light shop. Wonyoung, who was worried that she would trip while running in the rain, was relieved to see Hyunju when she arrived at the light shop. Wonyoung and Hyunju seem to have known one another for a very long time. He is even aware that Hyunju came here to buy her mother a lightbulb. When Wonyoung asked Hyunju to select from a box of candy, she stuck to her go-to yellow butter option.
When Hyunju confesses to seeing something strange in the shadowy alley, Wonyoung hears it. Wonyoung reminded her, "These people are strangers," and that, like him, she probably has a talent for seeing things that others did not. Hyunju asks Wonyoung if he can tell the difference between a human and a ghost. "It's important to pay close attention to distinguish these strangers because they can blend in with the human world," Wonyoung explains. He recommends that Hyunju should pretend she didn't notice these strangers and act as if they aren't even there.
Hyunju asked Wonyoung why he was wearing sunglasses indoors, and he said it was because the shop lights were too bright and made his eyes strain. Hyunju advises him to turn down the light to preserve his vision. "I'm used to it," he replied, adding that his eyes were already damaged. The look on Wonyoung's face at the desk was that of an old man. Hyunju purchased a lightbulb for her mother, and prior to her departure, Wonyoung gave her a manual light switch that required her to turn it on. She should use it at night, he told her.
Wonyoung folded the candy wrapper and put it in a different box after Hyunju departed. As he anticipated what would happen next, he appeared composed and peaceful.
Hyunmin gave Jiyoung a towel so she could dry herself, but she was uneasy. But there is something strange about her that he senses. Her deformed fingers, which he remembered were caused by her tapping on the bench, astonished him. He was afraid of the way she looked at him.
When Jiyoung opened her suitcase, many equipment were found within. She walked over to Hyunmin with a pair of scissors. As she approached him, he made an effort to get away. The next instant, a lightbulb at the light shop dimmed, and the reflection on Wonyoung's face changed to that of an elderly man.
Pushing her suitcase out of the apartment, Jiyoung left. Blood was seeping from the baggage beneath it. Hyunju greeted Jiyoung as she passed by. The fact that Hyunju could see her startled Jiyoung.
You should avoid this drama series if you are afraid of supernatural things. But I'm positive that this drama isn't about pointless fear. I think there's a reason these people visited the Wonyoung light shop and are still wandering the streets. Since we are first introduced to the individuals in order to pique our interest, this series has a mystery criminal component.
Hyunju and Wonyoung share a closeness akin to that of lifelong friends or even an uncle and niece. Wonyoung is protective of her and truly understands her. I'd like to know what exactly happened to Hyunju's mother because it's not typical for a mother to keep asking her daughter to buy her lightbulbs. It is possible that she is unaware of her mother's passing. Wonyoung's decision to wear sunglasses throughout this drama is fantastic, in my opinion. Ju Ji Hoon looks great here, and I'd love to know more about his background. He's starting a light shop, but why? I have a lot of questions as I wait for the story to be told.
Seeing Park Bo Young in this show excites me as well. She is another person who has the capacity to recognize "strangers." Nurse Kwon Youngji is portrayed by Park Bo Young. It's rare to see Park Bo Young in a spooky drama. I'm eager to see her character development in this series. Despite her brief appearance in the first episode, it was clear that she was a kind young woman. The fact that Park Bo Young and Ju Ji Hoon, the lead actor and actress in this drama, did not interact while filming is shocking.
I am confident that each of these "strangers" has a story to share, and I look forward to learning more about them in the upcoming episodes. Light Shop airs two episodes a week on Wednesdays at Disney Plus. It is regarded as the year's biggest hit. I'm hoping this drama will be as good as it seems! ❤️