SM’s Court Verdict Refutation Unleashes A Flood Of Criticism From The Public

On the 17th, the Seoul District Courts dismissed both the formal objection and exclusive contract suspension injunction filed by SM Entertainment against JYJ (Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu). Regarding this, SM Entertainment immediately released a refutation document stating, “SM and JYJ’s legal battle is still not over,” and “The decision laid down by the Courts on the 17th was made only with regards to the injunction; it does not mean that the exclusive contract between SM and JYJ is invalid.” They continued to add, “We are currently involved in the trial on this issue and a witness examination date has been set for mid-March. We will use only the objective truth and facts to prove the validity of the exclusive contract.”

But SM’s refutation has unleashed a flood of criticism aimed at the entertainment agency from K-Pop fans. Not only are JYJ fans criticizing the entertainment agency, but even the public is seeing SM in a bad light. Most state that SM should see the big picture instead of just focusing on the details. Most of the criticisms against SM can be found on social networking sites.

A Twitterian posted a tweet dripping with sarcasm regarding SM’s attempt to lessen the power of the Courts’ verdict that stated, “Just like their name implies, the company’s SM (SadoMasochism) will continue.” Another user stated, “SM is a Stalker Management company.” Movie critic and professor Shim Young Seop wrote on his Twitter account, “Will SM really follow the Courts’ verdict?” “If SM continues to block JYJ and not follow the Courts’ verdict, couldn’t fans file a lawsuit against SM?”

Another Twitterian emphasized that, “Even the largest boulder will crack and break if water drops continuously fall on it. I believe that the Courts’ decision will not only break the boulder that is SM, but also become the foundation of a more transparent K-pop industry.”

Netizens of various sites pointed out that, “Don’t look at celebrities like mere objects to sell. There is a need to respect their worth and human rights.” They are also raising their voices to say, “The only thing greed brings about is destruction. We hope that SM, a representative entertainment agency of Korea, does not partake in foolish acts that will do nothing but cause the public to distrust them.”

Many are criticizing SM’s outdated patriarchal leadership and pointing out that changes need to be made for a fair and harmonious entertainment industry. The opinion is rising that an effective alternative must be set to move the Korean entertainment industry into a new era.

Source: [today korea+Yuaerubi]
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