SBS Running Man

Running Man Cast:

Yu Jae-suk
Nicknames: Yu-ruce Willis, Yu-hyuk, Yu-mes Bond, Grasshopper
The main host of the show and known during the race missions for his escaping abilities. He is shown to have a closer relationship with a lot of the guests on the show, which he often boasts about to the other members. He is also often referenced to the color green throughout the show and is also known for his nickname "Grasshopper" from his first television appearance. Although initially a weak player during the race missions, he later becomes one of the stronger players in the series.

Kim Jong Kook
Nicknames: Sparta-kook, Commander, Kookie, Tiger, Coach Kook

The strongest man on the show, Kim Jong-kook is known for his strength and skill during the race missions. During the missions, he is known for his sudden appearances that are often accompanied by the soundbite "Sparta!" taken from the movie, 300. His smart tactics are often successful to eliminate the other members and as a result, he is known for having both brains and brawn. He is also shown at times to act cute and show off his "aegyo". His only apparent weakness is women and he is often teased for having a particular fondness towards Yoon Eun-hye.

Ji-hyo Song
Nicknames: SongJi-yok, Mong Ji-hyo, Ace, Miss Mong, Bad Ji-hyo, Monday Girlfriend

The only current female member of the show and initially only appeared as a guest but was added to the main cast in episode 6. During the earlier episodes, Song Ji-hyo was often known to swear during broadcasts especially towards Ha-ha and Lee Kwang-su. She is also known to be often seen with confused or blank facial expressions a lot of the time. Throughout the series, she has been involved in the primary loveline of the show alongside Gary. She is one of the strongest players during race missions with similar running and catching capabilities as well as comparable intelligence to Kim Jong-kook.

Nicknames: Ha-roro, Ha-rad Pitt, Penguin

The primary joker of the cast and is usually picked on by other members because of his height and his similar appearance to Pororo the Little Penguin. He also has a tendency to feel as though he is the main lead in a movie created by his imagination. When things don't go his way, he lashes out verbally, causing great laughter among the cast. He is also the playboy of the cast, as he always confesses his love to female guests. He was initially a weak player during the race missions, occasionally being picked on even while on the chasing team, however he slowly improves over the course of the show.

Lee Kwang Soo
Nicknames:Framer Kwang-su, Kwang-vatar,Kwang-potter,Giraffe, Icon of Betrayal

The youngest and tallest member of the cast and initially introduced alongside Gary and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. During the earlier episodes he was known for framing his fellow members with embarrassing and often absurd rumours. He is often picked on by the rest of the cast, particularly Kim Jong-kook, due to his timid nature as well as similar appearance to the Na'vi species from Avatar. He is one of the weakest players, often the first to be eliminated during race missions. However, he has grown to easily betray his fellow members without concern.
Kang Garie
Nicknames: Peaceful Gary, Gae-colas Cage,Monday Boyfriend, Straight-Going Gary,Gary-sswi

Introduced alongside Lee Kwang-soo and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. He is shown as the most gullible and is easily fooled by the other members. Throughout the series, he has been involved in the primary loveline of the show alongside Song Ji-hyo. Although shown to be quite clueless at times, he is shown to be quite strong during the race missions even managing to win both special race missions in order to find the best Running Man and winning a trip to Europe.

Ji Suk Jin
Nicknames: Big Nose Older Brother, Sunflower, Impala

The oldest member of the show and one of Yu Jae-suk's closest friends, knowing each other for more than 20 years. He is shown to be jealous of the good relationship between Yu Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook. During the race missions, he is shown to be one of the weakest members and is the easiest and most frequently eliminated out of the cast, so easily that the other members would declare that the race has officially started after his elimination.

Running Man has became an internationally popular korean variey show. The main reason is the selection of the main cast. Each members were given distinctive characters which we can associate with. We need the seven prominent colours to form a rainbow, likewise, Running man needs all the members in order to capture the attentions of viewers. From the initial part of chasing and running, the running man had progressed to other games. I would like to compliment the scriptwriters and the PD for being creative and hardwarkin, they brainstormed for ideas to inject fun and excitment in the games.

In my opinion, Running man is one of the best variety show in Korea . The attractiveness of the programme is the interaction between the running man and the guests. They are comical and fun in delivering the show, and some of the antics never fails to make me laugh. In the past, i used to watch  the widely popular variety show such as Family outing and  X-Man, which conicedientally starred my favorite MC Yoo Jae-Suk and Kim Jong Kook. Nowadays, i get my satisfaction watching Running Man which is just as funny and interesting.

However, the Running Man team seems to overused the idea of placing a 'spy' in a mission. Initially, it was a refreshing idea to include spy, but it does get tiredsome at times. Some of the episodes, the production team seem to make it obvious who will win the game. Some of the games were reused and were predictable. The ultimate prize of the winner is either gold or money which i believe is to attract the guests to participate. Nonetheless, i think sometimes it will be better to include the punishment which they did during the first few episodes of Running Man. I will continue to see how creative the games are and the content of the show is something which i look forward to every week.

These were some of the episodes which i personally recommend and enjoyed:
1) Episode 96, 97 (Guest starring: Park Ji-sung )
2) Episode 93 (Suvivor Game)
3) Episode 74 (Superpower Game)
4) Episode104 (Olympics Game)
5) Episode 98 (High School Trip)
6) Episode 99 (Conqueror Game)
7) Episode 84,85 (Guest Starring Big Bang)
8) Episode 63,64 (Guest starring Girls Generation)
9) Episode 44 (Guest Starring Jang Hyuk)
10) Episode 10, 57 (Guest Starring Cha Tae-Hyun)

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