Running Man "Race Start!" in Hong Kong Fan Meeting

Credit KJK Global

13 July 2013, Running Man - Kim Jong Kook (Tiger), HaHa (Penguin), Ji Suk Jin (Impala) and Gary (Monkey) came to Hong Kong. It was reported in Hong Kong news that over three hundred enthusiastic fans greeted their idols during their arrival. Due to the safety reason, they went out through a speacial passage in the Airport instead of the usual way.
During the press conference, the Running Man greeted the media using cantonese and Mandarin. They talked about Hong Kong fondly and mentioned "Dim Sum" and "Yum cha" (a culture in Hong Kong where they served tea, nice buns and dessert).  It was funny with those  hand gestures and the way they say it. While Kim Jong Kook had visited Hong Kong several times, Gary was excited about this trip as he always wanted to visit Hong Kong and would love to go for clubbing.


During the interview, one of the reporter asked, " Ji Suk Jin, how do you feel fliming Running Man?" He replied, " It was tiring for me, especially i have to run with the youngsters." Kim Jong Kook and the two kids teasingly replied," We are happy fliming Running Man and we are not tired!" Upon hearing that Ji Suk Jin pretended to hit HaHa. He also revealed that he will sing Eason songs during the fan meeting. Camera flashlights keeps clicking as the foursome stood in front of the banner striking different types of pose. It was funny how they exclude Ji Suk Jin in some of the shoots. In addition, they even used their handphone to take pictures of themselves with the crowd.
They also held an autograph event at Langham Palace. Lucky fans got to received the autographs from the foursome, a hand shake and a hug from them. It was reported that over a thousand fans crowded around that area and the response was overwhelming.
Credit - KJK Global

This picture was taken from the Running Man fan meeting and the foursome wore the "Shang Hai style" jackets with a scarf hanging around their neck. That night at Hong Kong Asia World-Expo, they played games and interacted with the audiences on stage. They had a mini interview with the audience on stage and agreed to do whatever they wanted them to do. The highlight of the fan meeting was Kim Jong Kook and HaHa dancing to "Loveable" during his performance. As usual, Kookie sang his famous hit - One Man to the delight of his fans. HaHa and Gary sang their own songs too, while Ji Suk Jin performed Eason songs.

Credit - KJK Global

Other than awesome song performance, they played games such as Tug of war, kicking of slippers to see who can reach the furthest and ball game. The foursome wore different colour shirts, Red (Ji Suk Jin, Kim Jong Kook) and black (Haha and Gary). They even played a game with the Hong Kong DJs to see who can string the cocktails together in the shortest time. Although the Running Man lost in most of the games, they had fun interacting with the audience. Towards the end of the Fan Meeting,  HaHa went around the stage playfully armed with a bottle of water and splashed water at the other members. Fans scream loudly at the sight of their idols being wet. Video footage of Song Ji Hyo and Lee Kwang Soo were shown on screen although they did not join the Fan meeting.

Credit - KJK Global

Credit - KJK Global
Credit KJK Global

Credit - KJK Global

My Thoughts

With so many people watching the Running Man Fan meeting, they were definately very popular in Asia or even in other countries. After the showcase, the Running Man must be feeling very hungry and tired but they still greeted their fans when they went for a steamboat dinner. That was indeed professional of them to smiled cheerfully to the fans and media who stalked them all around.

However, there was a report in Hong Kong news that Gary, Ji Suk Jin and Kim Jong Kook went for clubbling after the steamboat dinner. They were reportedly clubbling at Lam Kwai Fong from 2am to 5am. Except for HaHa who took a plane and flew back to Korea to see his newborn son (Dream). The Hong Kong Daily news captured the threesome walked out of the club in a drunkard state. Ji Suk Jin smiled and waved at the camera. Gary face turned red as he emerged from the club, while Jong Kook looks like he could not walk steadily and needed the support of the security guards. In my opinion, they are not doing anything wrong and they are in the legal age to go clubbling. The Hong Kong media like to dig for this type of news and make it exclusive, but from what i see they were just having a good time in a foreign country. Anyway, the next stop for Running Man will be in Malaysia. Hope to see more of Running Man.

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