Kim Jong Kook Live in Bangkok


I heard that Sparta Kim Jong Kook Fan meeting in Bangkok was a great success. He even showed off his washboard abs by lifting up his shirt during one of his performance. There were a number of reports, photographs and video from the event. I looked through all these reports and gathered some of it for those who missed out on this Fan meeting in Bangkok. Please view this link: Kim Jong Kook

Kim Jong Kook greetings to his fans in Bangkok

Kim Jong Kook performance
Pictures from KJKGlobal
I have to admire his fans for taking the picture of Jong Kook ever ready. That must be a fast shot to be able to capture those moments in an instance; I really take my hat off to his hardcore fans. I heard that everywhere he goes, his fans will sure to be around. It must be a tiring and fun day to follow Jong Kook from his arrival in the airport, to his hotel, press conference, to his fanmeeting and autograph session and so on. I even read reports that his fans waited for him at his dinning venue until he shows up with his mother, his manager and the body guards. I was amazed at how well informed the fans were. In return, their patience and perservance were acknowledged by Kim Jong Kook who flashed a smile at them. Looking forward to the next Spartakook Fanmeet and read more interesting stories. :) For more information of the Fanmeet, please visit KJKGlobal Facebook link:

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