Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui

Oguri Shun had grown and mature into a credible actor throughout these years. He had built a good profile in his acting career; however I only managed to catch his other drama -Tokyo Dogs. The main problem is that he keeps starring with charming actors such as Matsumoto Jun and Mizushima Hiro; therefore he has to share the limelight with them. In events like this, Oguri Shun tend to be overlooked and forgotten that he is such a great actor. Therefore, I am glad that Oguri Shun was the only main actor in Rich Man, Poor Woman. His character as the young attractive genius billionaire suits his image and charisma.
Oguri Shun and wife Yamada Yu
I heard that this is his first romance-comedy drama after he get married and he did well enough to achieve the best lead actor award in Japan. He is able to handle comical moments and switch to emotional outburst during the show and that is amazing. I think Oguri Shun is a charismatic actor that has screen presence and he is also one of the tallest leading actors in Japan entertainment industry. Hope to see him involve in romance-comedy projects because he is really good in that.
Ishihara Satomi as Natsui Makoto

Chemistry - Killer smiles couple

This onscreen couple is one of the top three best pairing in my list Their chemistry in this drama is really one of the best i have ever seen. In addition, their characters were likeable and easy to root for. I have been waiting during the past 11 episodes for them to get together and the ending was really good. Therefore, all the waiting for the kettle to boil is worth it after all.
Iura Arata as Aashina

Arata is a good actor and I was amazed that he is able to handle a vicious character really well. I really wanted to slap and punch him when he betrayed Hyuga. That smug look on his face was disgusting and all the while he tried to portray himself as a good man. That is a two face monster to begin with; therefore, I am glad that he repented towards the end. He had great chemistry with Hyuga and is the first person that appreciates his talent.
Aibu Saki as Yoko

Asari Yosuke as Yasuoka

It is cute and funny of Yasuoka to wear shirts that has his name on it whenever he works in Next Innovation. His character in this drama was impressionable and funny. Hope to see more of him in dramas.