Fan fiction Chapter 8: Romeo and Juliet


"Hand over the laptop to me, and I will personally write it!" Do Hui Jae appeared irritated with writer Kim. Writer  Kim handed over the laptop to her and she began composing her autobiography. This biography is going to be a top seller forever; It's hard to imagine that I will remain well-known even while in prison! I will inform Ko Mun Yeong that I am capable of controlling everything, and she will never be able to shake me off. Do Hui Jae let out a sinister laugh. Kim Ji Hye, the author, was taken aback by her outrageous behavior. "Do you truly wish to ruin your daughter?" Kim Ji Hye inquired Do Hui Jae. Certainly, I have the ability to control and shape her, but I also have the power to completely end her existence! Once I escape from prison, I will make sure Moon Gang Tae must decide between his older brother or Ko Mun Yeong. It was very enjoyable to watch how he would choose. "What are your thoughts?" Do Hui Jae asked writer Kim. Writer Kim responded by suggesting that Moon Gang Tae may opt for suicide instead of making a decision, and Ko Mun Yeong might also choose to end her own life. Similar to Romeo and Juliet? "That sounds very fascinating!" Do Hui Jae grinned smugly.

Upon returning home, Writer Kim continued to ponder over the meeting with Do Hui Jae. She is definitely a wicked witch; I can't believe her strong desire to harm her own daughter. She has to be a insane psychopath! "At last, it has been completed." I am relieved that I no longer have to see Do Hui Jae; she made me feel creepy. Kim had a conversation with the suicide bomber over the phone. Following her phone call, she accessed the laptop and perused the autobiography input by Do Hui Jae.

Book title: Do Hui Jae Autobiography 

I come from a highly esteemed medical family. My dad is a renowned neurosurgeon, while my mom is a respected cosmetic surgeon. Since I was born into that family, I have always felt the pressure to excel as a medical student. In public, my parents always acted like the ideal couple, but once they are at home, they engage in intense fights. My father had an affair outside of his marriage, and my mother took out her anger from their broken relationship on me through physical abuse. She will consistently yank my hair and confine me in the room. I experienced verbal and physical mistreatment starting when I was four years old. I constantly acted like a well-behaved daughter to make my parents happy and avoid their abuse. I was so naive to believe that it would prevent my mother from abusing me, but things only escalated instead. My father was consistently absent, leaving my mother to raise me alone. I began harming little creatures like birds, stray cats, and dogs as a way to release my anger. Whenever I tortured these defenseless animals, I experienced a sense of power and control.

When I was eighteen years old, I left home because I couldn't meet the pressure of excelling as a top student in the medical field. It all began on a good note when I first met Mun Yeong's father, Ko Dae Hwan, and I am excited for a joyful marriage ahead. At first, he showered me with royal treatment and lavished me with endless wealth. Still, I felt a void in my heart due to his constant absence, until one day I came to the realization that his love for me was not genuine. He sees me as a stunning prize he acquired and imprisoned me within the fortress he constructed. Following the birth of Mun Yeong, I experienced intense depression which led me to begin writing my novels. I was obsessed with writing around the clock as it made me feel like I had power over my life! I have the power to eliminate any characters in my story; it was satisfying to crush those weak ones! At the age of twelve, Mun Yeong's father was diagnosed with a brain tumor and dementia. I don't feel anything whatsoever. He was aware of everything I did with Mun Yeong, yet he never stepped in or shielded her. I was aware that he feared me and consistently avoided facing challenges, similar to my father. We have no love for one another and are stuck in a marriage that has no meaning.

The housekeeper I employed had the nerve to suggest taking Mun Yeong to a therapist. Only those who are weak like her rely on assistance, and I can effortlessly eliminate her in the same manner as a defenseless animal. Sadly, a couple of days later, my shocked husband found out that I had murdered the maid. The first time he attempted to murder me was by shoving me down the stairs. As I tumbled down the stairs, my head hit the floor and blood started pouring out. He brought me down to the basement and then secured the door shut.

He mentioned that the following day, he would place me inside a large travel bag and toss my lifeless body into the river. Shortly after his departure, I witnessed Mun Yeong using a key to unlock the door and finding me on the floor in a puddle of blood. In total disbelief, she left the door wide open as she turned around and hurried back to her room. I woke up with only some awareness, exerted all my energy to stand, and then wrapped a bandage around my head. As a medical student, I brought a mannequin with me when I moved out. It was a flawless strategy to deceive my husband into thinking that the mannequin was actually me. Due to his dementia and brain tumor, he will be tricked by the bag. I put the mannequin in the large travel bag that he always used for fishing. Once I put the bag in the basement, I retrieved my phone and the house keys from the study room. After midnight, I snuck out of the house and quietly called my father.

My parents were utterly surprised to find me severely injured close to our home, and I nearly passed out once more. Right before I passed out, I was taken to my dad's medical facility for care. I could never forget the chilling sensation of the hospital bed, promising myself revenge when I healed. Because of my head injury and a fracture on my face, I was physically altered. I spent a year in the hospital and had several plastic surgeries in order to regain a human appearance. It took me more than a decade to fully heal from the trauma. I was hooked on getting plastic surgeries and went through numerous procedures. One time, my mother unintentionally caused the death of a patient seeking plastic surgery, so she altered my appearance to match hers and created a new identity for me to conceal her actions. My mother referred to me as her twin sister, and I am now known as Park Haeng Ja. After completing my nursing degree that my parents sent me to pursue, I progressed in my career to become the head nurse. I was adapting to the idea of living two lives as Park Haeng Ja, and I am enjoying my new identity. Still, I recalled that I had to get back at my husband. After reading my daughter's story The Monkfish, I came to the realization that I was longing for her presence. This book was her biggest regret, but I cherish it since it was all about myself. I wonder about her lifestyle following my disappearance.

I located where my husband and daughter were and discovered that my husband was hospitalized at Ok psychiatric hospital. I sought a position as a head nurse at that hospital and considered ending his life with my own two hands. Yet, it brings me joy to witness his pain and torment caused by his sickness. That was the moment I chose not to take his life and toy with his thoughts instead. After my disappearance, I discovered that Mun Yeong had been physically assaulted by her father, who nearly took her life. I was filled with pride as Mun Yeong cut ties with her father and left him to suffer on his own. When I visited Seoul, the idea of seeing my daughter again came to mind. Still, she failed to acknowledge my presence at the hospital performance venue. I trailed behind her and was aware that she saved the young girl. I was very let down that she did not end the life of that insane individual. It signified that she hasn't turned into a monster similar to myself! So, I assisted her in completing her unfinished assignment by providing the patient with a sharp knife to end his own life. I chose to entice Mun Yeong to return to her birthplace by involving her father as a pretext in order to personally teach her how to be ruthless. I felt let down when she returned to our hometown because of Moon Gang Tae! I have been teaching her to be strong and resilient since she was born! Moon Gang Tae turned her delicate and vulnerable, and I despised witnessing her change. I made the choice to go along with it and control them using my own strategy.

I understood that my husband and daughter were scared of me, so I used my obsessive fan Park Ok-Ran to mess with their heads. My silly husband still thinks he put my lifeless body in a bag and tossed it in the river! Either he forgot, or he convinced himself that he had actually taken my life! kekeke! Surprisingly, my follower obeyed my every command like a marionette puppet, providing me with much amusement. This is why I have no plans to disclose my identity just yet. After Park Ok-Ran became useless to me, I made the decision to murder her with my pen and dispose of her corpse in the river. The last straw was when I witnessed Mun Yeong growing closer to the Moon siblings. I was aware that I needed to intervene and separate them promptly. Their tragic love made them akin to Romeo and Juliet, thus prohibiting their union.

Nonetheless, I was mistaken as Mun Yeong and the Moon siblings found great joy residing in the bewitched castle. Their happiness will be short-lived as I possess the key to the house. I want back my last version and my beloved daughter! No one is able to separate us! So, I planned to sketch my mental butterfly on Sang Tae's artwork while director Oh was away on a medical trip abroad. Is there anyone who is more familiar with the security camera than me? Once I exposed who I really am, my plan is to either take my own life or harm Moon Gang Tae in order to make Mun Yeong suffer. She will never be able to live happily! After I informed the authorities about my parents' misconduct and illegal activities, they were also incarcerated. Moon Gang Tae and Ko Mun Yeong are destined to have a tragic ending just like Romeo and Juliet!

The end

Kim Ji Hye shut her laptop after receiving a call from Sang In. Writer Kim, are you aware that Ko Mun Yeong has been perusing your tales? Even though she doesn't acknowledge it, she left positive comments on your books' reviews. Sang In suggested, "You need to witness it firsthand." Writer Kim told Sang In to stop defending Ko Mun Yeong because they are friends, then she hung up the phone. While contemplating the issue, Kim accessed her book review page on her laptop. To her surprise, she noticed Ko Mun Yeong praising her work.

On the flip side, Sang In reached Seoul and encountered the suicide bomber. The suicide bomber inquired if the individual planned to use the money hidden in the boxes of packet drinks as a bribe. Sang In stated that he will not engage in bribery again, but cautioned that if anyone harms Mun Yeong, they will be held accountable. "What's the reason behind your worrying about her?" "Are you interested in her?" the suicide bomber asked. "No, she is a dear friend to me, and I am aware of you and Writer Kim's intentions." Sang In stated, "I am here to thwart your retaliation scheme!" The suicide bomber gave up and raised his hands, saying, "I will cease my actions now."

The phone rang, and Ko Mun Yeong answered it. Sunbaenim Ko Mun Yeong, I apologize for attempting to scheme a plan involving suicide bomber and Writer Do Hui Ja to harm you. I will opt to email you Do Hui Jae autobiography instead of publishing it. Sang In oppa had clarified the misunderstanding between us to me. When recalling our initial meeting, I acknowledge my fault in plagiarizing and accept your criticism without placing blame on you. I vow to be a reliable author of children's books, and I won't disappoint you anymore. "Sure." Ko Mun Yeong smiled as she spoke. After setting her phone aside, she proceeded to access her email account. She went over the autobiography with Gang Tae and discarded it in the bin once they were done reading. Gang Tae asked why you deleted her autobiography. "It is no longer relevant." You and oppa are now considered my family, so we should focus on the future. Mun Yeong smiled as she expressed feeling released from her past constraints, now able to move freely without feeling tied down by a leash. Gang Tae smiled as he placed his hand on Mun Yeong's shoulder.

Why have you chosen not to release the book?" Everyone in the world needs to be aware of my crime: killing Moon Sang Tae's mother! Moon Sang Tae needs to be aware of the truth! I believe that everyone is keeping the truth from him! I desire to destroy my daughter's joy! Writer Kim was shouted at by Do Hui Jae. At present, we lack a shared objective as I have no desire to become a malevolent witch like yourself. I don't want to ruin Ko Mun Yeong's joy and inflict another trauma on Sang Tae oppa. Writer Kim said while smiling. "Simply release it and pardon others, and you will experience more joy." However, I question if you will ever grasp this wisdom. Author Kim signaled to the prison guard that she is leaving the visitor room, saying, "You should remain incarcerated for the remainder of your life." I don't want to remain unknown; I want to become famous once more! "I desire to have my life returned to me!" Do Hui Jae's desperate cries reverberate beyond the prison door.

Upcoming chapter: What is going on at Ok Psychiatric Hospital? Is it possible that we will see director Oh once more? What is the status of his retirement plan? Anticipate Ko Mun Yeong's stylish return as our acclaimed writer of children's books!

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