Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cinderella's Sister

Eun-Ju , who lost her father many years ago, finally moves gets a new family home when her mother remarries. Although things seem to have turn the better for the cynical Eun-Ju, she immediately faces problems when she meets her new step-sister Hyo-Seon. Hyo-Seon with her bright character is the apple in her father's eyes and the clear favorite in the house. Furthermore, Eun-Ju's mother also seems to have fallen for the charismatic personality of Hyo-Seon.

Making matters worse for Eun-Ju, Hyo-Seon seems to like Eun-Ju's prince Ki-Hoon. Eun-Ju decides then and there to take matters in her own hands and exact revenge on her Cinderella like stepsister ...


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