Kim Jong Kook Coming to Malaysia

Kim Jong Kook had recovered from his sickness and is going to Malaysia now. Fans were worried about Kim Jong Kook health condition after he was reported sick when he went for the 'Asian Dream Cup' at Indonesia. Look forward to Kim Jong Kook in Malaysia. He is going to have a live performance at the grand opening of ENCORP Strand mall. 

Fans mark your calendar! On 12 July, Kim Jong Kook and Haha will be performing at Fantasy Spring Resort and Casino, California. If you have not seen the amazing chemistry between the two brothers, please watch this video: 

Kim Jong Kook and Haha collaborated on Turbo songs - December and Twist King. In my opinion, they are really good musicians. Haha has lots of energy on stage and i could see that he always give his all in his onstage performance. Kim Jong Kook on the other hand is the shy and gentle muscular singer. The pair have great chemistry onstage and they complement each other very well. Please support these two Running Man performance. I hope they will have an Asia tour too. 

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