Kim Jong Kook contracted virus in Indonesia

According to allkpop, Kim Jong Kook had visited a hospital for treatment on 4 June after he visited Indonesia. The Running Man had lots of fun posting pictures with soccer player Park Ji Sung and participate in the "Asian Dream Cup". However, Kim Jong Kook fall sick when he returned to South Korea. Kim Jong Kook was schedule to attend a fan meeting at Malaysia on 7 June 2014. His representative stated that they need to monitor kim Jong kook health condition to decide if he could attend this event. 

After changing management agency to urban works entertainment, Kim Jong Kook seems to be busy with more assignments and activities. On 30 May,  he had just completed his studio recording for Hidden Singer concert. Followed by performing his duties for Running Man.  With a busy schedule, Kim Jong Kook has been happily spotted posing with his fans in social network. 

Kim Jong Kook will proceed to China and will participate in BeiJing OST concert on 14 June 2014. This event is to celebrate 22 years of Korea-China diplomatic relationship. Many people anticipated this concert. As a fan, I hope Kim Jong Kook will recover soon and may everything proceed as planned. 

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