Takashi Kashiwabara weibo update

Fans of Takashi Kashiwabara, here is a good news to share with everyone. Our Kassy has been living a simple and happy lifestyle. This is the recent photograph that he posted on his Weibo. He looks more manly and cool now. 

He posted a picture of the wheat noodles that he love to eat. With the picture he shared about healthy eating with his fans. That bowl of noodles look delicious. 

This photograph was taken to commemorate their last Soccer match before the team retires. Can you spot Kassy among the team? 

Kassy loves to eat and we can see most of the pictures that he posted are about foods. He mentioned that he is trying to make chestnut rice. Do you love the photographs that he took? I personally like all the pictures and that shows us the down to earth Kassy that is currently at peace with himself. He used to be a superstar that is so far away. However, after his star diminished, I can see the real Kassy. As a fan, i support his choices in life as long as he like the way things are right now. 

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  1. Love to hear that! And thank you so much for the update!

  2. Iam so glad to hear that. I have been wondering about him. I wish God always gives the best for him. Love Kassy.muachhh :)

  3. Hii there.. Any update about kassy on thi years please really miss you naoki..
