Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Takashi Kashiwabara Official Address

Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I update my Weibo. I am very sorry! Today through Weibo, I would like to address two things. 

1) I had changed my email address and the address that was uploaded in my Weibo previously does not exist anymore as it was during the time when I was working on the project of Happy Plan. Our company does not represent them. As I have not been using the previous address, I could not reply to job opportunities acurately on time.

This is the address to contact me directly.
Website: 10-beans.com
Email addres info@10beans.com 
Kindly contact me for work opportunities 

Other than this, the second thing I would like to address is the project that I mentioned on 18 March. I had been involved in shooting for tourist promotional Board on Shizuoka prefecture. Although I did not appear onscreen, I actually directed, shoot and wrote the script for the video. In order to capture the beauty of the city, I used music, colours and people based on the city. After working for so long we are finally at the production stage to blend in the colours. The length of the video is approximately 40 minutes (which is like  half sitcom and half documentary) type of video. Most of the time the protagonist will appear onscreen. I am very touched by the dedication of the actors that played their roles in the video even if they are not professional actors, but they tried their best to memorise their dialogue. If the video can be upload on web, I will let you know immediately. Please continue your support for me and I wish for everyone happiness. I had uploaded some of the pictures from the video for your viewing. 

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