After Park Rae Won vanished from the police scene in the shopping mall, the police started a nationwide search for him. Yuna glanced at her ringing phone. Her best friend Bo Young is phoning. "Is there inside knowledge?" In a charming tone, Bo Young asked Yuna. "I am unable to reveal anything at this time." "I'm going to hang up the phone," Yuna stated with a smile.To buy some instant noodles, a motorist pulled up to a convenience store. He was wearing a mask and a cap, and the storekeeper gave him a dubious look. Looking more closely, he realized that the individual standing in front of him is the culprit who was shown on TV. He made an effort to calm himself and carry out his responsibilities without drawing attention to himself. The shopkeeper pulled out his phone and dialled the cops as soon as the enigmatic man left.
Yuna and her team shortly arrived the convenience store, and talk to the shop keeper. He made description of the man appearance and the point out the direction which he drove away. Yuna took out the road map and check through the road cameras. They deduce that the Rae Won hide into a deserted house at the deep forest. The team plan an operation to arrest Rae Won.
After scanning the house, Yuna opened the refrigerator and detected an unpleasant odor emanating from the tiny container. As it happened, Rae Won had preserved every bit of the victim's tongue that he had severed and kept it in a separate plastic bag in the refrigerator. The victim's tongues are adjacent the blades of an obsidian knife. The spectacle horrified and frightened everyone in the vicinity. To make sure the evidence isn't compromised, let's contact the forensic team.
Why did you carry out these murders in succession? Did you feel insulted by the victims? In the interrogation chamber, Yuna questioned Rae Won. With a spooky smile, Rae Won turned to face Yuna. "You monster, stop smiling!" Choi, the team leader, yelled while striking his head with a pile of papers. Rae Won's angry eyes were fixed on him. To help Team Leader Choi relax, Yuna escorted him out of the room. Hae Woo and Yuna took up the interrogation. "Are you prepared to explain your motivation to us?" Rae Won was questioned by Yuna.
"Let me tell you a story about a little boy who was left by his mother when he was eight years old," Rae Won stated. His unmarried mother, who has to find a place to call home, agreed to bring her son home in a few days. The young child was so naive that he thought his mother will eventually come get him from the orphanage. But that day never arrives. One day, when he was waiting for his mother, he realized that she had deceived him and would never come to get him again. Like the other children, he had been abandoned by his parents.
He lived a pious life after being taken up by a priest one day. He strives for excellence in whatever he does because he wants to be honored and respected like the priest. The boy is praised by the priest as God's flawless creation. Although he is always the greatest at everything, the girl he loved did not share his sentiments. He ultimately employed plots to get rid of the boy she loved.He achieves all of his goals and eventually comes to feel like a god with absolute power. He rose to the position of counselor and church youth leader. But he detested dishonest women.
"Does that imply that the victims you selected were deceitful toward you?" Rae Won was questioned by Yuna. "Those women were hookers on the internet." Although they claimed to like me, they really just wanted my money. Ultimately, I used money to entice them to the river, where I used a knife to stab them, severed their filthy tongue, and disposed of their bodies. I prayed for their sins while keeping their tongue in the chapel and concealing the knife under the wooden cross.
What about her, Eun Hye? She doesn't hook up online and is a wonderful girl. Rae Won quietly replied, "I had not been killing anyone for a few years after I got together with Eun Hye." However, Jae Woo made a comeback after all those years. I pretend to be Jae Woo and text Eun Hye to ask her to meet up with him behind my back since I'm afraid he'll be honest with her. I was disappointed that she mislead me. I therefore plotted her assassination and held Jae Woo accountable.
Eun Hye has being harassed by Jae Woo, so I told Priest Sun that they would be meeting by the river. I was aware that Priest Sun would contact Eun Hye to set up a meeting. I followed Priest Sun, wearing the brown jacket that Jae Woo adores, as he went to meet Eun Hye. To get there sooner, though, I took a shortcut, and I stabbed Eun Hye to death and cut out her tongue. Priest Sun arrived to the scene of the massacre. He tried to remove the knife from Eun Hye instead of phoning the police, though.
At that moment, I realized he would never report Jae Woo. I approached him from behind and knocked him unconscious. I pretended to have just arrived when Priest Sun woke up, after removing the evidence and tossing Eun Hye into the river. When I ask him what happened, he still tries to hide it for Jae Woo and brushs it off as if nothing occurred. When I used a glove to pick up the knife bearing Priest Sun's fingerprints and conceal it under the wooden cross, I made the decision to place the responsibility on Priest Sun and Jae Woo.
Rae Won was formally charged with murder after the truth was revealed. "What else would you like to say to the victims?" Yuna questioned him. "I became like this because of these people," remarked Rae Won with a smile. I am therefore not at fault. "You are worse than a beast and you are definitely a monster," Yuna remarked, meeting his eyes.
At last, Jae Woo gathered Eun Hye's body and buried her properly. "When you see Eun Hye again, what would you like to say?" Yuna questioned him. "I will assure her that I have never lied to anyone and that I have always been honest." Jae Woo answered. Jae Woo paid Priest Sun a visit in the detention cell. Priest Sun expressed his regret to Jae Woo for believing him to be a bad seed over the years, even though Rae Won has always been the bad seed. They sobbed and gave each other hugs.