After discovering her mother and learning that she had moved in with another family, Jae Mi dragged her feet and went aimlessly down the road, calling for Hae Jo to come get her.
Though she hurried out of the house to meet her daughter, Jae Mi's mother would not acknowledge her. She ruthlessly ignored Jae Mi when her husband called for her to return home. Jae Mi cried out for her mother to have abandoned her as she was left alone on the road. She said her mother had messed with her mind. A car drove along and offered to give her a lift. However, Jae Mi broke down and expressed her uncertainty about where to go.
Gi Ho was phoned by Jae Mi to seek for assistance in finding Hae Jo, but he asked that she return to Seoul immediately. He requested Jae Mi's return because Ho Ja is trying to locate her son Eo Heung, who has escaped, and she is aware that the only way to do so is to search down Jae Mi.
Bong Suk met Ha Jo in the internet cafe where Gi Ho worked as she was looking for her child, Hae Jo. The mothers' shared desire to locate their missing children made them click right away.
As a final act of kindness, Hae Jo asks Eo Heung to give him credit for assisting Jae Mi in discovering her true birthday. Eo Heung questioned why he should be praised for leaving Jae Mi once more. Hae Jo grieved and wept because he had once again treated Jae Mi badly. Eo Heung had been taking care of Hae Jo like an older brother after he puked while travelling.
After throwing up, Hae Jo lost his appetite, so Eo Heung tried to feed him and ask if he would keep looking for his father. In response, Hae Jo said that searching for his father without Jae Mi by his side is pointless.
Hae Jo described his early years as Seung Hyeok, a little child who had the undying devotion of both of his parents. But he wanted a younger brother or sister to go with him. He wants a sibling to play with him, whether it's a girl or a boy. To find out if her husband's frozen sperm are still available, his mother chooses to give the hospital a call. At that point, she learns the terrible truth: she created Hae Jo with a stranger because of the sperm bottle error. His mother became depressed since she was unable to accept the reality. She needs to take medication constantly, and she plans to never tell the truth again.
By disclosing his desire for a younger sibling, Seung Hyeok betrayed his word to his mother. When his father visited the hospital, he learnt of his birth secret. He vents his frustration on his wife in a fit of rage. When Seung Hyeok heard his parents fighting, he learnt the truth. Seung Hyeok's mother killed herself because she couldn't handle the reality. Since that day, the father-son relationship had been shattered.
Seung Hyeok's father has been ignoring him ever since he lost his mother when he was eight years old. Seung Hyeok did his best to get his father's approval, but his greatest fear was that he no longer felt his father's love. He gave this father one final chance to turn his life around by showing up to his graduation ceremony; if he didn't, he would be gone forever. He changed his name to Hae Jo and fled home because he was disappointed that his father had not been present at his graduation day until the very end.
Eo Heung enquires as to how Hae Jo managed to survive after moving out. In all honesty, Hae Jo admitted that he did not live alone after graduating from high school. Rather, he met Bong Suk, who magically adopted him and raised him as if he were her own child. He now longs to return and visit Bong Suk before he passes away because he misses her.
At the mahjong den, Jae Mi ran into Ho Ja and Bong Suk, who insisted on knowing the whereabouts of their child. Jae Mi was ordered to message Eo Heung to come meet her here after Ho Ja yanked her away. After learning with shock that Eo Heung had fled his house, Jae Mi referred to him as a man of action.
Knowing that Eo Heung had fled his house, Hae Jo laughed at him. Eo Heung claimed that he had been aimlessly searching for happiness the entire time. He does, however, feel lonely and wishes someone would come get him. At that moment, Hae Jo sent him a message. Despite his reluctance to acknowledge it, he is jealous of Hae Jo's freedom to live his life as he pleases.
Hae Jo, the more experienced wanderer, advised Eo Heung to trust his gut and venture into the unknown, and he would not get lost. Despite his claims that his remarks were worthless, Eo Heung had discreetly retained what he had spoken. They continued travelling without a destination, enjoying themselves as they went.
Even when Ho Ja mistreated Jae Mi, she was surprised to discover that Jae Mi continued to treat her with such kindness. Although Ho Ja could be oppressive to be around, Jae Mi praised her for being a good mother because she didn't abandon her child.
Bong Suk asks Jae Mi why she and Hae Jo travelled to Hongcheon. She claimed that Hae Jo had located her biological mother and was now aware of her true birthday. Knowing that Jae Mi's birth mother was leaving her shortly after giving birth made Ho Ja, Gi Ho and Bong Suk sympathetic. They wished to assist her in reprimanding her mother. Jae Mi appreciates their concern.
Eo Heung and Hae Jo returned with a packet of fried drumsticks to find Bong Suk. They were shocked to see everyone waiting for them. They turned and fled in desperation, only to be apprehended once more. After Hae Jo vanished without sending any texts, Bong Suk slapped his face. Hae Jo upset Bong Suk by saying nasty words while trying to appear strong. But Bong Suk saw right through his masquerade and advised him that it's acceptable to be weak. Hae Jo sobbed as he explained that he was afraid of dying and questioned why he was born with this condition that could kill him in a lightning strike.
After asking Eo Heung to turn in his phone, Ho Ja turned it on. The phone emitted the unanswered call messages. Ho Jo instructed Eo Heung to exit the vehicle and let him enjoy himself, but only if he kept his phone on. He can return home when he misses his mother. The fact that his mother had allowed him to do as he pleased moved Eo Heung.
In order to cry in the car, Ho Ja asked John Na to lend her his sunglasses. John Na handed it to her after removing his sunglasses. Ho Ja assured John Na he could remain here and be her second son, without having to go back to America. John Na agreed to Ho Ja's joy.
When Jae Mi and Eo Heung reconnected, Jae Mi thanked him for always providing even though she constantly took from him. Eo Heung asserted, however, that he had benefited more from her. Jae Mi's assurance that he is a tiger and not a weak puppy gave him confidence.
Thanking Hae Jo for figuring out her real birthday, Jae Mi expressed her happiness that he had survived. However, he had deserted her once more, and she was angry with him. After she was stabbed on the island, Hae Jo reminded Jae Mi of what she had spoken to him. He believed her last statement to be a derogatory remark about him, even though she was talking about shoes. He invited her to accompany him that day, and Jae Mi said that she wanted to retrieve her shoes and follow him. "Why?" asked Hae Jo of Jae Mi. "I assumed that was it," Jae Mi remarked. It is important for her to express her love and want to be with him.
Jae Mi welcomes Hae Jo back into her arms after he surrenders to her proclamation of love. However, when Jae Mi attempted to refute Hae Jo's assertion that the shoes Eo Heung had purchased for her were more attractive than his own, he carried her on his shoulders instead. Everyone had a great time playing drinking games late at night. Hae Jo admired them and was thankful that his loved ones were together.
With a searing headache, Hae Jo left the house and wandered aimlessly through the traffic. After realising that Hae Jo was gone, Jae Mi went in search of him. Hae Jo stated that he wants to find his father because he doesn't have much time left. This time, Jae Mi was determined to accompany him, so she told him to wait here while she went back to get the car keys. But when she returned after finding the car keys, Hae Jo had already gotten a cab and gone.
When Hae Jo returned to the home he had abandoned years before, he discovered his father. Running to his father's arms and giving him a hug revived his relationship with him. Although his father was taken aback, he released the bag he was carrying and gave Hae Jo a close embrace while crying. Seung Hyeok responded to his father when he called him his name.
When Hae Jo entered the house where he had grown up, everything appeared to be the same. In addition to his sister's picture and the video recordings his father had been recording since he was in preschool, he noticed his own picture with his father in the picture frame. He was shocked to see the high school graduation book he had left behind. It turned out that he was unaware that his father had been present on the day of his graduation.
His father tells him that since the day he departed, his room hasn't changed. His bedroom included the toys he used to play with as a child. Hae Jo lay on the bed in a relaxed position and surveyed the surroundings with familiarity.
Following his prolonged wandering outside his home, Hae Jo felt uneasy and awkward around his father. He tried turning over in bed, but he was unable to get to sleep. When he heard a knock on his window, he was taken aback to see Jae Mi grinning at him. The fact that Hae Jo had re-established contact with his father pleased him. Given that Jae Mi had enlisted Gi Ho's assistance in getting here, he offered Jae Mi the chance to abduct him. In the following instant, the couple was joyfully travelling along the road.
When Hae Jo's father opened his bedroom door the following morning, it was empty. He was depressed at first, but then he saw his name card on the desk. Hae Jo had written, "I am your son," in response to his father's statement, "I am your father," on the name card.
While they were eating in the restaurant, Hae Jo and Jae Mi noticed Ho Ja promoting their favour enhancement items on TV. Ho Ja has always resented change and would never have done that in the past, so Jae Mi was taken aback. They assisted in promoting their family's goods on national television and were pleased to see John Na now residing with Ho Ja.
To Jae Mi's delight, Hae Jo celebrated her real birthday. Together with Bong Suk, Gi Ho had rented a workspace, and Eo Heung had turned into a travelling YouTuber. On their own, everyone appears to be doing well. The fact that everyone had been doing well pleased Hae Jo.
When Eo Heung stole his concept of being a drifter, Hae Jo was not happy. Hae Jo objected to Jae Mi liking and subscribing to his video. Because Hae Jo gets jealous, Jae Mi makes fun of him.
Jae Mi and Hae Jo are still on the road. However, they are forced to confront reality when their heater malfunctions in the cold. Jae Mi complained that they should get a house instead of just drifting around. Hae Jo tried to defuse the situation by saying that Jae Mi found it romantic. When Jae Mi stomped out of the car, Hae Jo pursued her along the snowy road.
There was a battle and chase between Jae Mi and Hae Jo on the icy mountain. As they joyfully pursued one another, Hae Jo abruptly passed out on the ground.
When Hae Jo fell to the ground while searching for Jae Mi, we were transported back to the opening scene. As his vision grew blurry, Hae Jo heard Jae Mi racing towards him and yelling his name at the top of her lungs. As he closed his eyes and faced the conclusion he had hoped for, Hae Jo turned his head to gaze at the azure sky.
Drama Queen Review
We were taken on a complex trip by the drama as the main characters searched for their connection. The ending of this drama is bittersweet, but I don't believe it's awful. Hae Jo has a terminal condition, thus it would be ridiculous for him to live. I am happy that Jo Young, the scriptwriter, stuck to her original intention and refused to bow to public pressure. Even though Hae Jo would eventually die, at least he fulfilled his life's ambitions and made up with both his father, who had wronged him, and Jae Mi, whom he had crushed.
As we follow Hae Jo on his quest for relationships, the drama begins with the theme of abandonment. It talks about misunderstandings and communication, as I indicated in the last post. We know that Hae Jo longs for a father figure, and the father he grew up with is the genuine father he will ever acknowledge. Since he only has one father in his heart, he no longer needs to look for his biological father. I was moved to tears by their reconciliation, particularly when I witnessed his father preserving everything he owned and even going to his graduation without telling him.
He must have been devastated by the death of his wife and the revelation of Hae Jo's birth defect. They both required time to mend and recuperate from the stress. Hae Jo's realisation that his father loves him unconditionally makes me happy, and his father is happy to know that despite their damaged bond, Hae Jo still thinks of him as his father. They had conquered their fear of rejection from one another. Hae Jo has genuinely matured into an adult soul. He regrettably lacks the time to spend with his father. That he decided to go on his adventure with Jae Mi instead saddens me. His choice to spend his remaining days with his real love, nevertheless, makes sense to me.
The primary characters attempt to answer the question, "Is there a condition to loving someone?" To demonstrate this question, Jo Young used three different kinds of relationships. John Na found that Ho Ja, the smothering and aggressive mother hen who is constantly guarding his young and the family line, has another gentle side. She is regarded as a good mother even by Jae Mi, with whom she has the least interaction. Hae Jo is someone I greatly admire because she welcomes her son Eo Heung back when he misses her. She discovered that exerting control over her child just made him grow more distant from her. She thus learns to support her kid from a distance and honour his wishes.
As Ho Ja learns to be a more patient and adaptable parent to her son Eo Heung, he finds it easier to relate to his mother, whom he fears but respects at the same time. I believe that one of the reasons Eo Heung loves Jae Mi so much is that she pushes him to be a tiger rather than a weak puppy. We need people around us to remind us of who we are. Eo Heung's own development includes taking the necessary actions to achieve his goals.
Because I don't feel as emotionally linked to Jae Mi as I do to Eo Heung and Hae Jo, I don't often discuss her in my earlier posts. I sympathise with her early menopause and her unfortunate orphan status, but I think she complains a lot in this drama. However, when her biological mother rejected her once more in this episode, I felt sorry for her. Although there is no explanation for her mother's abandonment of her child, I believe it has to do with a new family she had formed and her lack of desire to make amends with Jae Mi, even though she hurried to find out if she was her child. Like Bong Suk, Ho Ja, and Gi Ho, I also felt terrible for Jae Mi. Unfortunately, there were some people who would leave their children behind.
Hae Jo had two very good friends, Eo Heung and Gi Ho, who are completely unrelated to him. Hae Jo, his romantic adversary, is treated like a younger brother by Eo Heung in particular. When Eo Heung shared his candy and used his handkerchief to blow Hae Jo's nose, I was moved by his generosity. Eo Heung is caring for Hae Jo, and Hae Jo encourages him to follow his impulses and become a nomad. On the surface, Gi Ho may appear materialistic and full of clever ideas, but he truly values his friendship with Hae Jo. The fact that Bong Suk still has her faithful buddy Gi Ho by her side after Hae Jo leaves makes me happy.
Despite their lack of a biological tie, Hae Jo's parents love him despite being aware of his birth defect, and Bong Suk's maternal instincts come into play when she adopts him and becomes his guardian. Hae Jo might have felt bad about his mother's passing and believed that his birth was an error all along. Hae Jo's realisation that kinship is more than just genetic ties makes me happy. Spending time together and developing a bond are more significant than merely having a biological relationship. Hae Jo's father also recognised this, despite the fact that it took him some time to comprehend. Despite the fact that Jae Mi's mother had abandoned her. She allowed her to reside in the orphanage, at the very least. Her actions were unjustified, but they did give Jae Mi a chance to grow up.
Mr. Plankton discusses abandonment, relationships, ties, and communication. Does love have conditions? Share your thoughts with me.