Running Man迷天大好消息!9月底Running Man大军杀到狮城,办粉丝见面会! 韩国综合性益智游戏节目《Running Man》疯魔亚洲,巨星偶像红人如大哥大成龙、少女时代、崔智友、金贤重、郑容和、金秀贤、崔始源、神童、李昇基等都上过节目,据最新可靠消息,Running Man一票名嘴主持将于9月28日,“跑”来狮城,在本地综合娱乐城办一个粉丝见面会,与本粉丝亲密互动!
据悉,节目时长90分钟,少不了载歌载舞,还有令粉丝眉飞色舞的游戏!由于Running Man节目班底共7人,那这一次“Running”来新者是谁?据可靠消息,他们是“能力者”金钟国、“背叛者”哈哈(HaHa)、“周一情侣”Gary与宋智孝,据悉,或许会有第5个“奔跑的人”来新,但对方会是谁?会否是“众望所归”的“大神”刘在石?抑或池石镇?暂时未能确定。
Running Man 'RUN' to Singapore in September
A great news to all the Running Man fans! In September Running Man will come to Singapore for a Fan meeting! This Korean urban action variety programme is extremely popular in Asia, Top stars such as Jacky Chan, Girl's generation, Choi Ji-Woo, Kim Hyun Joong, Siwon, Shin Dong Hee and Lee Seung Gi have guest starred in this variety show. According to reliable source, these famous hosts will arrive in Singapore on 28 September. They will hold a Fan Meeting at Marina Bay Sand and have great interactions with the local fans!
The Showcase duration is 90 minutes, presented with songs, dances and games! However, there are seven Running Man members, this time who will visit Singapore? According to reliable sources, they are: Sparta Kim Jong Kook, Betrayer HaHa and Monday couple (Gary and Song Ji Hyo). There is also a possibility that another Running Man is joining this event. Who is he? Will it be the popular National MC Yoo Jae Suk (Yoo God) or will it be Ji Suk Jin? At the moment it is still not confirm who is the fifth Running Man to join this Fan Meeting.
Asia high popularity; The only Female Running Man - Ace Song Ji Hyo is physically strong and is comparable to guys. For more informations, please read 19 June 2013 Chinese Newspaper (Lian He Wang Bao).