The story revolves around a 25 year-old modern day woman, Zhang Xiao, who ends up in a car accident, only to wake up to find herself in the body of a 16 year-old Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, living in the 18th century Qing Dynasty. In her new life, she becomes deeply entangled in Aisin Gioro princes' battle for the throne.
Cast: (from DramaWiki)
- Liu Shi Shi as Maertai Ruo Xi / Zhang Xiao
- Nicky Wu as Yin Zhen (4th Prince)
- Kevin Cheng as Yin Si (8th Prince)
- Yuan Hong as Yin Xiang (13th Prince)
- Lin Geng Xin as Yin Ti (14th Prince)
- Han Dong as Yin Tang (9th Prince)
- Ye Zu Xin as Yin'e (10th Prince)
- Damian Lau as Kangxi Emperor
- Zhang Lei (张雷) as Yin Reng (Crown Prince)
- Chen Jing Yu (陈镜宇) as Yin Zhi (3rd Prince)
- Wang Xiao Dong (王小东) as Yin Qi (5th Prince)
Episode Guide:
- Episode 1 [Part I] [Part II] [Part III][Final]
- Episode 2 [Part I][Part II] [Part III][Final]
- Episode 3 [Part I][Part II] [Part III][Final]
- Episode 4 [Part I][Part II] [Part III][Final]
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