Sunday, October 20, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 16: Our Precious Baby Boy


It's been about three weeks since the newlywed couple returned from their honeymoon. "Wow, time passes so quickly! I honestly wish we were still in the Serengeti." Mun Yeong exclaimed as she glanced over the photographs they took together. She lovingly back hugged Gang Tae while complaining. Gang Tae, who was cutting vegetables to prepare breakfast, cautioned Mun Yeong to be careful with the knife he was holding. Mun Yeong inquired about the boiling pot on the stove, asking Gang Tae if it was the bruised quail eggs and omelet, her favorite dish. Gang Tae confirmed, mentioning that she had been craving it for breakfast. Mun Yeong expressed her appreciation, calling Gang Tae the best husband in the world. Gang Tae reciprocated the sentiment, hugging Mun Yeong and calling her the most beautiful wife.

After finishing breakfast, Gang Tae took care of the dishes while Mun Yeong gazed at him with a bright smile. Gang Tae asked Mun Yeong, "Since it's my day off today, where would you like to go?" After thinking for a moment, Mun Yeong responded, "Remember when we were surrounded by fans asking for autographs during our last movie date? How about we choose a quieter place for our date this time?" Gang Tae agreed with a nod. Mun Yeong was overjoyed, and she hugged Gang Tae from behind.

As Mun Yeong prepared for their car ride, she suddenly experienced nausea and hurried to the toilet to vomit. Concerned for Mun Yeong, Gang Tae anxiously waited outside the door. When Mun Yeong emerged, her complexion was noticeably pale. Gang Tae placed his hand on her forehead to check for a fever and was relieved to find none. Mun Yeong then revealed a pregnancy test kit to Gang Tae, suggesting that she might be pregnant. Gang Tae, feeling worried, suggested a different plan and opted to take Mun Yeong to visit the doctor. Mun Yeong sulked in the car, anticipating this date since they returned from their honeymoon, while Gang Tae had been preoccupied with his work at Ok psychiatric hospital.

"Don't worry; I'm OK. "We can go on our date!" Mun Yeong spoke to Gang Tae. "Let's go to the doctor first to make sure you're fine. "After that, we'll go anywhere you want," Gang Tae said. They soon arrived at the hospital, and after the customary check-up, the gynecologist presented good news to the couple. "Congratulations! Your wife is one month pregnant. Mun Yeong's mouth was wide open as she attempted to digest the information. Gang Tae, on the other hand, was overjoyed and hugged Mun Yeong after hearing the news. Mun Yeong, apprehensive, asked the gynecologist, "We've been doing it almost every day since our honeymoon." Gang Tae felt ashamed as the gynae reassured them that their baby was fine and that they only needed to come to the doctor at ten weeks to find out what gender the baby was.

In the car, traveling home with Gang Tae. Mun Yeong was still overjoyed by the positive news. "Nampyeon, do you want a baby boy or a baby girl?" Mun Yeong asks Gang Tae, eagerly. Gang Tae joked with Mun Yeong, "I have a feisty wife at home now; are we going to have another feisty princess too?" Mun Yeong was unhappy with Gang Tae and said, "Do you want to die?". Gang Tae immediately reassures Mun Yeong, "I'm just kidding!" It makes no difference whether gender our baby is as long as he or she is healthy. Mun Yeong paused and stated, "I am worried that I will not be a good mother." Gang Tae clasped Mun Yeong's hand, telling her that they would figure it out together along the road and that everything would be fine.

It was the second month of Mun Yeong's pregnancy, and they will find out the gender of their child today by ultrasound. They looked warmly at the dark figure in the baby ultrasound photo. "Congratulations! "You have a healthy baby boy!" the gynecologist told the couple. Mun Yeong almost jumped out of bed with joy. Gang Tae instantly took her back and calmed her down. They delighted their close friends and Sang Tae Oppa when they disclosed Mun Yeong's pregnancy. Juri's mother kindly provides parenting guidance to the couple.

Mun Yeong smiled as she rested on Gang Tae's shoulder at night. "I still can't believe that we will be parents soon." Mun Yeong commented to Gang Tae while hugging their baby's ultrasound photograph. "What shall we name our baby boy?" Gang Tae suggested to Mun Yeong, "Let's name our baby Moon Young Tae." Mun Yeong was ecstatic as he spoke the name. Gang Tae grinned and kissed Mun Yeong on the lips before hugging her tighter for sleep.

Gang Tae has spent the last 10 months caring for Mun Yeong with the assistance of Sang Tae. They decorated and equipped the nursing room. Gang Tae and Mun Yeong also purchased a baby cot and some clothing for their unborn child. They were thrilled and looking forward to the arrival of their baby. Gang Tae frequently caressed and listened to the sounds produced by Young Tae in Mun Yeong's stomach. After two months of morning sickness, Mun Yeong's pregnancy stabilized, and she experienced no further difficulty. Young Tae has behaved well in Mun Yeong's tummy.

It is time for the very pregnant Mun Yeong to be admitted to the hospital for labor. Gang Tae clutched her hand as she was pushed into the delivery room. A few hours later, a baby is heard crying outside the delivery room, much to the surprise of Ju Ri, Sang In, Seung Jae, Sang Tae, and Jae Su. The gynecologist congratulates the parents on having a healthy and vigorous baby boy. Mun Yeong looked softly at her infant, saying, "Moon Young Tae, welcome to this world." Gang Tae shed tears of delight and thanked Mun Yeong for delivering their child despite the labor discomfort.

When the gynae and Gang Tae exited from the delivery room with the newborn, everyone flocked to him and complimented him on his fatherly appearance. They congratulate the couple on their baby's successful delivery. Mun Yeong lay quietly in the ward, with Gang Tae by her side all night. The next morning, Gang Tae awakened to find Mun Yeong smiling at him, their baby peacefully sleeping in her arms. Gang Tae moved closer to Mun Yeong and kissed her on the lips, exclaiming, "Well done, Ko Mun Yeong!"

Upcoming Chapter: The Moon couple's parenting and family outings.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 15: Honeymoon trip to Serengeti 


Following their wedding, Mun Yeong and Gang Tae will fly to the Serengeti for their honeymoon. They arranged their vacation before the wedding since this location is significant to their marriage. They had discussed it and planned to go there together. The couple packed their bags a few days before the wedding. Jae Su had promised to look after Sang Tae while they were on their honeymoon, and Gang Tae had learned to put his trust in his friend, knowing that his brother is self-sufficient and has a supporting set of friends who can look after him. Gang Tae and Mun Yeong arrived at Incheon Airport at 6 a.m. with their suitcases. "I am so tired after our wedding ceremony!" Mun Yeong exclaimed, leaning her head against Gang Tae's shoulder. "Gang Tae smiled sweetly at Mun Yeong and said, "Let's rest once we board the plane. Mun Yeong smiled at Gang Tae and said, "We had an unforgettable wedding, and I can't believe we are going on our honeymoon trip to Tanzania now."

The newlyweds check in at the customs and board the plane in business class. While waiting for the plane to take off, Gang Tae watched a video from earlier in the day of their wedding ceremony, which included the participants' good wishes. Mun Yeong flashed a sleepy smile and said, "Aren't you exhausted from our wedding? The whole day has been enjoyable, and we have received many blessings, including from my followers." Gang Tae grinned and responded, "I am exhausted, but I am overjoyed and excited that all of my dreams have come true." I am fortunate to have a lovely wife and to be surrounded by wonderful people. 

Mun Yeong said eagerly, "Everything was great, but I had yet to conceive our child. Let's have our baby in Serengeti!" Gang Tae signals Mun Yeong to keep silent by softly flicking her forehead with his index finger. Mun Yeong pouts beautifully at Gang Tae as he wraps his arm around her and tucks her to sleep, as their direct journey to Julius Nyerere airport will take eight hours. "This is the first time you've boarded a plane since receiving your passport; how are you feeling?" Mun Yeong inquired of Gang Tae. "I am excited. Okay, let's sleep, yeobo. It will be daybreak in the Serengeti when we wake up." Mun Yeong responded with a cheeky smile. "Okay, Nampyeon, let's sleep." 

The next morning, the couple was awakened by the aroma of the airline breakfast. They enjoyed a wonderful breakfast given by the air stewardess. It was 8 a.m. at Serengeti Airport, and the newlyweds were greeted cordially by their private tour guide. He took them to their nice hotel, which had a stunning view of the area. They took a short rest at the hotel before riding in the jeep to the Serengeti Safari. They had a lot of fun photographing wild creatures at close range. It was a fun vacation for them because they got to pose for pictures with various animals in the background.

They arrived at the hotel late at night and had reserved a seat at the outdoor restaurant, which serves wonderful seafood and steak. The pair toasts with red wine and eats dinner together under the gorgeous sky. "Thank you for organizing such an enjoyable and unforgettable wedding and honeymoon trip. We can save the money and return here with Sang Tae oppa," remarked Mun Yeong. Gang Tae smiled pleasantly and nodded to Mun Yeong. The pair settles into their hotel room early. Mun Yeong lay on the bed in a sexy stance, dressed in a beautiful nightgown. Gang Tae wasted no time and jumped into bed with Mun Yeong. They have an intimate night together. The next morning, the couple had a great day in the Serengeti, visiting tourist attractions and taking a hot air balloon flight. They purchased a couple of T-shirts with Serengeti prints and wore them for the rest of their trip.

A week had passed since they were having so much fun. The newlywed must prepare to return to Korea. They fill their luggage with souvenirs and head to the airport, where they have an early afternoon departure. The private tour guide drove them to the airport and wished them safe and happy journeys home. They reach Korea at night. Sang Tae and Jae Su were waiting for them at the arrivals hall. They greeted them and told them about their travel exploits. A few days later, the couple visited their friends and gave them trinkets from the Serengeti. 

Upcoming chapter: A newborn in the Moon family. 👶 ❤️


Fan fiction Chapter 14: Our Fairytale Wedding


Gang Tae was warmly welcomed by his coworkers upon his return to Ok Psychiatric Hospital. Director Lee greeted Gang Tae with a bunch of flowers and congratulated him on his promotion to clinical psychologist at Ok Psychiatric Hospital. Gang Tae entered his office, and it was tastefully decorated. A lot has changed since he quit working as a caretaker. Some patients were discharged from the hospital after fully recovering, while new patients were also admitted. Gang Tae chose to share his knowledge and expertise within the continually expanding mental health sector.

Following work, Gang Tae accompanied Mun Yeong to tour various wedding locations from their checklist. While in the car, Mun Yeong hummed a tune that Gang Tae knew indicated she was in a positive state. They decided on a cozy church in Seoul for their intimate wedding ceremony. Mun Yeong went into the bridal fitting room and chose a classic Rapunzel wedding gown. The wedding attendants drew the curtain shut, revealing a blushing bride-to-be standing before her dashing groom in matching white attire. With hair reaching her waist, Mun Yeong looked like a princess from a fairytale. Gang Tae was mesmerized by Mun Yeong's striking appearance. He grasped Mun Yeong's hand and looked at her beautiful lips before meeting her eyes. Mun Yeong asked, "What's the reason behind the smile you're giving me?" Gang Tae looked lovingly at Mun Yeong and conveyed that his emotions for her are beyond comprehension. Gang Tae felt his heart soften as he witnessed Mun Yeong's sweet eye smile.

The double wedding day was filled with excitement as guests admired the Fairytales setting of the bridal photos. Shortly after, the guests were led into the chapel as they awaited the arrival of the bride and groom. Jae Su and Seung Jae were the initial ones to enter the chapel and say their wedding vows, with Gang Tae and Mun Yeong coming in next. Gang Tae looked like a handsome Prince as he waited at the altar, excited for his bride to arrive. When the music starts playing, all eyes in the room are fixed on the stunning bride Ko Mun Yeong as Sang Tae, their older brother, escorts her down the aisle, leaving everyone in awe. "Gang Tae Hyung and Mun Yeong Unnie appear as if they are Prince and Princess!" Jeong Tae and Ah Reum cried out as Mun Yeong walked past them. Sang Tae escorted Mun Yeong to Gang Tae's side. After that, he held their hands and said, "Kissing is better than fighting." Gang Tae and Mun Yeong made wedding promises and traded wedding bands in front of everyone's approval. Gang Tae looked into Mun Yeong's eyes, tears starting to form, and told her, "I will always love you, Mun Yeong." He leaned down and kissed Mun Yeong's lips. The chapel resounded with a continuous wave of loud applause.

The wedding celebrations continued late into the night, with the wedded couple booking a special banquet at the Lotte World amusement park. The attendees wore various Disney-themed attire. Director Oh wore a Big Bad Wolf costume, while Soon Deok dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. Ju Ri is costumed as Elsa, while Sang In as Prince Han. Jeong Tae and Ah Reum wore Beauty and the Beast costumes. Sang Tae donned a Peter Pan outfit, while the other guests dressed as the evil queen and the seven dwarfs. 

Before long, the pumpkin carriage arrived at its destination. Jae Soo and Seung Jae departed from the horse-drawn carriage dressed as Snow White and Prince Florian. Mun Yeong and Gang Tae wore Cinderella and Prince Charming costumes in the pumpkin carriage. The formal dinner and dance begin. "Can I have this dance with you?" Gang Tae asked Mun Yeong, extending his hand to her. "Of course." Mun Yeong replied. The Moon-Moon couple performed their first ballroom dance in front of family and friends. Food and beverages were served simultaneously. Everyone had a good time during the wedding party. The double wedding was celebrated with fireworks in the background, and the throng gathered around to end the night. The newlyweds had reserved a few hotel rooms for all of the guests at the reception. After the fireworks, the couple has somewhere to go. Where are they going?

Upcoming Chapter: Honeymoon trip to Serengeti. 😎 🦒 🦓 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 13: Gang Tae Graduation and Marriage Proposal


Autumn had arrived once more, with the stunning flowers and leaves shedding. It's now time for Gang Tae to attend his graduation ceremony after completing his psychology degree, with plans to go back to OK Psychiatric Hospital to work as a psychologist. Mun Yeong and Sang Tae felt proud of Gang Tae's achievement as he was recognized as the top student in the school. Wearing his graduation robe, he delivered his speech on stage while the entire school applauded. Following a photo session with his peers and teachers, he exited the auditorium to find Mun Yeong and Sang Tae, who were thrilled to see him in his graduation attire holding a diploma. The photographer captured Mun Yeong, Sang Tae, and him smiling radiantly at the camera.

Sang Tae removed the tears from Gang Tae's eyes and told the photographer, "He is my younger brother! The sibling who shares my blood and is younger than me! Jung Hyun and Jiwon also went over to congratulate Gang Tae. Everyone is feeling cheerful; shortly after, the “ants” gather around and cover Gang Tae, much to Mun Yeong's discomfort. While mumbling, she took Gang Tae's hand and walked off, complaining about the ants bothering her honey. Gang Tae laughed and went along with her. He took her away to the Magnolia tree and presented her with a bunch of flowers. Mun Yeong flashed a gentle smile at Gang Tae, and he lightly kissed her on the lips.

After the commencement ceremony, Mun Yeong, Jae Soo, Gang Tae, and Sang Tae had their celebratory lunch at We Are Family Restaurant. They requested the renowned Pork cutlet known as Tonkatsu, and Sang Tae concluded the meal by giving allowance to his younger siblings. Jae Soo and Sang Tae departed together, allowing Mun Yeong and Gang Tae to spend the remainder of the day together. At the peak of the Ferris wheel ride, Gang Tae pulled out a fancy ring box from his pocket. He knelt down and asked Mun Yeong to marry him with a diamond ring. He asked, "Mun Yeong, will you marry me?" He stopped breathing and anticipated Mun Yeong's response. Mun Yeong smiled affectionately at the diamond ring and let out a soft laugh. She looks affectionately into Gang Tae's eyes and responds with joy, "Yes, I definitely do!" Gang Tae let out a sigh of relief and burst into a silly laughter after sliding the gorgeous diamond ring onto Mun Yeong's finger. The ring is a perfect fit on her lovely finger where rings are usually worn. He gently touched Mun Yeong's hand and gave her a loving smile. He stood up from the ground, brought Mun Yeong's face near, leaned in, and kissed her on the lips. The Ferris wheel kept turning as the couple shared a romantic French kiss beneath the stunning sunset.

Soon Deok, the mother of Ju Ri, set up a delicious meal for dinner to celebrate Gang Tae's graduation. Sang In, Ju Ri, Jae Soo, Sang Tae, and Seung Jae congratulated Gang Tae on his academic achievement and graduating with flying colors. Sang In also made use of this chance to inform everyone that Ju Ri is currently two months along in her pregnancy. Ju Ri grinned modestly and gave a small nod of agreement. The couple receives congratulations from everyone for the wonderful news. Mun Yeong proudly showed off her wedding ring and announced that she had agreed to marry Gang Tae. Everyone was surprised by her sudden confession.

Gang Tae's gaze was moving from one side to the other out of shyness. He hesitated, saying, "Indeed, I worked hard to save up for a considerable period in order to buy this ring." Sang Tae inquired, "Will I soon become an uncle to my nephew or niece?" The couple received congratulations from everyone and was left amazed. Mun Yeong openly expressed her desire to carry their son in her belly after they get married. Gang Tae gestured for Mun Yeong to stay quiet, and the whole group burst into laughter. soon Deok cried out, "What a fantastic idea! "We have a plethora of events to rejoice in at the present moment!" Out of the blue, Jae Soo asked Seung Jae, "Do you think we should also tie the knot?" "We can have our wedding with Gang Tae and Mun Yeong." Seung Jae felt a bit shy and whispered, "A dual ceremony sounds nice as well!" The evening concluded with abundant laughter.

Upcoming Chapter: The spectacular fairytale wedding. The wedding bells for our beloved Moon-Moon couple can now be heard at last. 💍










Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 12: The Moon Embracing The Sun


Gang Tae drove to school with Mun Yeong, as if it were any other day in college. Gang Tae informed Mun Yeong that he would have a busy schedule due to his school's final year assignments and his work. "I am likely to seek out an activity. "Don't be concerned about me," Mun Yeong remarked with a mischievous smile. Gang Tae noticed Mun Yeong's expression and smiled. Gang Tae informed Mun Yeong, "I don't want you to keep waiting for me at home.""I'll also have a lot on my plate," Mun Yeong said with an enigmatic grin as she looked out the window. Gang Tae inquired, "It seems like you're hiding something from me, right?" Mun Yeong laughed and shook her head.

Hyung, did you know there's a fresh face in the literature program?" Jung Hyun asked with enthusiasm. Gang Tae expressed his lack of interest as he casually browsed through the book on his desk. "I was told that she resembles Mun Yeong noona." I am unsure about the accuracy of that statement. Jung Hyun asked, "Don't you want to know what she looks like?" "Do not cause trouble for me once more. I believed you and Ji Won were in a relationship now? "Would you like me to inform Ji Won about your inquisitiveness?" Gang Tae asked, raising his eyebrows. "Hyung, keep this a secret from Ji Won, please!" Jung Hyun begged to pretend that he hadn't said anything.

Ji Won, Gang Tae, and Jung Hyun met up for lunch at the school cafeteria. "Gang Tae oppa, did you hear about the new student in the literature department?" inquired Ji Won. They listened in on a classmate at a nearby table telling his friend, "I heard the new student looks like the well-known children's book writer Ko Mun Yeong." "If that's the case, why is she in our school?" inquired the other student. "Bro, I was correct; shall we head over there to check it out?" Jung Hyun told Gang Tae that anyone who is interested in the lecture can participate in the first lesson. He pulled Gang Tae into the lecture hall and located a seat in the back row. Nevertheless, the auditorium was filled with students, making it challenging to identify the new student. "Hyung, I don't see Mun Yeong noona in this crowd," Jung Hyun remarked. Gang Tae responded, "I can observe her sitting right over there." Jung Hyun asked how you could identify her in the lecture hall with so many people. Why are you lacking quickness in thinking? "Ko Mun Yeong is equivalent to the sun breaking through the clouds for him," Ji Won remarked as they entered the lecture hall together. Jung Hyun sweetly told Ji Won that her presence meant a lot to him. Gang Tae was fascinated by Mun Yeong, who was completely engaged in the lecture.

Following the lecture, Mun Yeong disappeared from the crowd once the students exited the lecture hall. Gang Tae searched desperately in the corridor and walkway, trying to locate Mun Yeong. As he walked by a Magnolia tree, he saw Mun Yeong looking at the flowers. As Gang Tae approached her with a wide grin, he inquired Ko Mun Yeong about her presence in that place. Mun Yeong said that she was granted exclusive entry to the literature department by the college principal for a duration of three months. Gang Tae inquired, "Why did you suddenly choose to study here and why didn't you tell me earlier?" while intertwining his fingers with hers. I lack motivation to begin writing my new book and feel disinterested while at home. Therefore, I decided to extend my vacation to further explore the study of literature. I held back from telling you earlier so that I could surprise you. "Based on your response, are you possibly concealing your secret lover at school?" Mun Yeong inquired Gang Tae.

Gang Tae softly kissed Mun Yeong's lips and said, "I am hiding my secret lover at school right now." They peered into each other's eyes and smiled genuinely.Gang Tae asked, "What is our next destination?" Mun Yeong evaded Gang Tae playfully as she suggested that they pretend to be strangers so that he could chase her as in his dreams. He chased Mun Yeong from behind and followed her.Gang Tae grabbed Mun Yeong's wrist and hugged her fiercely. Gang Tae told Mun Yeong that he had been following her since she rescued him from the chilly river. "Are you happy to see me here at school?" Mun Yeong asks Gang Tae. Gang Tae agreed and passionately hugged Mun YeongHe cried out in joy that his dreams had at last come true.

During the ensuing weeks, Mun Yeong and Gang Tae were inseparable like any typical college couple. They will spend time at the Angel-in-Us Cafe and work on their studies at the library. During summer, Mun Yeong stood in line at the cafe near the school, anticipating Gang Tae's arrival after classes. A attractive college student tries to talk to Mun Yeong while approaching her on campus. "Hello, I'm a student on this campus and I admire you," he exclaimed enthusiastically. Out of nowhere, a person walked behind him towards Mun Yeong. He put his hand on her waist while giving him a sharp look. The attractive young man quickly understood the message and left with a sense of discomfort.

"Gang Tae, you've made it!" Mun Yeong said with her characteristic smiley eyes, "I would like to purchase these well-known ice cream cones from this cafe." Gang Tae, said with a wide smile, "You can wait inside the cafe, and I'll get the ice cream for you." Gang Tae purchased a pair of ice cream cones. One flavor was cookie and cream with a chocolate chip cookie stick; the other flavor was macadamia vanilla ice cream cone with a chocolate chip cookie stick. Gang Tae inquired about Mun Yeong's flavor preference. Mun Yeong sampled both ice creams and settled on the macadamia vanilla ice cream cone. Afterwards, Mun Yeong inquired Gang Tae, "Who do you prefer, me or Sang Tae oppa?" Gang Tae smiled and answered, "I enjoy both types of ice cream, despite their differing flavors." Mun Yeong remained determined, insisting that Gang Tae should prefer her. Gang Tae gazed adoringly at her innocent face and gave her a passionate kiss on her gorgeous lips. Gang Tae observed Mun Yeong flushing and playfully teased her. "What is the reason for your cheeks turning red?" As he pulled her towards him, he inquired Mun Yeong. "Mun Yeong replied, touching her cheek, "Because it's hot weather!" Mun Yeong appeared incredibly adorable, resembling a baby in Gang Tae's eyes. He handed Mun Yeong his ice cream cone as he volunteered to carry her green handbag. He sweetly offered Mun Yeong his ice cream cone as well.

Night had fallen. Mun Yeong stood on the balcony, waiting for Gang Tae to complete his tasks at the college. While she gazed at the moon above, Gang Tae approached quietly and embraced her from behind. "What is it that has captured your attention?" Gang Tae questions Mun Yeong. The moon shines very brightly this evening. Gang Tae, did you know that I once hoped for a handsome prince to rescue me from this cursed castle by wishing on the moon? Mun Yeong chuckled softly, saying, "Finally, my dream has become a reality." Gang Tae told Mun Yeong with a satisfied smile that she is the sunlight in the darkness, and he is the moon, wrapping around the sun, as he hugged her. ❤️ 🌞 🌒

Upcoming Chapter: The release of Ko Mun Yeong's latest book. 📕 📖

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 11: Sang In and Ju Ri wedding


Ever since Gang Tae relocated to Mun Yeong's bedroom, Sang Tae has been residing by himself in his own room. Gang Tae no longer worries about his elder brother because he has been sleeping peacefully without any nightmares in the middle of the night. Gang Tae is still pursuing his education at college and has a part-time job in the college office to support his daily expenses. Mun Yeong is enjoying her extended break and has no rush to start working, although she is considering writing a new book. While waiting for Mun Yeong's new book release, Sang Tae is collaborating on a different project with an author. Every now and then, they will visit Ju Ri and her mother, even though Jae Su is currently staying in their rooftop room.

Today is an extraordinary day. Ju Ri and Sang In called everyone together on the rooftop balcony to announce their upcoming wedding. The sudden news took everyone by surprise. Sang In detailed that his aging father desired for him to marry and start a family promptly. Juri humbly displayed her engagement ring to all well-wishers as they extended their congratulations to the couple. The dinner was wonderful, and everyone, especially Ju Ri's mom, was in a great mood, smiling broadly. Following the dinner, Jae Su timidly raised his hand and intertwined his fingers with Seung Jae's hand. "I have an announcement to make. "We are also officially in a relationship." The new couple received cheers and playful teasing from everyone. I was aware that you both were keeping a secret. "Will you two be tying the knot anytime soon?" Mun Yeong playfully inquired. Jae Su responded with a broad smile, saying that he would have enough money for his wedding if Mun Yeong bought ten boxes of pizza each time they visited his restaurant. Mun Yeong gave him a disdainful look and responded with, "Sure." I will remember that. Suddenly, Sang Tae mentioned, "Mun Yeong is extremely wealthy." She possesses a large amount of wealth! All the people laughed loudly, and Gang Tae chuckled and nodded in approval.

After dinner, Mun Yeong went to sit with Ju Ri, who was alone. "Mun Yeong asked curiously, "How did Sang In oppa propose to you?" Ju Ri mentioned that he unexpectedly proposed to her while they were walking home, and she accepted without much consideration. Mun Yeong expressed, "I am truly glad for you, Sang In oppa is a reliable individual." Ju Ri said she felt nervous when he asked her to marry him. Gang Tae and Sang In watched fondly as they smiled at each other from afar. The success of my business can be attributed to the books written by Mun Yeong. Sang In expressed his pride in having the bestselling author as his colleague, stating that he is truly grateful. Gang Tae said with a shy smile that he is aware of Mun Yeong's talent. I have been collaborating with Mun Yeong for a while now, and I have never witnessed her this joyful. "Sang In said that you both help each other recover from wounds and have a deep understanding like soulmates." "How come you're excluding me?" Jae Su inquired as he approached. Sang In inquired, "How did you and Seung Jae start dating?" After the book recital by Sang Tae hyung and Ko Mun Yeong, we naturally came together and started dating. Jae Su stated that we found out we share a lot of similarities and got along really well.

After three weeks, Ju Ri and Sang In had a modest orchid wedding outdoors in late spring, surrounded by the love and support of their family and friends. Ju Ri was wearing a lovely white wedding gown, while Sang In was dressed in a stylish black suit. Mun Yeong, wearing a plain pink dress, walked gracefully into the bride's room and greeted Ju Ri with a cheerful smile as she waited. "Today, you are the most gorgeous bride." "Mun Yeong said to Ju Ri with a mischievous grin, "I am the most beautiful on different occasions." "Quit making fun of me." Ju Ri said with a smile filled with anxiety, "I am feeling very nervous at this moment." Ju Ri expressed her desire for Mun Yeong and Gang Tae to have a fairy tale-like happily ever after as she grasped Mun Yeong's hand. Mun Yeong expressed her wish for her childhood friend to experience unlimited happiness with a genuine smile.

The couple said their wedding vows and sliced the wedding cake in unison, as the crowd cheered them on. The newly married couple hosted a lavish feast to celebrate their wedding. "Would you like a wedding ceremony similar to this one as well?" Gang Tae inquires Mun Yeong. Mun Yeong suggested to Gang Tae with a smile, "Why don't we get married at Serengeti?" Gang Tae asked, "Are you being serious?" Mun Yeong suggested having a modest wedding in the future, with their son, as she playfully touched her tummy. Gang Tae chuckled and shook his head as he ran his fingers through Mun Yeong's hair. While watching the wedding ceremony, he held Mun Yeong's hand tightly. "Let's snap a picture together!" The photographer assembled all and took a lovely picture to preserve the memory of their marriage. Following the wedding ceremony, the happy couple expressed gratitude to the guests who were present at their wedding. Mun Yeong and Ju Ri embraced each other tightly and exchanged soft words in each other's ears. "I appreciate our friendship.”

Ju Ri complimented Sang In on how lovely the wedding photos appeared. Sang In expressed gratitude to Ju Ri for marrying him despite the age difference, and was amazed by her willingness to marry him. Maybe I have always been fond of a reliable man. Ju Ri told Sang In with a smile that she believed it was rare to find good men like him and Gang Tae, and she was pleased to meet him and Mun Yeong. Sang In embraced Ju Ri gently. Sang In said affectionately, "I will care for you in the same way a father pampers his daughter." Cease that action! I lack a paternal influence, but I don't currently require one. Ju Ri said, "I want a husband!" while smiling shyly. Sang In gave Ju Ri a kiss on the lips and answered, "Of course." 💋

Upcoming Chapter: Mun Yeong will encounter Gang Tae at the university. What is currently taking place on the university grounds? What is the reason for Mun Yeong being in the college?

Monday, September 02, 2024

Top Ten Best Onscreen Couple in the past ten years


What do you think of this list? I personally thought that It’s Okay to Not Be Okay will be in top 10. Given the buzz that surround the couple chemistry when it was first shown in Netflix. Unfortunately, the people in South Korea had a different opinion on this drama. I can understand that the people can be bias towards certain characters or artistes, but it was just wrong to disregard the effort of the actress just because of some controversy which was already proven to be untrue. People still believe what they choose to believe.

The couple shared the hottest and most passionate kisses. 😘 

They even look so compatible onstage with matching clothes.

At the AAA awards, they were both presented the most popular actor and actress award. 🥇 

Four years has passed, people forgot about the hype of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay. They only remember her controversy and the Nation Witch 🧙‍♀️. Now the new ship has sailed, and people are only looking at that glamorous 🚢 now. Is it Okay or Not Okay for you? Tell me in the comment below 👇 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Bubble App 🫧

I was curious to find out  more about the bubble app after I saw many social media posting about Kim Soo Hyun messages to his fans through bubble private chat. After some research, I discovered that bubble app can be downloaded through google play store if you have an android phone or in App store if you are using an iPhone. I wondered what is the hype about this app and I decided to download one of them to find out more.

For those who are interested in the bubble app, you have to create a profile in the app and then they will recommend some Korean celebrities for you to follow. I tried downloading Gold Medalist Bubble app. Interestingly, you need to subscribe to the app at $5.98 per month. On top of that, you need to purchase tickets to have a conversation with the artiste that you like. 

You may ask how does the app function? As far as I know, the artiste will share some picture or some messages that they want the fans to know. These are the pictures taken from Twitter, copyright to their rightful owner. We can see that the main objectives of these chats were mostly about publicity for Kim Soo Hyun upcoming project or the need to hype up his popular drama for as long as possible. Fans need to know that these celebrities, especially those with this level of popularity like Kim Soo Hyun had been specially trained and groomed by his management agency to be marketable to the general public. Our late Sulli from girl group Fx had mentioned this in her last interview that artiste like her are prone to public criticisms and hate because they are public figures. They know that the fans can be here for you now and the next moment, they may turn their back on you or even hurt you. She shared that Korean idols are carefully package by their agency to sell as a product to the public. We need to understand that fans are revenue to the entertainment agencies and even artistes themselves. They need to build on public opinion and support to survive in this cutthroat industry.

I had mentioned this before that all the fans have every right to support their favourite celebrities but it is important not to lose that rationality. We know at the back of our mind whether we are delusional or not, it is just work for these celebrities who were paid to engaged with their fans. These highly paid celebrities like Kim Soo Hyun were taught what to do and what to say for publicity. They knew how to make themselves appeal to their fans and these are the celebrities that are really successful in building their careers. They are really hardworking people who will learn all the trades in this field to stay at the top. It is the agencies job to create publicity or marketing stunt to attract attentions and the celebrities are the products that the company is promoting to the world. These entertainment companies are running a business so they would make sure that their investment is profitable at the end of the day. 

It is a choice that fans make to subscribe to the bubble app. Therefore, they can’t complain if the artiste did not reply or respond to the messages after a long period of time. The artistes will perform their work duties when they send messages through the chat during their “free time”. The app is supposedly created to build rapport between the celebrity and the fans just like other social media platforms. However, the artiste can choose when to “work” and fans will still eagerly wait for their favourite celebrities to be online. In the world of digital media anything is possible and it is up to your imagination or interpretation of the messages. Just don’t get your hope up, or you will end up bursting the fantasy bubbles that the Korean entertainment world created. As I said before, everything is about business. You can choose to buy this fan service but that does not give you entitlement to demand from the artistes. Before you click the purchase button, please be prepared for what is happening and nothing will change even when you throw a tantrum and threaten to unsubscribe. These celebrities and their agencies are not going to be at your beck and call just because you subscribe the app and pay for the tickets. The entertainment companies had a upper hand in this matter and you have to pay to wait for your favourite celebrity to be online. At the meantime, you will still be paying for the app service every month even when the celebrities does not have any updates.

At the end of the day, life is pretty much about the choices we make with our life. It takes maturity not to take life so seriously and everything said about you so personally. People may have different opinion on you or even attack you through cyber bullying but they can’t break you if you don’t allow it to get into you. It is important to take a break and get your sanity back when things were too tough. It is a very stressful job to be a celebrity whose survival pretty much depends on the public interest. Therefore, it is important to love yourself and show to the world, especially the cyber bullies that you are living your life to the fullest without any fear. That is the best response to all the haters and criticism. 

Fan fiction Chapter 10: Moon Brothers Birthday Celebration

Sang Tae celebrated his birthday with a dinosaur theme at Ju Ri House. It was the first occasion when such a large number of individuals commemorated his birthday. Gang Tae will always be the one to purchase a small cake and sing a birthday song for his hyung's birthday. This year, Soon Deok took on the responsibility of planning and hosting a birthday celebration for Sang Tae, taking care of the food arrangements. Ju Ri, Sang In, Seung Jae, and Jae Su adorned the living room with dinosaur balloons and banners. Mun Yeong went out of her way to purchase a dinosaur birthday cake for her older brother. Gang Tae is responsible for bringing Sang Tae here to surprise him. Everyone sang a birthday tune for Sang Tae, who looked clearly shocked. Sang Tae had a memorable birthday celebration with his loved ones, who made sure to celebrate his special day.
Sang Tae was unsure about cutting the dinosaur birthday cake, so Mun Yeong proposed to save the cake for herself. They ended up arguing while everyone watched them with pleasure. Gang Tae gifted his older brother another dinosaur book for his collection. As everyone enjoyed the cake and cleaned up the house, Mun Yeong sat next to Gang Tae and inquired about his birthday plans. "I had never considered that; I never celebrated my birthday because I was focused on taking care of my brother and we were preoccupied with moving." Gang Tae responded. Since our mother's death, we have not had seaweed soup. Jae Soo Hyung consistently brings a couple of crates of beer to our temporary living space, and we always end up staying up all night drinking. How about you?" Gang Tae wrapped his arm around Mun Yeong's shoulder. Mun Yeong spoke with a smile, revealing that Sang In oppa will take her out for a tasty steak at a restaurant. Gang Tae, slightly feeling envious, declared, "I will prepare the tastiest steak for your special day!” While assisting with washing the dishes in the kitchen, Sang In began to sneeze multiple times. I am curious if anyone is saying negative things about me. Inquired Sang In. Don't overanalyze it and just keep washing the dishes. Jae Su exclaimed, "There are numerous dishes for us to clean!" Sang In inquired about the whereabouts of the others. Sang Tae Hyung is watching cartoons with them in the living room. "Quit chatting and get back to work!" Jae Su ordered firmly.
In a couple of weeks, when spring arrives, Gang Tae will celebrate his birthday. Mun Yeong chose to prepare seaweed soup for Gang Tae. She got the recipe from Juri's mother for cooking the seaweed soup, but she has never been able to make it perfectly. Time flew by quickly. Gang Tae's birthday is approaching. Another typical day at school was unfolding. Jung Hyun greeted Gang Tae with a bright smile as he entered the classroom. "What is the reason for your cheerful disposition?" Gang Tae inquired with curiosity. Ji Won and I grew closer after I saved her from a gang of thugs who were bothering her. We are gathering for a meal following the school day. "Hyung, I wish you an early Happy Birthday!" Jung Hyun said with a big smile. "Thanks," Gang Tae said, smiling.
After closing time, Gang Tae visited Jae Su’s pizza restaurant late at night. "Interested in grabbing a beer?" Jae Su spoke to Gang Tae. "What are your birthday plans for tomorrow?" The occurrence took place on a weekend. Jae Su suggested with a knowing smile to Gang Tae that he could bring Sang Tae hyung over to assist him while he went on his date with Mun Yeong. Gang Tae told Jae Su, "I intend to take Mun Yeong out for a meal and take a walk together, just like any normal couple." "You're a white fox! Jae Soo remarked that once you achieve your desires, you'll simply walk away. "Hyung!" Gang Tae attempted to clarify, but was cut off by Jae Su. I will also be occupied with Seung Jae. They burst into laughter and clinked their glasses together. "Wishing you a joyful birthday, Gang Tae." "I'm happy that you haven't forgotten about me, your long-time pal," Jae Su told Gang Tae with a playful gestures.
The following morning, Gang Tae awoke in bed, but Mun Yeong was not by his side. He felt the warmth of the bed as he touched the bedsheet next to him. Once Gang Tae starts living in Mun Yeong's room, he typically gets up before her to cook breakfast with his older brother. Rarely did Mun Yeong wake up before him, but on those occasions, she would choose to snuggle in his arms rather than get up. Gang Tae descended the stairs, pondering why Mun Yeong and Sang Tae hadn't roused him in the morning. "Oppa, could you assist me in trying the soup? "Should I include extra salt?" Mun Yeong inquired while attempting to synchronize her actions in the kitchen. In my opinion, the soup has a terrible taste! Sang Tae responded in a straightforward manner. "Oppa, can you not just say something nice for a change?" Mun Yeong spoke to Sang Tae in a furious manner. "It is extremely salty. Sang Tae declared, "I refuse to consume it!"
Gang Tae walked down the stairs curiously and inquired, "What's the reason for the two of you arguing?" They greeted Gang Tae with a big smile when he approached them. Mun Yeong and I got up early to purchase groceries, and Mun Yeong cooked the seaweed soup for your birthday. The soup she made is terrible! Sang Tae complains. With a beaming smile, Mun Yeong exclaimed, "Happy Birthday, Gang Tae!" "Joyful Birthday, Moon Gang Tae!" Sang Tae spoke with his gaze averted. Gang Tae moved towards them and embraced both of them tightly. Gang Tae said, "This birthday is the best I've ever had." He experienced a sense of joy and contentment.
After sampling the soup, Gang Tae suggested adding water to it for an improved taste. Gang Tae brings the soup bowls to the dining table as Sang Tae sets up the cutlery. Sang Tae sang a slightly out-of-tune birthday song as Mun Yeong remarked it was cheesy yet still sang along with Sang Tae. Following their consumption of the unappetizing seaweed soup, Sang Tae withdrew money from his pocket and distributed it to Gang Tae and Mun Yeong. "This money is for your pocket; use it wisely." Sang Tae reassured, "If you're running low, don't fret, I'll provide you with additional." Gang Tae happily received the money. "I appreciate it, Hyung."
They escorted Sang Tae to the pizza place and left him with Jae Su and Seung Jae. Following that, Mun Yeong and Gang Tae proceeded to their rendezvous at Sogeumsan Suspension Bridge. This place held significance for the couple, as it was where they solidified their emotions for one another. Gang Tae wore his typical blue shirt, jeans, and sports shoes, while Mun Yeong donned a green cap, dress, and white platform sneakers. Mun Yeong yelled in fear as they walked through the shaky bridge, chasing Gang Tae from behind. Upon reaching the opposite side of the bridge, Mun Yeong intertwined her arm with Gang Tae's and captured numerous selfies. The couple, filled with warmth, visited a barbecue joint for their meal, and Gang Tae ordered a plethora of beef steaks that brought joy to Mun Yeong. While Mun Yeong wraps the meat in vegetables and feeds Gang Tae, he assists in barbecuing the meat. Next, they went for a walk in the lovely garden, and Gang Tae gathered some magnolia blossoms for Mun Yeong. They recalled the days of their initial meeting and falling in love. Gang Tae admitted to holding onto Mun Yeung in his heart for many years, and her presence brought forth the buried emotion within him. He struggled to resist developing feelings for her.
Mun Yeong was running and pursuing Gang Tae in the garden when she stumbled over a rock and tumbled onto the grass. Gang Tae quickly turned and promptly lifted Mun Yeong onto his back, setting her on a bench before squatting down to carefully inspect her wound. With a concerned look in his eyes, he carefully treated her injury. Gang Tae asked in a worried manner, "Are you feeling alright?" It was only a slight injury. "Do not fret, I am okay." Mun Yeong comforted Gang Tae. He got up off the ground and caressed Mun Yeong's hair with a sigh of relief. Gang Tae gently told Mun Yeong, "Don't let yourself get hurt again." "I appreciate you caring for me," Mun Yeong said with a playful tone, smiling sweetly at Gang Tae.
As the sky darkened, Gang Tae and Mun Yeong opted to spend the night at the budget bed and breakfast guest house. Gang Tae called Sang Tae to let him know that they would be spending the night in the guest room. Mun Yeong briefly left the room and returned with a small chocolate cake and a lit candle, wishing Gang Tae a happy birthday. "Mun Yeong, I appreciate everything," Gang Tae expressed as he gave Mun Yeong a kiss on the lips. They enjoyed some mixed drinks made by the host and indulged in the birthday cake as they gazed at the moon.
 The following day, under the bright sun, Mun Yeong awakens in Gang Tae's embrace while he softly runs his fingers through her hair. They exchanged smiles and a kiss on the lips as a morning greeting. The couple departed from the guest room with their hands entwined and drove home. Sang Tae awaited their arrival at the entrance and greeted them warmly. Mun Yeong displayed the flowers to Sang Tae and told him all about their small adventure. "Mun Yeong, how are you doing with your knee injury?" In a worried manner, Sang Tae inquired. "Oppa, it's only a small cut," Mun Yeong reassured. Sang Tae advised Mun Yeong, "Ko Mun Yeong, be careful and don't run around next time as it can be risky." Gang Tae gazed at them both with a grin and pondered, "This is the true essence of a family." ❤️
Upcoming Chapter: Sang In and Juri Wedding 💒 ❤️ 🤵‍♂️👰‍♀️

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 9: Ok Psychiatric Hospital

 After retiring, Director Oh Ji Wang visited Ok Psychiatic Hospital and caught up with Soon Deok and Ju Ri at the hospital cafeteria. They were reminiscing about the past while enjoying a meal together. Director Oh inquired about the condition of his son Oh Cha Yong in the hospital. Ju Ri responded, "He has become even more reliable and diligent." Even though he is occasionally careless, he still works diligently as there is no one else to support him now. Director Oh nodded, smiled, and thought it was time for his son to mature. Soon Deok asked anxiously, "How are things between you and him now?" Our father-son relationship had been repaired. Director Oh chuckled, recounting a drinking session with his son who complained about him being too preoccupied with work and not acknowledging his emotions. It's great news that you were able to reconcile with your son.
Soon Deok smiled as she told Director Oh that his son is a good individual, but lacks attention and consideration at work. "That is the reason I was constantly concerned for him." "Please, I trust you to lead him," the director pleaded. Soon Deok reassured, "Don't be too concerned; he is doing fine." Ju Ri asked, "After this, where are you headed?" Director Oh said with a smile that he is meeting his old friend. "Is it Gang Tae?" Inquired Ju Ri. Yes, it had been a while since I last saw him. I am curious about his current well-being.
"Gang Tae, I'm right here!" Director Oh greeted Gang Tae from the bench with a wave. "Gang Tae greeted Director Oh with a smile, asking, "How are you?" He questioned why everyone was still addressing him as Director Oh even though he had already retired. Director Oh expressed that he is still adjusting to the abundance of free time he has and is unsure of how to fill it. "You ought to savor your retirement years." "Ultimately, you've dedicated your whole life to looking after your patients," Gang Tae chuckled. This is likely the reason why I now have extra time to reconnect with my previous acquaintances. I have been having a fantastic time in life. How about yourself?" Director Oh inquired Gang Tae. Gang Tae stated that he is excelling in college and has made a lot of new friends. Director Oh smiled as he mentioned Gang Tae and Mun Yeong. Gang Tae responded, "We are content with our current situation." I can tell that you are showing your true nature now. When do you plan to tie the knot? Director Oh playfully teased him. "Give it some time." Gang Tae said with a shy smile, "I'll consider it once I graduate." "I'm curious about when my son will finally settle down." Director Oh let out a sigh as he spoke.
I was informed by Ju Ri shi that Cha Yong is your offspring. I did not anticipate it. I recalled that you plan to introduce Mun Yeong to Cha Yong. I am happy that you did not set them up. Gang Tae nervously chuckled as he spoke. I am surprised that you are still resentful about what I said before. It's simply an experiment to gauge your response and ensure I interpreted your emotions accurately. Director Oh chuckled and said, "If you're not interested in dating her, I could set up Mun Yeong and Cha Yong instead." Gang Tae chuckled and lowered his head as he remarked, "I guess I will have to battle it out with Cha Yong." Director Oh gazed into Gang Tae's eyes and expressed relief that he had not orchestrated a romantic relationship between them. I don't want my son to get attacked like that idiot! They burst into laughter while enjoying the stunning sun overlooking the ocean.
Director Oh asked Gang Tae, "What is your plan for later?" Gang Tae stated that he will wait for his brother and Mun Yeong after their book signing event to go see their mother's tree. Director Oh expressed his happiness that Gang Tae kept his promise to accompany him despite being busy. Gang Tae chuckled and expressed gratitude for the joyous life he is currently experiencing. "I see you as a fatherly figure," Gang Tae said with a cheerful expression. Director Oh placed a hand on Gang Tae's shoulder and declared, "I now have another son!" They chuckled together.
Mun Yeong and Sang Tae entered Ok Psychiatric Hospital together, holding hands, after Mun Yeong parked her car following the book signing event. When Sang Tae saw Director Oh and Gang Tae sitting on the bench, he hurried over to say hello. Mun Yeong walked after him and greeted Director Oh with a courteous smile. Director Oh inquired about how the psychotherapy sessions with Director Lee have been going. This psychotherapy session is beneficial. Your protege has surpassed you in the field of medicine. Gang Tae interrupted Mun Yeong's speech. Gang Tae apologized to Director Oh, saying "I'm sorry." "It's fine; Director Lee is certainly more talented than I am. Director Oh expressed his confidence that he will successfully guide the hospital to new heights. "It's time for me to go see my son now." We will be having dinner later. Until we meet again. Farewell!
Signing hundreds of books in a day is exhausting! Sang Tae complimented Mun Yeong as he gave her a thumbs up. "Oppa, this is your first time attending the book event with me." Mun Yeong confidently mentioned that we need to prepare because our next book is bound to become another bestseller. Gang Tae rested his arm on her shoulder. "What will be the title of your forthcoming book?" Mun Yeong gazed at Gang Tae with eyes full of smiles. She approached Gang Tae's face and whispered, "It's confidential." Gang Tae gazed affectionately at Mun Yeong before swiftly kissing her lovely lips. Sang Tae, walking in front of them, let out a quiet breath.
"Sang Tae informed his mother tree - "Omma, we are back to visit you once more!" "Gang Tae is currently enrolled in university." Mun Yeong and I will be releasing a new book. Sang Tae excitedly mentioned that this time the trip would be in our camping car. "Hyung, shall we tend to the plant and water it together?" Gang Tae spoke to Sang Tae. Following the plant watering, Sang Tae expressed a desire to photograph the butterflies, which Director Oh noted as representing healing. "Hyung, make sure you don't stray too far from us." Gang Tae smiled as he spoke. Mun Yeong gazed at the family picture hanging from the tree branch. Gang Tae wrapped his arm around Mun Yeong. "Mom, we're doing good at the moment." Gang Tae stated, "This is Mun Yeong, who will be your daughter-in-law in the future." Mun Yeong's eyes widen. "Is the idea of getting married on your mind at the moment?" Gang Tae responded, "We are in no rush to get married at the moment." However, you are already a member of our family." Gang Tae spoke in a sweet manner. "Does this mean you actually want to marry me?" Mun Yeong asked innocently. Gang Tae assured Mun Yeong, "Certainly, you are my prospective spouse," while grasping her hand. Mun Yeong grinned affectionately at Gang Tae and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

"We will be revealing your forthcoming book to the public through the media. Sang In proudly declared, "Your comeback will generate excitement from everyone!" "Stay grounded." "I will take my time to release my new book," Mun Yeong said with a smile. I am not hurrying you. "I can't wait to read your new book, take your time," Sang In said to Mun Yeong. Mun Yeong expressed confidence in the upcoming book, saying, "I'm already considering the story, it will be a hit."

Upcoming chapter: Celebration of Moon Gang Tae's Birthday and their intimate outing. ❤️ 🎂 👩‍❤️‍👨















Friday, August 23, 2024

Which is your favourite Seo Yea Ji Drama?

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While waiting for the casting news of Seo Yea-Ji, I decided to watch some of her previous drama. I knew Seo Yea-Ji from the popular Korean drama It's Okay to Not Be Okay and she was phenomenal in that drama. Therefore, I decided to watch Lawless Lawyer first which was broadcasted in 2018. She partnered with Lee Joon-Gi in this drama which make her more popular in Korea. We all know Lee Joon-Gi previous drama such as Moon-Lovers: Scarlet Heart so I was excited to see their parings in this drama too. 


Lawless Lawyer 

Plot: Lawyer Bong Sang Pil (Lee Joon-Gi) establishes his own firm and hires a problematic attorney, Ha Jae Yi (Seo Yea-Ji). They work together to fight injustice while searching for clues pointing out to his mother's murderer. 

My thoughts

The drama started off with a nice introduction of the characters and their acting was pretty impressive. The narrative took us to the background stories of Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi. I like the way Lee-Joon-Gi portray his struggles with his childhood trauma and the pain that he carried to adulthood. He witnessed his mother who was a righteous lawyer being stabbed to death in front of him when he was a child. He remembers his mother final words to him is not to trust anybody here and to leave their hometown to look for his uncle. She instructed him never ever come back again. Bong Sang Pil is a brave boy since he was young, and he vowed to become stronger when he grows up to seek revenge on the criminals. Seo Yea-Ji acted as Ha Jae Yi, she is feminist and a fiery lawyer who will stand up for justice even to the extent of offending her superior. She is very trusting towards people she thought she could trust but we see a growth in her character when she interacted with Bong Sang Pil. I like her freshness and bubbly image in this drama, and she has a simple down-to-earth styling in this drama. She has a badass attitude here when she fights back during dangerous situation. Her decisiveness and strong attitude are something that I admire about her character in this drama. Her childhood stories interlink with Bong Song Pil story and that is the way the scriptwriter wants to make that connection for their future love line. 

Honestly, the drama was sort of unrealistic and exaggerated at times.  It was also illogical in terms of political complication and the scriptwriter simply forced certain things together just to keep the story going towards the end. I actually enjoyed the first few episodes more because while there were light-hearted moments, there were also a clear explanation of the motive and objectives. The storyline was engaging enough for me to look forward to the next episode. While some slapstick comedy falls flat at times in this drama, it was still quite interesting to watch. On the other hand, I was quite bored with Choi Min-Soo portrayal of Ahn Oh-Joo. It is not that he is a bad actor, I think he is charismatic in a mafia way, but his wicked facial expressions and tongue in cheek gets boring the more I see him onscreen.

Lee Hye-Young acting as the Judge Cha Moon-Sook was good, but I think the story should have kept us viewers in suspends when it comes to the main villain. The sayings, "do not judge a book by cover" can be applied to Cha Moon-Sook. She is just pure evil in this drama, and Lee Hye-Young nailed the character at ease.  The storyline was slightly above average in my opinion because I do like some action thrillers scenes. However, there is a lack of romance scene in this drama which i can understand because the focus is on justice and revenge. Lee Joon-Gi is a good actor but his pairing with Seo Yea-Ji looks more like siblings' love. They have some scenes together hinting of their brooming romance, but it does not gel well with the whole concept of the drama. The writers are forcing the love line towards the end which was a little cringe. They are certainly great partners in social justice, but they are not very convincing to me as life partners. 



Plot: When Lee La-El (Seo Yea Ji) was little, her father died unexpectedly. Powerful people were responsible for his death. Her family was destroyed soon after. Lee La-El decided to take revenge, and she prepared for the next 13 years. Her target is Kang Yoon-Kyum (Park Byun-Eun), who runs the LG group. Lee La-El implements her plan with the help of Seo Eun-Pyeong (lee Sang-Yeob). 

My thoughts

Please note that the first two episodes of Eve have 19+ (NC16) rating which means the drama is only for matured audiences because of some sexual scenes. This drama also received a bad review because of those excessive sex scenes. In my opinion, Seo Yea-Ji act as a temptress, therefore it is natural that they include some bedroom scenes and some sexual suggestive movements. I was actually quite blown away by Seo Yea Ji appearance when she first showed up in the drama. She has that seductive look on her face and it does not seem forced at all. It is almost like she has mastered the art of seduction with her every moments and subtle expressions. However, I don't feel the chemistry between Park Byun Eun and Seo Yea-Ji. Some reviews says that it is because of Park Byun Eun lack of facial expressions. In my opinion, it is because he is trying to suppress his feelings since he is married to a wealthy chaebol family and has a daughter. However, the lack of expressions probably leads to many people commenting that they do not have any chemistry. On the other hand, Lee Sang Yeob looks more compatible with Seo Yea Ji. His character Seo Eun-Pyeong has always been protective of Lee La-El. He suffered the second lead syndrome which makes us pity his love for Lee La-El since we know that she will eventually falls for Kang Yon-Kyum and not him.

I actually enjoyed the drama but towards the end, it gets a little draggy and i was only looking forward to the lead actresses fighting with each other. We see how mad and bitter they were when they confronted each other. Yoo Sun portrayal of Han So-Ra was crazy and scary at the same time. Her facial expressions goes over the top at times but her explosive acting skills was one factor that motivated me to continue watching this drama. I would go as far as saying the female leads are the only ones that carried the drama on their shoulders. The storyline was a flop towards the ending which i don't intend to give any spoilers. It was just a typical way to end a drama which leave me with one question, " Is this supposed to be a revenge drama or a love drama?" It swayed away from the revenge plot which was the scriptwriter initial objective and head towards a bitter romance in the midway. In the end, it does not leave a great impression on the viewers as they failed to excel in any of these concept. I am fangirling Seo Yea Ji clothes and makeup styles here which show off her beauty. In order to show my support for actress Seo Yea Ji, I watched the drama again in Netflix but the storyline leave much to be desired since they do have a promising premiere. 


Save Me

Plot: Four young men come to the rescue of a former classmate whose family has been suck into the clutches of a religious cult and its charismatic leader. Han Sang-hwan (Ok Taec-yeon) is the only son of a corrupt politician, who tries to save Sang-mi from the cult. Baek Jung-Ki (Jo Sung-ha) is the charismatic leader of the cult. He is called the spiritual father. Suk Dong-chul (Woo Do-hwan) is a friend of Sang-hwan, who has the most fighting skills out of the group. 

My thoughts 

This is an amazing drama! If you have not watch it, I would highly recommend it. However, this drama is not for people who are faint-hearted because there were many violent scenes and it touches on sensitive topic. The first episode actually drew me into their storytelling by showing us  how the people in this town were brainwashed by the influential cult leader Suk Dong-Chul. He and his accomplices were so wicked and manipulative that I felt frustrated when the people in this small town were believing what they said even when it was morally wrong. I am sure the director and scriptwriter did their research on this topic, thus they were able to deliver the storyline realistically. While watching the drama, I felt so emotional for Sang Mi and her brother. They are really good kids, especially Sang-mi who is pure at heart but they were targeted the moment they move into this town. The most memorable scene is when Sang-mi family went to the chapel to meet the spiritual father and he laid his filthy hand on Sang-mi. I like the shocked expression of Seo Yea Ji and she really look traumatized by what he did.  It is like a family of lambs being ushered into a lion den. It was clear that Suk Dong-Chul has set his eyes on Sang-mi and intend to make her his spiritual wife!  

I like the friendship of the four friends because they were righteous and willing to fight when the situation calls for it. Ok Tac-yeon is the main hero of the drama and he did a decent job in this drama. In my opinion, he is better at comedic scene than emotional scene. However, he did pretty well in this drama especially when his conflict with his friend Suk Dong-chul arises. There was a point when I hated him for "betraying" Dong-chul which caused him to be in jail. However, I do understand why he make that decision. I am glad that they managed to work things out and became friends again after his release. On the other hand, I really like Woo Dong-hwan acting here as he deals with emotional scenes much better. His grandmother death was such a huge blow to him and his father was missing at the same time. That makes my heartache for him because he had to go through so much at a young age. This drama is pretty heavy but it carries the message across clearly which warns us against false teachings. I can understand when Seo Yea Ji said that she was depressed when she filmed this drama. The theme of drama was really dark and it is like a never ending nightmares and people are still falling for such scheme to the point where they became obsessed. The ironic part is that it took four young men and a lady to fight the villains and save the whole town, while the adults are not there to protect their children. 


It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Plot: A road to emotional healing opens up for an antisocial children's book author and an employee in a psychiatric hospital. Moon Gang-Tae (Kim Soo Hyun) is an orphaned caregiver working at Ok psychiatric Hospital.  He struggles with self-esteem as a result of his past experiences and avoids having close relationships with anyone other than his autistic older brother Moon Sang-Tae ( Oh Jung-Se). Ko Moon-Young (Seo Yea Ji) is a popular children's book writer with antisocial personality disorder. 

My thoughts 

It's Okay To Not be Okay is the popular Korean drama that propel Seo Yea-Ji into stardom and solidified her status as a leading lady in Korean drama. It was a breakthrough drama which not only make Seo Yea-Ji a household name, she also became well known internationally due to the success of this drama. In every drama which features actor Kim Soo Hyun it will always be well-known internationally. This is an opportunity for Seo Yea Ji to show her acting chop to the world and her acting was phenomenal. The most memorable scene was when she stood in the rain, while holding on to the high heels. She was so happy that someone really cares for her when she was emotionally wounded, that was probably the point when her character really falls for Moon Gang Tae. There were also many iconic scenes and dialogue in this drama. Seo Yea-Ji is so gorgeous in all the designer clothes, hairstyles and makeup. She is the only fashion queen that can pull off all these beautiful style. 

I would like to praise Oh Jung-Se for his acting skills because it is really difficult to portray a person with special needs and he was so good in this drama! He definitely deserved to receive the best supporting actor award. Kim Soo Hyun took on this drama after he finish his military service and he knows that Seo Yea-Ji and Oh Jung-Se characters in the drama will outshine his character. However, he decided to support them in their acting and choose to give them the limelight. He said that he used to consider roles solely for himself but for this drama, he chose to take a step back. As what he had emphasize on - this is a human healing drama! I am sure It's Okay To Not Be Okay has a special place in his heart and he also mentioned  many times that he was touched by the script. The troublemaker trio has amazing chemistry and it is really a masterpiece not to be missed!