Monday, July 22, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 2: Asan Pear Blossom Field

 "YAH, what happened to this damn car?!" Mun Yeung shouted. Gang Tae took over the wheels from Mun Yeong and stopped at a nearby village. He got out of the car and checked the back engine of the camping car and discovered that the car had broken down. They needed time to repair the camping car and let it rest for some time. Which means they can't hit the road right now and was forced to stay the night at this nearby village. They walked into the village with Gang Tae holding their luggage bag and stopped at the sign which says, "Asan Pear Blossom Field". They met the head of the village Mr. Baek who happily led them to his house after he heard about their situation. 

Mun Yeong wondered in amazement at the countryside since she had always been a city girl and it was the first time she experienced stepping into a rather simple village. The people living here were warm-hearted and they were pleasantly surprised to see a young couple stepping into their village. They had a warm reception for the couple when the news spread like wildfire across the village that Ko Mun Yeong, the famous children book writer had stepped foot into their village. In addition, the villagers hardly see anybody dresses so fashionably except for Mr. Baek daughter-in-law who is a chaebol of a huge shopping mall in Seoul. The villagers whispered behind their back, “did you notice all the heiresses are always wearing such trendy and expensive clothes like Hae-In? They look so gorgeous.” The villagers crowded around Ko Mun Yeung and asked for an autograph and selfies with her. 

Mr Baek introduced his family members to them and Mrs. Baek exclaimed excitedly, " Wow Gang Tae shi, you looked exactly like my second son!" Looking slightly embarrassed, Mr. Baek showed his family photo proudly and pointed at his son Baek Hyun Woo. "He is currently working as a lawyer in Queen's shopping mall, and he seldom come back, for the time being you and Author Ko may spend the night in his bedroom." Mr. Baek led them to the room and Gang Tae bowed in appreciation of their kindness. 

"Mun Yeong ah, are you okay?" Gang Tae was concerned about Mun Yeong as he noticed that Mun Yeong had not been talking much ever since they stepped foot into the village. Mun Yeong smiled at Gang Tae, "I am fine, maybe I am still amazed by the villagers and their warm reception.” Gang Tae held Mun Yeong hand and said, "Mun Yeong ah, the sky is getting dark, we should spend a night here, I know that you feel uncomfortable. I promise you that we will leave as soon as we can start our camping car." Mun Yeong broke into a tiny smile, "I supposed this will be a totally new experience for me." Gang Tae stroked Moon Yeong hair lovingly as he looked into her eyes. "Knock", "Knock", Mr. Baek knocked on their door and warmly invite them to join them for dinner. 

At the dining table, Mun Yeong felt awkward as this was the first time she shared a table with a group of strangers. The food was really nice and delicious and Mun Yeong sat at the corner picking up the food on the table quietly. The Baek family warmly welcomed them as they took turns to pour drinks in the cups. The dinner ended joyously, and everyone was in a good spirit.  Mrs. Baek invited Mun Yeong to pick some pears with her in the farm while Gang Tae repair the camping car tomorrow morning. Mun Yeong gave an awkward smile to Mrs. Baek and agreed to repay their kindness by helping out at the pear farm. 

While Gang Tae took a shower, Mun Yeong was alone in the room. Feeling bored, she took a walk at the outdoor balcony and explore the landscape of the village which she had never seen before. “There is another world outside the castle that I was caged in all my life. The people living here were warm-hearted and kind to strangers like us,” Mun Yeong thought to herself while smiling. Lost in her own thoughts, a little girl quietly stood beside Mun Yeung and pulled her dress gently. When Mun Yeong turned around, she saw a little girl around eight years old with a ponytail tail raised her head up and smiled at her. Mun Yeong lowered herself to her eye level and looked into her eyes. “What is a brat like you doing here?” The girl has a beam in her eyes as she showed a book hidden behind her and said excitedly, “Can you do an autograph for me? I am a big fan of yours!” Mun Yeong smiled at her and took the book from her hands. The girl exclaimed happily, “Finding the real face!” Mun Yeong took the pen gently from her hands. “What is your name?” “Mun Yeong unnie, my name is Lee So Hyun.” Mun Yeong wrote something on the book and returned it to So Hyun. She opened the book and read, “Soo Hyun ah, be happy always. Thank you for being my fan.” They smiled tenderly at each other while Gang Tae watched their interactions from a distance. 

His hair was dripping wet with a white towel placed on his shoulders, while he smiled tenderly at the scene. So Hyun turned her head around and saw Gang Tae. She smiled shyly at Gang Tae and murmured to herself, “Handsome oppa.” Mun Yeong turned her head and saw Gang Tae who gave them a bright smile. Mun Yeong immediately turned back to So Hyun slightly annoyed and said, “This handsome oppa is taken by me.” She gave a hug to So Hyun before she stood up, turned around and hooked her arm with Gang Tae. “A mini fan meeting?” Gang Tae innocently asked with a smile on his face. “Stop flirting and smiling at girls like that!” Mun Yeong said in a jealous and possessive tone. Gang Tae broke out in laughter and shook his head, “I am smiling at you.” He said that while wrapping his arms around Mun Yeong. I came out to find you when I did not see you in the room. Let’s go to bed early after I dry my hair. Mun Yeong burst into laughter as they walked back to the room. This night, the couple wrapped their arms around each other on the bed. Mun Yeong placed her head on Gang Tae shoulder. “I must say my mini fan has great taste like me.” Gang Tae smiled knowingly and gave a goodnight kiss on Mun Yeong lips as this is their daily routine and fall asleep together. 

“Mun Yeong ah wake up.” Gang Tae gently shook her shoulder. It had been a long time since Mun Yeong slept on a proper bed. She was still lazing around in the bed refusing to wake up. Although, it was fun hitting the road with Gang Tae in the camping car, but there is no proper mattress to sleep comfortably. Not that Mun Yeong is complaining as long as she has Gang Tae by her side, she will be happy anywhere. “You are supposed to help out at the pear farm with Mrs. Baek remember?” Mun Yeong suddenly opened her eyes wide in surprise. Oh yes, she remembered promising Mrs. Baek that she will be helping out at the pear farm. Mun Yeong jumped up from bed and get ready to greet the elderly who were already seated at the dining table. Mun Yeong and Gang Tae greeted the elderly couple at the table and had their breakfast together. Gang Tae followed Mr. Baek to the repair shop, while Mun Yeong changed into an ahjuma flowery outfit and followed Mrs. Baek to the farm. Along the way, Mun Yeong kept grumbling about her terrible outfit but still listened attentively to Mrs. Baek instructions on how to pick the pears from the trees. Mun Yeong cursed and swear softly as she picked the pears from the trees under the scotching hot sun.  

When the sunset, Gang Tae returned home to see an exhausted Mun Yeong in an ahjuma outfit carrying a bag of pears in her hands. Gang Tae laughed hysterically at the sight of her ahjuma outfit. Mun Yeung pouted and pushed him away on the chest as she followed Mrs. Baek into the house. At night, after a long day of labor they freshen up and sat together at the dining table. Mrs. Baek had already cut the juicy pears and placed them on the plate. “Let’s enjoy our fruits of labor!” exclaimed Mrs. Baek merrily. They have a farewell dinner that night as the couple will set off tomorrow morning in their camping car. 

After the splendid dinner, Gang Tae was invited to drink makgeolli with Mr. and Mrs. Baek while Mun Yeong took a shower in the bathroom. They clicked glasses at the outdoor balcony and enjoyed the night skies. “It had been such a long time since we have visitors in our village, your presence definitely stirred up some excitement in the village. Thanks to the camping car that broke down, we can have you and Mun Yeong as our honored guests.” Mr. Baek smiled fondly at Gang Tae. Mrs. Baek chipped in, “It was such a pity that Hyun Woo is not around, I am sure he will get along well with you and Mun Yeong.” Gang Tae smiled and thanked the elderly couple for their hospitality. “Sorry that I had Mun Yeong working at the pear orchard with me the whole day. I just wanted to spend time knowing more about her.” Mrs. Baek said candidly. Gang Tae smiled knowingly at her words. “Mun Yeong may look cold and distant but when I get to know her better, I discovered that she is actually a kindhearted girl. I like it that she is not pretentious at all. I guess I am used to her swearing and cursing and will miss her now.” Mrs. Baek laughed. Gang Tae bend his head in embarrassment and said, “Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Baek for being so kind to us and I apologize on her behalf for being rude.” Mrs. Baek held his hand like a mother to her son. “It’s ok Gang Tae, we love to have you and Mun Yeung around with us. Our life has been kind of boring ever since our children grown up. Please visit us whenever you are free.” Mrs. Baek smiled tenderly. 

“Moon Gang Tae, what are you doing?” Mun Yeong walked to the balcony in her night gown, and she caught Gang Tae looking tenderly at his phone while smiling to himself. “Is that a picture of a woman you are hiding away from me?” Mun Yeong tried to snatch his phone away. Gang Tae teasingly avoided her and showed a picture of Mun Yeong in the flowery ahjuma outfit. “Where did you get that picture?!” Mun Yeong tried to snatch away the phone and delete that ugly picture. “It was a candid shot that Mrs. Baek took of you at the pear farm. You look skillful in picking the pears from the tree!” Gang Tae said teasingly. She chased Gang Tae around the balcony demanding to delete the ugly picture. “Sly fox! Delete the picture or I will kill you!” Mr. and Mrs. Baek looked fondly upon the couple with a smile on their faces. Mr. Baek held his wife hand and said, “Don’t they resembled us when we were a young couple?” Mrs. Baek slapped him on the chest and signaled him to go back to the house with their kettle and cups. “Let’s go, we should not disturb the young couple with our presence.” 

The next morning Gang Tae and Mun Yeong bid farewell to the elderly couple family and some of the villagers came and send them off. Mrs. Baek packed a bag of pears for Mun Yeong to take with them for their trip. Mrs. Baek hugged Mun Yeong and said, “I wished I could spend more time with you. Do come back if you have the time and please stay longer this time and we can pick more pears.” Mun Yeong gave an awkward laugh which Mrs. Baek pretend not to see. They thanked the villagers for their hospitality before they got into the camping car. They waved goodbye to the villagers as Gang Tae drove the camping car out of the village. 

In the camping car, Mun Yeong saw a message on her handphone and smiled. Gang Tae asked her, “why are you smiling?” She replied, “I had just sent my present to the villagers as she hummed a tune to herself.” Gang Tae was curious and stole a glance on her phone. “You are buying all the pears in Mr. and Mrs. Baek pear farm and give them to the villagers?!” “Mun Yeong ah, you are so amazing!” Gang Tae was pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, the elderly couple just received a ten million won cheque from Mun Yeong in an envelope. Seung Jae who drove all the way there to pass the cheque to the couple and express her gratitude on behalf of Moon Yeong. The elderly couple looked at each other in awe of the gesture. 

“Don’t think for a moment I will forget about that picture of me in an ugly ahjuma clothes that is still sitting in your handphone.” Mun Yeung said in a sarcastic voice. Acting innocent, Gang Tae said with a teasing tone “You look beautiful in all type of clothes, beside this is the one and only picture that I will ever see you dressed like this.” Mun Yeong angrily exclaimed, “Sly fox!” Gang Tae said with a tinge of sadness, “looks like this summer holiday is ending soon.” He held Mun Yeong hand and gave a little sad smile. “I can always kidnap you again and this time round we will have more fun than what we are experiencing now.” Mun Yeong proudly declared with a wide smile. Gang Tae smiled sweetly at Mun Yeong, “I am sure we will continue to have lots of fun.” 

At the workplace, Author Kim and Sang Tae were busy with their new book. “Sang Tae oppa, you helped Mun Yeong unnie with her international acclaimed children book, Finding the real face. How did she find the inspiration to write this book? Did she meet up with mentally unstable patients too? Sang Tae oppa, why aren’t you answering me? Sang Tae continued to draw his illustrations diligently without looking at her. “She is my little sister”, he said as a matter of fact. Author Kim put her pen aside and studied Sang Tae facial expressions. She raised an eyebrow and grin to herself. “If I could find any dirty scandal of the famous and successful Ko Mun Yeong, I will make sure to pull her down and top her chart in the children story book ranking category.” Author Kim thought to herself. 

Next chapter: What will happen to Sang Tae and Author Kim partnership? Where is Gang Tae and Moon Yeong going? Are they going to return to Seong Jin city? 

Drama Queen note to our lovely readers:

I am sure you will find some similarities with our Baek family and the countryside village in this chapter. You may probably know that I love both Queen Of tears and It’s Okay to not be Okay if you saw my previous post. I will post more story about Mun Yeung and the Moon brothers in this blog next week. Stay tune if you want to find out more about their adventure. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Fan fiction Chapter 1: Moon Brothers New Beginnings

Fanfiction: It's Okay to Not Be Okay Season 2. Since it had been four years and there is no news of a second season, I decided to write my own story of the troublemaker trio.

Timeline: The story follows the troublemaker trio at camping trip when Sang Tae decided to part ways with Gang Tae and Mun Yeung. Sang Tae want to be a children book illustrator. Gang Tae and Mun Yeong went on a separate way from Sang Tae.

Synopsis: Sang Tae left his siblings and embarked on the journey as a children book illustrator. Gang Tae and Mun Yeong continue with their little adventures. What type of challenges will await them? Will Gang Tae decision to enroll in a college drift the couple apart? Will the couple start a new family? Is Sang Tae going to be successful with his venture?

After they had their coffee, Sang Tae and Gang Tae had a tearful goodbye as they decided to go on different paths. Just like the story Finding the real face, they finally have the courage to pursue their own happiness. Both of the vans went on their separate ways, with Sang Tae advising the couple to kiss is better than to quarrel. 

While traveling on the road in the camping car, Moon Gang Tae was worried about his brother since this was the first time they had been apart for so long. He was experiencing some sort of separation anxiety since he was used to taking care of his brother all these years. He knows that he is no longer being tied down with his responsibilities to look after his brother and not having the freedom to be himself. He had finally found his own identity thanks to the woman seated next to him who was driving the camping car. He understands that he need not feel guilty for leading his own life and pursue his happiness. 

"Stop calling Sang Tae Oppa every now and then, he is in good hand with Sang In!", said Mun Yeong. She looked at Gang Tae with weary eyes and snapped, "Do you want to go back now?" Gang Tae shook his head and spoke tenderly, " I guess I still need some time to learn to live independently from my brother." Mun Yeong gave a knowing smile and said, "If you really want to go back, we can do so anytime." They stopped their camping car at a lavender farm. " Let’s go!" Mun Yeong said as they held hands together and took a stroll on the grassland, breathing in the fresh air and taking more selfies. 

Sang Tae arrived with Sang In to his newly established Sang Sang publishing company and was introduced to the author he will collaborate with. Sang Tae thought that she looks pretty but nobody can replace Ko Mun Yeong in his fanboy heart especially during those days when she still has her long hair that touches down to her waist. The pretty lady who is wearing a pair of spectacles seemed to have a warm personality as she greeted Sang Tae brightly. "Hi, Sang Tae oppa, my name is Kim Ji Hye and I will be working with you on my new book." Sang In smiled and said, " Sang Tae shi, I am sure you will work well with Author Kim Ji Hye."

They started to work on the new book with lots of discussions shortly after they met. He was busy with the illustration and hardly have time to talk to Gang Tae. Author Kim Ji Hye is a nice person who respect Sang Tae work but is he overworked? Gang Tae wondered. He was able to loosen up a little after the reassurance from Sang In that he will check on their work progress. Mun Yeong and Gang Tae decided to continue with their little adventure and enjoy each other company in the camping car. 

It was during lunch time, Sang In looked for Juri in Ok hospital where she is working as the head nurse now. "Hi, Juri are you busy right now? Shall we go for lunch together?" Juri smiled shyly and nodded her head, and they went to the hospital canteen. "I am glad that things have been looking up lately after I set up my company in Seong Jin city. The draft for the finale of the Witch of the west was found and we get to keep our reputation in the industry. I can't believe that crafty girl Seung Jae kept the draft away from me for a month before leaving it on my desk! Does she think I will never find out it was her who did this? Our Sang Tae and Ko Mun Yeong book Finding the real face also receive good reviews despite the change of tone in writing. I am definitely waiting for news of Finding the real face being nominated for best children novel award. I was initially so worried about the response of this book due to the ridiculous video and now that everything was settled, I felt so relief!" Sang In smiled widely at Juri. "Good for you, and didn't I tell you that everything will be fine and that the video should be taken as a promotion for the book instead? That will hype up the sales of the books! Juri said with a grin. " Sang In winked at Juri, " Perhaps you should quit your job, come and work for me as my marketing personnel." Juri laughed, " Enough of the joke, I need to go back to work as Ok hospital have appointed a new director and he is very strict." Sang In smiled and held Juri hand shyly, " Okay, I will see you tonight." 

Under the dark sky, Sang in, Juri, Jae Su, Juri Mum Soon Deok gathered at the rooftop table eating some barbecue meat. Soon Deok said with a sigh, "This house became so empty without Sang Tae and Gang Tae! I wonder how they are coping in their journey. Sang In replied, "Don't worry, Sang Tae is working well with Author Kim. They are busy working on their new project and Author Kim admire Sang Tae drawings. I always heard her praising Sang Tae work, and they decide to stay at the workplace working diligently till they complete the project. As for Gang Tae and Moon Yeong, they are going to travel to some country village before coming back in a week or two. Gang Tae needs to start preparation for his entrance exam in college after summer ends." 

At the camping car, " Sang Tae oppa, why is it that it's only been a week and you had forgotten about me?!" Mun Yeong grumbled angrily to Sang Tae on the phone. "Mun Yeong ah, keep your voice down when you speak to someone older than you. I need to continue my work with author Kim Ji Hye now. I will call you back when I am free." Mun Yeong put down the phone with a childish pout and walked out of the camping car to join Gang Tae who was sitting at the bench. Gang Tae smiled sweetly at Mun Yeong and said, "Looks like someone is feeling jealous and possessive now." Mun Yeong folded her arms and refuted his claim. It was another day when they sat together on the bench, looking at the clear sky and admiring the beautiful sceneries. They linked their arms together and smiled lovingly at each other. It seems like they were in another world which can only contain this couple. Gang Tae turned to Mun Yeong and asked, "Where shall we go now?" Mun Yeong gently replied, "Wherever you choose to go, I will follow." Mun Yeong placed her head on Gang Tae shoulder as they hugged each other. Gang Tae reached out his hand to Mun Yeong and caressed her right hand. 

Next Chapter: What kind of adventure will Gang Tae and Moon Yeong encounter at the country village? Is Sang Tae going to work smoothly with Author Kim? Who is Author Kim and is she really a nice person? 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Drama Review: It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Episode 1


The story begins with an animation about our protagonist Ko Mun Yeung as a little girl. She was labelled as a monster that went around terrifying the people around her. She was often lonely and one day, she saved a boy from drowning and he started to follow her around. Then a scary haunting voice told the girl to remember that she is a monster. Now our female protagonist became a beautiful lady as she answered. "Yes, mother." 

Now let's meet our male protagonist Moon Gang Tae, a certified caretaker in a hospital. He has an autistic elder brother. This day, his brother Moon Sang Tae had caused some commotion in his workplace. As a result, Moon Gang Tae have to come and fetch his brother home. Moon Sang Tae has autism spectrum that is more towards high functioning. He has no problem taking care of himself generally but he is sensitive about his hair and hate it when people touch him. He has always observe his brother facial expressions and Gang Tae always hate his emotion towards his elder brother.

The little girl grew up to become a dark fairy tale author Ko Mun Yeung. She was seated alone at a quiet corner of the restaurant, cutting his steak. A little fan spotted her, and the mother asked for an autograph and a picture. The girl praised Ko Mun Yeung for being pretty like a princess and she was displeased and said to the girl that in her fairytale book, it is always the witch that is pretty. It scares the girl off during the photoshoot. Ko Mun Yeung manager Sang In came to fetch Mun Yeung for her fairytale reciting session and requested Mun Yeung to change into a brighter outfit. Mun Yeung refused to oblige and took the steak knife which she fancies because of its sharpness as she walked out of the restaurant. Sang In have to paid off the money for the knife that Mun Yeung "stole" from the steak restaurant. 

Moon Gang Tae is back at the hospital as he change to his uniform, we can see the bruise and scratches on his muscular body probably due to the danger of his work as a caregiver. A patient was depressed and gobbled up all the food, Gang Tae tried to calm down the patient who started vomiting out the food that she ate. Gang Tae tolerated it as he imagined to be in a bed of roses. After that, the patient slapped Gang Tae on the face and told him not put on that fake smile as it disgusted her. 

The colleagues in the hospital were curious about Gang Tae as he seem to move from one workplace to another in a short period of time. One day, a mental patient was admitted to the hospital as he tried to kill his daughter and himself. On the other hand, Moon Gang Tae called his brother to check on him. He asked his brother, " do you like me or Ko Moon Yeung?" His brother did not respond and hang up his phone.  

At the hospital rooftop, Moon Tae chanced upon Ko Mun Yeung the children book writer. Unknown to him, his brother is a big fan of Ko Moon Yeung book. He advice Mun Yeung to put out the cigarette that she lighted at the non-smoking area. She stepped forward to look at him in the eyes and said, " do you believe in destiny?" She continued, " Destiny is when you need that person and he or she appeared right in front of you." Before she walks away, she dropped the cigarette she was holding into Gang Tae coffee cup.  Gang Tae was agitated and crushed the cup in his hand. 

At the hospital recite hall, Mun Yeung was reciting her fairytale. when the lights switched off and everyone were asked to leave the hall due to an emergency situation. Turns out that a mental patient had escaped and came here to find his daughter. Ko Mun Yeung saw that the man wanted to struggle his daughter to death. She helped the daughter to escape and was struggled by the man instead. Mun Yeung had a flashback on his father trying to struggle her when she was a child. She was broken as she laughed and cried with the memories. Moon Gang Tae arrived at the nick of time and pulled the man away. In an act of revenge, Mun Yeung intend to attack the patient with a steak knife. Gang Tae stopped her with his bare hand. They stared deep into each other eyes. The knife cut his palm and he needed stitches at the medical center. 

Due to the incident, the hospital have to held responsible for the lack of vigilant and the hospital director decided to let Gang Tae be the scapegoat as his employment record shows that he job hop very frequently within a few months to a year. In return, he will be offered some money for taking up this responsibility instead of the intern. Gang Tae was upset and his friend Jae Su came to fetch him with his motorbike. 

Juri who was working in Ok mental hospital happened to be childhood friends with Ko Mun Yeung. She was tasked to go to Moon Yeung to sign some document for her father who is admitted as a mental patient in Ok hospital. She was fearful of Ko Mun Yeung as she collapsed to the floor after meeting up with her. Gang Tae forgotten to ask for an autograph from Ko Mun Yeung and Jae Su volunteer to forge her signature to deceive Sang Tae. But Sang Tae saw through it and started to throw tantrum. They tried to calm him down and pacify him. 

At night, Mun Yeung thought about her trauma as she laid on the bed holding on to the family photo. Gang Tae was also awake at night as he thought about what happened. Mun Yeung was in her hotel room bed and thought of Gang Tae beautiful eyes. Unable to sleep, Gang Tae woke up and read Ko Mun Yeung book - The boy who fed on nightmare. His brother was sound asleep when he suddenly dreamt of the butterflies chasing him. He let out a cry and woke everyone up. Sang In send a message to Gang Tae in an attempt to bribe him so as not to pursue the matter when Mun Yeung stab on his hand.

In the company, Mun Yeung came in with her fashionable dress and everyone starts to hide everything that is sharp from her. She saw a sharp paper opener on the desk and took it with her. While walking to the office, she found Gang Tae reading one of her books and dressed like a gigolo. Gang Tae said that her eyes reminds him of a girl that she liked when he was a boy. They stared intensely at each other eyes.  

My thoughts

I watched this drama in year 2020 when it first premiered on Netflix and I was a fan of this drama. It was during the gloomy period of covid 19 and we were trying to get back to normal life after the pandemic. It was only after i watched Queen Of Tears that reminded me to watch the previous work from Kim Soo Hyun. That was when my sister told me that this drama is very nice and recommended me to watch it. In the end, i rewatched this drama and felt deeper about this drama since I understand better after a second watch. 

My father who was watching this drama with me commented that Ko Moon Yeung must be a villain and Juri must be the good girl. How wrong can he be! I told her the female lead is actually Ko Moon Yeung. He judged Ko Moon Yeung based on her character and i have to explain to him that Ko Moon Yeung is actually suffering from childhood trauma that is why she behaved differently.

I was a big fan of animation, and the use of this technology suited the atmosphere of this drama. It's Okay To Not Be Okay connect with some fairytale's stories which like what Ko Moon Yeung said, it is also an introspection of the reality life that we live in. The way she interprets the world as dark and cold reflected in her writings of the fairytale books. I love the way the characters were introduced to us, and it was very clear from the beginning that the main characters all have their personal baggage and issues in life that they carried with them through adulthood. 

I empathize with Moon Gang Tae for being the sole caregiver of his elder brother. He seem to keep his smile in order to keep everything peaceful. That smile is like the smile of a joker which his friend Jae Su pointed out in this episode. I can immediately feel the pain and the patience of Gang Tae when he took care of his brother. This episode i had a glimpse of why Ko Moon Yeung behave violently and i supposed that have to do with her family and her upbringing. She was classified as antisocial disorder but i think she has a tender heart beneath her cold exterior. I was hoping that the medical diagnosis will be proven wrong for Ko Mun Yeung. She should be able to show and feel love with the people who truly love and care for her. When Moon Yeung mentioned about destiny, i am sure they will be each other soulmates and life partner. 

The boy who fed on nightmare was introduced in this drama and i was very impressed with the story. This book teaches me to face my trauma and over come it. It is only when you overcome it, then your soul will become an adult. This encourage people to be strong and face your problem instead of avoiding it. I think after reading this book, Moon Gang Tae decided to face his problem and not to run away like a coward. I also feel sad for the girl whose father decided to commit suicide after his failed attempt to kill his daughter. Mental issue is so real and it happens in all types of situation. It is time for us to pay attention to these social issues and not to try and bury them under the carpet. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Seo Yea Ji signed exclusive contract with Sublime


Fans of Korean actress Seo Yea Ji do not need to wait any longer for her comeback to the entertainment industry. Seo Yea Ji had recently signed an exclusive contract with the agency Sublime that house many acting talents such as prominent actor Song Kang Ho. Seo Yea Ji took a long break from acting after her drama Eve was broadcasted in year 2022. Since then, Seo Yea Ji was deeply involved in various controversies and gossips which forced the actress to take a hiatus from acting. Her exclusive contract with Gold Medalist ended in November 2023 and the controversial actress became a free agent. Seo Yea Ji is a rising star after she starred in the international hit drama It’s Okay to Not be okay, only to face her downfall a year later with the scandal of her text messages with her ex-boyfriend Kim Jung Hyun. 

Seo Yea Ji scandal and timeline

Dispatch exposed the juicy scandal involving Seo Yea Ji and Kim Jung Hyun in year 2021, which is a year after the success of the hit international drama It's Okay to Not be Okay. We know Seo Yea Ji became popular after she acted in the drama. Unfortunately, her text messages with her ex-boyfriend Kim Jung Hyun were dug out and Seo Yea Ji was accused of gaslighting her ex-boyfriend during the filming of the drama Time in year 2018. It was revealed that Seo Yea Ji manipulated Kim Jung Hyun into amending the scripts so that there is no intimate scene between his co-star Girls Generation Seohyun. She even instructed Kim Jung Hyun to maintain a distance from the female staff members at the filming set. In addition, Seo Yea Ji was also blamed for Kim Jung Hyun rude behaviors at the Time press conference. Due to the scandal, Seo Yea Ji was dropped like a hot potato from various endorsements that she represents. 

Subsequently, netizens start to dig out her past statements on the falsification of her academic achievement as she apparently said that she attended a university in Spain in hope of becoming a news anchor, before she decided to focus on her acting career. There were multiple times when she claimed to have studied in Spain, but she contradicted her statement when she revealed to the public later that she did not enroll in a University in Spain. Netizens were convinced that Seo Yea Ji had told a lie to the public and she faced backlashed again. To add fuel to the oil, past acquittances and ex-staff member of Seo Yea Ji had jumped out of nowhere and accused Seo Yea Ji of being a bully and even stole money from them.  The controversies went out of control at a point of time and people have come out with various accusations of Seo Yea Ji bad personalities. 

A controversial reporter exposed that Seo Yea Ji has been romantically involved with TVXQ Yunho and has been manipulating him. He also mentioned that Seo Yea Ji had dated her co-star in It's Okay to Not Be Okay Kim Soo Hyun. They were in a relationship before she decided to date his cousin Kim Sa Rang who is the co-owner of Gold Medalist. Seo Yea Ji and her then agency Gold Medalist had kept quiet throughout the whole accusation, and it incurred the wrath of the public as Seo Yea Ji did not apologize for her past actions. The last controversy was during the broadcast of the Drama Eve, her family were involved in a dispute with their neighbors due to the parking lot. The neighbors accused Seo Yea Ji and her family for been inconsiderate and caused inconvenience to others due to their actions.  

Seo Yea Ji was sued by the endorsement company for damage to their reputations, people who used to support her had turned against her. In light of her apologies to the public due to her immature personality and attitude, netizens still refused to let it go and even calling her out for being insincere. Seo Yea Ji decided to go for a time of reflection before she opened an Instagram account recently and slowly returned to the public eyes. 

My thoughts

While I understand that Korean celebrities operate on good reputation and clean image, I think the numerous controversies surrounding Seo Yea Ji was uncalled for and is unnecessary. The scandal snowballed into more controversies due to Seo Yea Ji past behavior started floating around the internet. The private messages were dug out and people think that they have the right to condemn an actress for her poor conduct and bad personality. I can't help but feel that there is a conspiracy to pull Seo Yea Ji down from the altar. Maybe she offended some people so much that they decided to destroy her rising career. There could be people who are jealous of her beauty and success after all. 

There is always a two side to a coin, and we should not judge a person immediately, especially when we don't know her personally. In my opinion, the person who revealed the private conversation was doing something that is illegal. We all do not have the right to see or even reveal any personal messages unless it had something to do with a crime. The personal messages were only for the couple, and it could be a quarrel between them since Kim Jung Hyun demanded Seo Yea Ji not to have skin ship with her co-star first. That led to many gossip stories about them. The party involved should be settling this among themselves but it is not up to us to judge anything. 

It was later proven that the bullying scandals were unfounded, and the falsification of her academic achievement was a misunderstanding as she was actually studying in a language school in Spain. Unfortunately, because of the unproven accusation, Seo Yea Ji reputations were destroyed. All the hard work she builds for herself as an established actress came to a halt because of the overwhelming protest for her to be cancelled in the entertainment industry.   Her lead role in the drama Eve was being overshadowed by her controversies and it was truly unfair for the production team. We know that Seo Yea Ji has the potential to excel in her role, but Korean netizen is not forgiving towards their celebrities especially women. There is a saying that drama mirrors our life, I supposed Seo Yea Ji acting as Ko Moon Yeung may be somewhat reflecting on what she is experiencing now. After all this time of reflection, Seo Yea Ji has become more matured and elegant now. I hope Seo Yea Ji will once again prove to the world that she is an outstanding Korean actress and be truly recognised for her work!

Drama Review: It's Okay to Not Be Okay Vs Queen of Tears


Hi everyone, it has been so long since my last post. Today I am going to do a drama review of It’s Okay Not to Be Okay versus Queen of Tears. Since I had watched both Korean dramas, I am going to do a comparison between these two hit drama series. Kindly note that both of the drama is on Netflix now!


In terms of storyline, I have a soft spot for It’s Okay to Not Be Okay. The premiere of its first episode captured my eyes because of the amazing animation. I don’t recall any Korean drama that used animation for their drama. It was a wise decision because I was immediately drawn to the narrative and couldn’t wait to find out more about the characters and their story. The storyline was well written by the scriptwriter Jong Yong who revealed that she wrote this drama based on her personal life story. She dated a man with personality disorder, but she chooses to run away instead of carrying on with the relationship. The drama follows closely with the message that the writer wants to convey to the audience. Many life lessons were taught to the audiences through the portrayal of the characters in the drama. We learnt about empathy and looking at something from a different perspective. Most importantly, we need to love ourselves first before we can love others. I cried and laughed throughout the drama, and it has been four years and I still remember this drama because it was a masterpiece which is timeless. It may not have the best rating in Korea, but it does have many international audiences that love this drama!

Queen of Tears is a rather cute and beautiful drama about a married couple. I like the message of the drama which is mainly about the importance of communication between two people. The miscommunication and misunderstanding caused a crack in their relationship. The story about the miscarriage and the family dynamics were some reasons for the breakdown of the couple. There were some realistic aspects of the subject of communication. Therefore, I am very happy that the drama addresses this issue and makes us realize that we need to treasure the people around us. There were times when I was very frustrated by the pull and push tactics when the couples were together. All the blowing hot and cold to the partner may relate to the audience too. Sometimes, I feel sorry for our hero who was been “bullied” in the in-law family! This is a drama that really hit the mass market with all the right elements about family, love and some makjang moments.


It's Okay Not to Be Okay: Grade A+

Queen Of Tears: Grade A



I must admit that I watch both dramas because of our Hallyu Star Kim Soo Hyun! In my opinion, I love Kim Soo Hyun since Dream High. Although Kim Soo Hyun did not film many drama series, his taste in script has been very spot on and I must say that he has an eye for scripts that are excellent.

Regarding his role in both dramas, I think he is good at portraying both characters. In my opinion, his method acting in It’s Okay to Not Be Okay was a good attempt as he acted as a reserved and self-sacrificing Moon Gang Tae. He has been improving tremendously over the years. We know Kim Soo Hyun is a talented actor who has won many awards. The role of Gang Tae in It’s Okay to Not Be Okay left a deep impression on me. Although many people mentioned that his acting pales in comparison to his co-stars, I think it was because of his character when he was not supposed to stand out among his co-stars. He was supposed to be extremely calm and patient whereas his partners have more outstanding roles and were loud.

This does not mean that Kim Soo Hyun is incapable of acting. There were times that his co-stars outshone him, but he held his own in the drama, creating a well balance in the acting dynamic. He did mention during interviews that he knows that he will have to share the limelight with his co-stars. Despite that, he still wants to join this drama because he wants to be in a role to assist other actors to shine in a drama. Unlike in the past when he only thought and chose the drama role solely for himself.

On the other hand, Kim Soo Hyun did a great job in Queen of Tears. I am glad that he decided to take up a husband role in Queen of Tears. He had acted as a boyfriend in many romance-comedy drama, and this is the first time he matured and grow into a husband material. Wow! He is a delight to watch as he ages like fine wine. He is already in his mid-thirties; I am sure he can deliver a great performance in this drama. His role as Baek Hyun-Woo is the ideal husband for thousands and millions of ladies. Kim Soo Hyun has the talent to make audiences drawn to his situations where we laughed and cried with him. This character as Baek Hyun Woo is tailored made for Kim Soo Hyun just as his role in My Love from The Star. His acting range was wide, and I really enjoyed all his comedic and adorable moments. His baby face really suited this role and made his character so likeable!


It's Okay to Not Be Okay: Grade A+

Queen Of Tears: Grade A+



Seo Ye Ji and Kim Ji Won

Prior to It’s Okay to Not be Okay, I did not know who actress Seo Yea Ji is. I thought she was a newbie and was in awe of her perfect portrayal of Ko Moon Yeung. This talented young actress has been buried underneath for seven years! That is such a waste of talent, and I am glad that she secured this lead actress role acting together with Kim Soo Hyun. She is so beautiful and fashionable in all her designer clothes, trendy make-up and nice hairdo. After this one hit wonder, Seo Yea Ji faced various scandals and been forced to take a break due to the controversies which was a shame. Seo Yea Ji excelled in her role as Ko Moon Yeung, a fairy tale writer with antisocial personality disorder. Her chemistry with the Moon brothers was out of the world. The way the main cast brings in their own harmonious energy in their acting. I like the way the actors know exactly how to react to each other like soulmates that matches each other.

I had watched Kim Ji Won acting in fight my way and I do enjoy her performance in that drama. However, I am surprised that Kim Ji Won looks much prettier and slimer in Queen of Tears. She has that feminine look, and I must say that she looks great with Kim Soo Hyun. She is a good actress but her role as Hong Hae-In was a little stiff and expressionless at times. Probably Kim Soo Hyun is my bias, so I was a little frustrated with her mistreating him with cold attitude. However, this drama is mostly about the chemistry of the couple, and they truly deliver what is expected of them. I like the back story of the couple after the end of each episode. They really get into their role perfectly that it became so close to my heart.


It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: Grade A+

Queen of Tears: A


Story development

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay has a great and impactful character development for everyone especially the main leads. They had such a beautiful transformation like a butterfly spreading its wing as it flies in the sky. The side stories from the other characters were also well written. I love the way the drama interlinks the fairy tale story and Ko Moon Yeung children’s books.  Like I said before, this drama emphasizes on character growth, and they succeeded in doing so for our main characters. It takes a person with an open mind and heart to fully appreciate this drama. That was probably why this drama is a timeless masterpiece despite its poor rating in Korea. I can see the effort the production team put into the drama. They filmed this drama with much sincerity and like what Kim Soo Hyun said this is a human healing drama that he has hope will not be forgotten.


The only flaw that I can find in this beautiful drama is the character of Ko Moon Yeung’s mother - Do Hui Jae. I think the drama can explain more about the disappearance and her motives. It was unclear how she survived the fall from the stairs and how she escaped from the basement. There must be something that trigger her to become a psycho, but it was not explained towards the end. Although it is only a minor flaw which can be overlooked, but I do hope that the show will explain a bit more about her mental issue. Do Hui Jae seems to be scarier in Moon Yeung dream. I understand that her mother presence serves as a catalyst for Sang Tae to overcome his fear and the closure that the main characters seek in life. However, this drama has been consistently delivers great contents and it was a little disappointing with the loophole and the undeveloped story of the real "witch". 


Story development

Queen of Tears was rather interesting in the beginning when Baek Hyun Woo was bullied in the Hong family. As mentioned before, I love Kim Soo Hyun comedic timing. He knows that he has an adorable facial expression and body language, therefore he utilizes it to its full potential in this drama. He is so relatable and cute when he was “afraid” of his wife. Kim Soo Hyun excels in playing this type of pitiful, intelligent and cool guy that we can’t help but empathize and root for him. He is just so charming as an actor in whatever role he has been given. Besides Kim Soo Hyun good acting skills and his onscreen chemistry, I also like the family been closer to each other after the ordeal and learn to appreciate each other. The drama series was longer in comparison to other drama; therefore, the drama was able to deliver more content to satisfy the audience.



I was totally scratching my head when Baek Hyun Woo was knocked down by a car. Logically speaking, how does he save his damsel in distress in that condition? He should be seriously injured and life hanging on the thread if that is a real situation. Surprisingly, he was able to get out of the hospital and look for his wife? The other loophole is that of getting out of jail in Germany so easily written off and it is anticlimactic to say the least for Queen of Tears. All the buildup in the previous episode became a bubble at the end of the drama. While I appreciate the ending at the graveyard and the family photo, do we forget that Hong Hae-In has brain tumor and it is a serious illness which the scriptwriter chose to overlook for the sake of the perfect completion of the drama. The villains and family drama were not important since the drama is solely on the main couple. 


I think both dramas were good in the screenplay department. There was no dispute that they put in lots of effort in looking for locations. However, Queen of Tears, having a bigger budget and takes the cake for screen play. I love the filming location set in Germany; the whole atmosphere was different. On the other hand, It’s Okay to Not be Okay has the mysterious castle and a mental hospital that have nice sea view. The other amazing factor is the fashion wardrobe that Seo Yea Ji brings onscreen. She really looks expensive in all the outfit and grabs many eyeballs with her beauty.

It’s Okay to Not Be Ok: Grade A

Queen Of Tears: Grade A+


Original Soundtrack

Sam Kim - Breath

I like all the original soundtrack of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay! This is the song that lingers in my mind after hearing Moon Gang Tae love confession to Ko Moon Yeung! This is a soulful song specially for our Moon-Moon couple! Love it.

       Janet Suhh - In Silence 

This song is titled: In Silence. I feel the pain of our Main leads Ko Moon Yeung and Moon Gang Tae. This song was so meaningful and touching that I cried when I heard this beautiful song.

Crush - Love you with all my heart 

I love this song by Crush – Love you with all my heart. My heart is flattering when I thought of the scenes with our couple in mind. Just like his previous OST Beautiful. This can be a good wedding song too.

                                                 Kim Soo Hyun - Way Home

Kim Soo Hyun sung in one of the OST in Queen of Tears! How not to love this song when it was sung by my favorite Korean actor?  I just wish he will sing the OST for all his previous drama. He is a multi-talented celebrity and that is why he is getting the highest paid actor (idol, singer) in Korea? He just has the whole package! Don’t we love his charm and his smooth voice?

It's Okay to Not Be Okay: Grade A+

Queen Of Tears: A+

Monday, May 13, 2024

鱼香四溢 The Fish's Overflowing Fragrance

Sypnosis from SSB:
Being an extremely ambitious fish with great aspirations, Ah Lian’s only wish in her entire lifetime was to become the main dish of the most beautiful man in the Celestial Realm – Rong Lin, the God of War.

Ah Lian invested enormous amounts of effort into eating, successfully grooming herself into becoming an extremely white and plump fish. However, just when she thought she would finally get cooked —

Ah Lian: Supreme God, do you like to eat braised fish or steamed fish?
Rong Lin: …… I’m a vegetarian.
Ah Lian: QAQ

After N amount of time has passed

#Amazing #TheMostHandsome,RichAndTallCelestialBeingRongLinWasFinallySnapped…ByAFatHeadedFish!

In short, this is a sweet and loving story about a silly and naive fish who spends every single day trying to convince her vegetarian idol to eat her. Of course …… Ah Lian would finally be "eaten" by the War God Rong Lin _(:з」∠)_


Thanks for dropping by! 😊

Translation Schedule: 1x a week (for now)

** Although the first 18 chapters were translated by Snowy Codex, I needed to get into the flow of the story and maintain consistency. So I'm starting from scratch.


FOF Chapter Anger 6.1

A high god's caliber was certainly different, with just a few pointers, Ah Lian was able to successfully attend Sir Chong Xu's class without incident the next day.  However, despite passing the  test, she was someone that Sir Chong Xu would not pay any attention to as her foundation was still lacking. Sir Chong Xu did not say anything and continued with the day's lesson.

When Sir Chong Xu was not looking, Tian Luo whispered, "You had me worried for a moment. I thought that you would get lectured again today."


Tian Luo had always slept like a log, oblivious to the world around her once she entered dreamland. So she did not know that Ah Lian went out in the middle of the night to practice, and even had a chance meeting with high god Rong Lin.


Although Ah Lian managed to master the illusion technique, she was somewhat distracted and did not look very happy, leaving an excited Tian Luo muttering to herself.  Tian Luo soon realized that she was not getting any response and asked, "Ah Lian, what's wrong with you?"

What's wrong? Ah Lian frowned and looked a little depressed, much worse than when getting lectured by Sir Chong Xi. Yesterday she had met the high god Rong Lin. It should have been a joyous occasion, however her lack of aptitude and understanding seemed to have provoked that high god despite his best efforts to enlighten her; she was disappointed with herself.

Yi Zhang noticed the forlorn Ah Lian and commented, "She just practiced for a few days and merely passed the the test. What is she so proud for?" She was disappointed that Ah Lian did not do anything embarrassing this time.

Yi Gui listened but did not say a word.

For the new disciples of Ninth Heavenly Pavilion Academy, besides the intense schoolwork, there are also various trainings that they have to attend. Ah Lian knew that she needed to be more diligent than the rest of the disciples as her foundation was weal, but unfortunately she did not have the extra time to learn anything else.

Unlike Ah Lian, Tian Luo was at the Ninth Heavenly Pavilion Academy to gain some knowledge and experience, whiling the time away. Although she did not want to be sent packing home, she did not set such high expectations on herself like Ah Lian. Her virtuous mother had always emphasized that a woman only needed to be good at cooking and embroidery, it didn't matter if she were bad at other things.

Pulling Ah Lian to the side, Tian Luo said, "If you don't want to go, just treat it as you are accompanying me instead....."

As Tian Luo was her only friend in the academy,  the kindhearted Ah Lian relented and followed her to the cooking club.

Almost all of the clubs at the academy had high requirements, but this cooking club was the most lax in accepting new members. As there were not many members who ended up joining the coking club each year, there was no competition to see who was more qualified to enter; the only requirement was to pay the enrollment fee.

Tian Luo was just about to pay for Ah Lian's enrollment fee when she was stopped by the latter, "It's ok. I can do it myself."

Ah Lian understood Tian Luo's temperament well; instead of boasting about her wealth, she tended to feel insecure because of her family's newfound affluence. She felt ashamed for inadvertently displaying this to Ah Lian, whom she valued as a genuine friend, a rarity. 

Feeling slighted, Tian Luo expressed, "You're not treating me as an equal friend!" Ah Lian gently disagreed, "No." Tian Luo felt a surge of sadness, "So, you disdain my wealth." Ah Lian remained silent, allowing Tian Luo to pay the club fee, feeling unable to refute.


After joining the cooking club alongside Tian Luo, Ah Lian unexpectedly found herself drawn to the allure of culinary arts. Despite her initial lack of talent in the art of illusion, cooking turned out to be a somewhat rare gift for her. The club boasted six or seven new disciples, a small group that couldn't afford laziness and remained diligent under the watchful eye of their short and stout instructor, Immortal Elder Nan He, known for his irritable disposition. His temper rivaled that of Sir Chong Xu's, and many female disciples bore the brunt of his scoldings. 

Rumors circulated about some withdrawing from the club due to his harshness. Remarkably, Ah Lian never faced his wrath, and even Tian Luo, initially a target of his scolding, found reprieve thanks to Ah Lian's intervention. Under Ah Lian's guidance, Tian Luo improved to the point where Immortal Elder Nan He had no reason to chastise her anymore.

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First Impressions: Hello Kitty Island Adventure (Apple Arcade)

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Embark on a cozy adventure with Hello Kitty and Friends and restore an abandoned island to its former glory!

If you haven't already heard, Hello Kitty Island Adventure launched exclusively on 28 July 2023 on the Apple Arcade platform. 

The aim of the game is simple: you start off by creating an avatar to join Hello Kitty and Friends on a flight to an island. Things take a turn for excitement when Hello Kitty's attempt to treat everyone to some baked cupcakes causes the plane to hit turbulence and everyone has to parachute out of there asap! 

You land on the mysterious island, which was supposed to be your original destination, except now you had to crash land and your first goal is to reunite with everyone, as they’ve been... read more>>

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Keycap Series: A Shopee Guide to Affordable and Good Quality Artisan Keycaps

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This guide will be about sellers on Shopee selling reasonably priced and quality keycaps for Singapore buyers. The best part about Shopee is that there are vouchers which could be used to discount the final price and the best part is delivery is free (just ensure you remember to download the vouchers).

These sellers from Shopee below are ones which I have bought from before, hence sharing them with you because sharing is caring. If you do find any other suitable sellers, let me know in the comments below!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

SPY x FAMILY Season 2 and Movie SPY x FAMILY CODE: White

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Spy x Family is definitely an anime that sneaks into your heart

Season 2 arrived in October 2023, and as soon as it was released it was over in 12 episodes just before the arrival of 2024. 

But not to fret as we also found out we're getting a SPY x FAMILY movie - SPY x FAMILY CODE: White! Here's everything you need to know about it:
  • It's was released in Japanese cinemas on 22 December 2023.
  • It's been confirmed that the plot is all new, so outside of anything fans have seen in the manga.
  • While on a family trip, Anya accidentally swallows chocolate that could threaten world peace. It is then up to the makeshift family of the spy, the assassin, the telepath, and a dog who can see the future, to defeat the forces of evil and save the world.

More on where you can watch it and the varipus realease dates throughout the world can be found in this Wiki