Sunday, June 26, 2016

我的室友第二页 Roommate Chapter 2



斯特拉终于来到了即将就读的学院。这对斯特拉来说是全新的世界。离开纯朴的家乡来到了城市的斯特拉感到坦克不安。斯特拉凝望着肯德尔的侧脸,那如同雕刻艺术作品一般精致的轮廓,浓密的头发,浓厚的眉毛,深邃的眼睛,高挺的鼻梁,粉嫩的嘴唇。肯德尔望着远方,突然发现嘴角上扬的说,“你看够了吧?” 斯特拉慌忙地转过身说,“我才没在看你呢!“ 肯德尔似乎不想继续斗嘴了。他走向前低声说,“你准备好了吗?你会看见不同的世界。” 斯特拉点了点头,跟着肯德尔的影子走。斯特拉望着肯德尔的背影,心里感到十分踏实。


斯特拉对所有事物都感到很新鲜,走着走着就站在这个不起眼的社团。一个不留神,肯德尔竟然在人潮中消失了。斯特拉心想,这下该怎么办?我要如何去到教室呢? 我人生地不熟的我应该去哪里呢?没办法了,这下我只能自己摸索到教室里了。这时,有一个人拍了拍我的斯特拉的肩膀,轻声细语的问,“我们是文化交流协会,我是彼得社长。你看起来很贫穷,要加入我们的社团吗?”斯特拉一回头看见一位穿着很奇怪的社长。

斯特拉却拿出一张纸条,向这位学长问路。彼得社长灵机一动表示,“原来你是转学生,如果你肯签下名字决定加入本社团,我就带你到课室。” 斯特拉点了点头,签名加入社团。彼得社长开心不已表示,“欢迎加入社团,你可是这五年来我们第一次签到的学员,感谢你的加入。” 斯特拉不耐烦的问,“现在可以告诉我课室在哪里了吧?” 彼得社长回答,“你只要前面转右,第一间课室就到了。” 斯特拉翻白眼感觉被受骗了,原来课室既然就在眼前。” 彼得社长兴奋不已的表示会通知斯特拉下一次的聚会地点和时间。斯特拉礼貌性的点了点头。



下课前,玛丽亚表示希望大家支持下个星期六的全校足球比赛。大家纷纷表示一定支持肯德尔领导的足球队。放学后,大家都有豪华轿车接送。斯特拉叹了叹气,喃喃自语说,“我只能走路回家了。” 突然背后出现一个高大的影子。斯特拉回头一看,原来是肯德尔。斯特拉怒气冲冲地一拳打在肯德尔的肚子。肯德尔可怜兮兮地望着斯特拉。“你终于肯承认我的存在了吧?” 斯特拉用斜眼瞪着肯德尔。不料肯德尔对斯特拉傻笑着说,“你生气时候好可爱喔。” 斯特拉脸红心跳加速,赶紧离开。肯德尔捉住斯特拉的手一起离开。斯特拉使劲的甩开肯德尔的手,却越捉越紧。斯特拉唯有随着肯德尔回家。隐隐约约,斯特拉看见肯德尔的嘴角上扬。


时间过得很快,斯特拉也渐渐的适应校园生活,虽然没有什么朋友。星期六,这天大家都必须参与自己报名的社团。在前往社团途中的斯特拉走着走着,突然听见耳边传来的消息。周围的同学都在讨论肯德尔在足球场。大家一窝蜂地跑到球场,斯特拉也被卷入了其中,成为了球迷。看着足球场上的肯德尔英姿焕发,表情严肃。这是斯特拉第一次看见如此认真的肯德尔,那张嬉皮笑脸已完全不在了。“进攻!” 大家鼓掌欢呼,高声呐喊肯德尔的名字。这时斯特拉才知道肯德尔如此受欢迎。突然斯特拉的身边出现了一位长发飘逸的女生,大家都围绕在她的身边。他是谁呢?


我的室友 第一页 Roommate Chapter 1



这天,斯特拉准备好要搬进哥哥的家。从家乡来到了城市, 对斯特拉来说对一切的事物都感到很陌生。平时斯特拉不爱运动,就连走一段路也十分懒惰。她喜欢吃东西,个子却娇小玲珑,样貌甜美可爱。母亲在斯特拉十岁时去世,父亲过后下落不明。从十岁开始就和哥哥相依为命。远赴城市的斯特拉把一箱箱的行李托到哥哥的家里,一开门竟然看见一位高大威猛,英俊潇洒的男生。斯特拉感到十分尴尬,立刻向这位第一次见面的男生挥手打招呼。然而,男孩却直视着斯特拉,毫无任何反应。斯特拉尴尬地把行李搬进房里。

不料这个房间仿佛有人居住,环境十分邋遢,东西到处乱扔。这个男孩突然打开门问到,“你怎么走进我房间了?斯特拉感到错愕,“对不起我无心闯进你的房里。!”斯特拉立刻跑出房间。男孩望着斯特拉的背影微笑表示,“我只想问你是否需要我的帮忙?” 他接着轻声细语的说,“这个女孩十分有趣,如果不是马克的妹妹就好了。”

斯特拉在客厅里看见刚回到家的哥哥马克。他望着神情慌张的斯特拉感到莫名其妙。斯特拉问哥哥为何他的家里有住客?马克表示,“他的名字是肯德尔,是哥哥的朋友,他和你同岁也即将和你同校。斯特拉望着哥哥惊讶的表示,“哥哥你比他年纪还要大,你们怎么认识的?马克避开回答问题,反而要斯特拉好好和肯德尔相处。斯特拉无奈的表示自己寄人篱下,没办法必须遵从规定。马克微笑表示,“你应该休息了,明天一早要上课了。” 斯特拉糊里糊涂地说,“明天是星期天,没有上课啊。” 马克望着斯特拉摇了摇头说,“你是不是忘了你已经花了一天的时间乘搭铁车来到这里呢?

斯特拉如梦初醒,惊慌的表示自己连校服都没准备好呢!” 马克笑了笑表示已经把新买的校服放进她的柜子了。他把斯特拉带进为妹妹准备的房间。他回头问斯特拉感觉这房间如何,斯特拉表示喜欢这里所有可爱的布置。马克笑了笑,摸斯特拉的头说,“你好好休息吧。” 斯特拉望着哥哥把房门关上,心里浮现了那个男孩的样子,他的名字叫肯德尔?斯特拉托着疲惫的身体躺在床上,眼皮感到很沉重,渐渐地斯特拉闭上眼睛,进入了睡梦中。这时候,肯德尔那英俊的脸仿佛出现在梦里。

“快起床!我们快要迟到了!” 斯特拉揉了揉眼睛,眼前仿佛迷迷糊糊地看见梦里出现的那张俊俏的脸。肯德尔不耐烦地说,“如果你不起床,那我就自己去上课了。” 斯特拉对着肯德尔傻笑着说,“怎么梦里这么真实啊?” 肯德尔莫名其妙的直视着斯特拉,渐渐地把脸靠过来。斯特拉用手捏住肯德尔的脸颊,肯德尔愤怒的大声喊,“你在做什么!” 斯特拉立刻惊醒,呆呆的望着肯德尔。不料,肯德尔嘴角上扬说,“你连做梦都梦见我吗?” 斯特拉感到脸红,心跳加速。她立刻表示,“你别臭美了!”.......“你怎么在这里啊?”

肯德尔随着时间,表情越来越严肃。他望着手表说,“我们只剩下二十分钟的时间去到学校了。” 斯特拉立刻从床边跳了起来,赶紧到休息室里换上校服。随着时间一分一秒的过,肯德尔着急的问,“你好了吗?” 斯特拉回答说快好了,但是你必须奖励我,就买冰淇淋吃吧!” 斯特拉一开门就看见肯德尔摇了摇头表示,“若不是你哥哥威胁我要我般出去住,这个时候我早就自己去上学了。” 斯特拉赌气地回应,“那你也可以不理我啊。” 肯德尔无奈的表示,“如果你好好的跟着我到学校去,那我就买冰淇淋给你吃吧。” 斯特尔兴奋的表示,“那你是否也会买早餐给我吃呢?” 肯德尔直视着斯特拉,突然转身就走了。斯特拉措手不及,只好乖乖的跟随着肯德尔前往学校的路途。

斯特拉走着走着,感到很疲惫。看着眼前的肯德尔如此精力充沛的快步前进,斯特拉却始终跟不上他的脚步。 再加上因为没来得及吃早餐,斯特拉感到肚子饿了。肯德尔突然转身望着斯特拉问到,“你的肚子在叫吗?” 这时肯德尔才意识到斯特拉没吃早餐。他对斯特拉说,“我们到附近的咖啡厅里买早餐吧。” 斯特拉兴奋的表示,“你请我吃早餐吧!” 肯德尔叹气的说,“如果你好好跟我上学,我就请你吃早餐。” 斯特拉眼睛发亮,点了点头。

到了附近的咖啡厅,斯特拉突然想起时间不多了,如果再不前进到学校去就会迟到了。肯德尔嘴角上扬,顽皮的表示,“我们并没迟到,就是因为估计会有突发状况,加上还要步行十五分钟才到学校,所以早起了半个小时。斯特拉感到十分懊恼不已。肯德尔对斯特拉说,“赶紧买早餐, 你想要吃什么?” 斯特拉扁着嘴说,“那我要吃一个三文治套餐,一杯牛奶和一块纸包蛋糕。肯德尔惊讶的表示,“你怎么吃这么多呢?” 斯特拉扁嘴,盯着肯德尔。他微笑表示,“你生气的时候很可爱。” 斯特拉一拳打在肯德尔的肚子说,“少来这一套了,快给我买早餐!” 肯德尔笑了笑接着排队买早餐。



Sunday, June 12, 2016


The story continue from where we stop from the previous episode. Bok Soon have to follow King Sook Jong back to the palace.

King Soo Jong peek into the sedan chair and Bok Soon look nervous.

The palace maid Bok Soon accept her fate and follow the king. 

Hong Mae accept the money from King Sook Jong to set up a trap for Man Geum. 

Man Geum reproach himself for gambling his wife and eventually lose his wife.

Yi In Jwa tell Man Geum about the trick that the King used to con him. 

There is something wrong with the coin and that is why he lost the bet with the king.

Man Geum is so angry that he was conned by the king that he dropped the rings on the floor.

Man Geum run to the palace to stop the king from taking his wife but it was too late. 

Bok Soon wait in the chamber for the king. 

The king spend the night with Bok Soon, while Man Geum spend the night with guilt and frustration as he can't do anything. 

The next day, Man Geum go to the palace to look for king Sook Jong. He want to place another bet with him to win his wife back. 

This time he proposed to bet on the weather as it is fair. He predict that tonight the will rain. I must say he has lots of guts as a gambler to even place a bet with the king.

Anyway, the king accept his plead for a bet. Man Geum had actually observed the weather forecast as he walk into the palace. He knew that it is going to rain tonight. 

On that night, it really pours heavy rain. Man Geum is overjoyed, however Bok Soon does not want to go back with him. 

She wants to live a new life and leave the poor and sad life that she shared with him. Man Geum is devastated as Bok Soon is determined to leave him. 

Half a year later, Bok Soon give birth to a baby prince. 

Everyone including the court officials were suspicious of the birth of the baby as he is premature but is very healthy. The rumours says that the baby does not belong to the king. 

The queen offer to pay Bok Soon a visit as she meets the king at the entrance.

King Sook Geum is happy to see the crown prince.

This is queen Jung and she is here to visit Bok Soon whose name was changed to Choi Soobin. 

Queen Jang threatened to hurt her child in a indirect manner as she hints that she will take all measures to ensure that nobody can challenge her position and power. 

Concubine Soobin has to find a way to protect her Son from the queen. She secretly plead Yi Soo to bring her son outside the palace to Man Geum and bring back a baby that was died due to the plague. 

Before Soobin hand over the baby, she place a necklace with the rings on the baby's neck. She tell Yi Soo to hurry and bring the baby outside the palace.

Man Geum woke up and find the baby beside him. He was told the baby was his and he is determined to raise the child up. 

Soobin pretend to cry over the baby that was lost. It may be able to deceive  others but the king has his suspicions. 

Yi In Jwa heard the news about the deceased baby and was distracted. 

After a second thoughts, Yi In Jwa realise that things cannot be so simple. He thought that the baby could be hidden outside the palace. He order Sa Woon to find the baby.

The king send assassins to kill Man Geum and the baby. Yi Soo arrive at the nick of tin to rescue the baby. 

Unfortunately, the baby was shot by a dagger. They thought that the baby has died. All of a sudden the baby cried out loud to the relief of Man Geum and the people who protected him. 

Yi Soo left a piece of garmen at the bark of the tree and it serve as an evidence that he is involved in this matter. King Sook Jong figure out that there should be a master mind and he had to bring his head over.

Yi In Jwa knows that the baby is still alive. He ask Hong Mae to bring the baby to him in exchange of money.

Hong Mae receive the money and will run errand for him. 

Yi In Jwa meets Yi Soo at the bamboo forest. They both knows each other hidden agenda and their objective is to kill one another.

Yi In Jwa requests Yi Soo not to be emotional and hold back his shot. However, we can see the hesitation in his eyes because Yi In Jwa is his savior and gave him a second chance to live. 

In the end, Yi Soo cannot bring himself to kill his savior. Before he pass away, he entrust his only daughter Dam Seo into his care.  

Yi In Jwa promise to take Dam Seo under his wing and told her to revenge for his father when she grows up.

Dae Seo cried and promise to take revenge for his father.

Yi In Jwa holds the bitterness inside his heart and is determined to take revenge. 

Yi In Jwa was angry with Soobin for causing Yi Soo death and how he secretly deceive him while she brings the baby outside the palace.

He gave the necklace rings to Soobin and told her to meet him if she wants the baby to be alive.

Man Geum takes care of the baby despite his addiction to gambling.

An old man saw the features of the baby and says that he has soft features and has the look of a royal. Man Geum name his son Dae Dong.

They used the dice to predict his fortune and they were surprised that the baby carries great fortune. 

They were amazed by the child and the old man says that he is surely born to be royal.

It does not sit well with Man Geum as he was reminded of the betrayal. 

He tossed the baby into the lake from a distance.

He was devastated as he thought that he kills the baby. Fortunately, the baby survived. 

The old man whose name is Yoogwushin brings the baby away and calls Man Geum a crazy man.

On the way back, he met Hong Mae who snatched the baby away from him.

In Yi Jwa receive the boy and was amazed by the baby good fortune.

Sa woo is worried about the baby. However, there is nothing he can do since In zhi Jwa is very smart.

The king heard about the mishap and Soobin went missing. He is in deep thoughts about this matter. 

In Yi Jwa force Soobin to pick up three cards from the five cards in front of her. 

Soobin beg for mercy to spare her baby but Yi In Jwa insist to test the luck of the baby.

Soobin tried to plead Yi In Jwa and promise to submit to him. Unfortunately, Yi In Jwa did not change his mind. 

Soobin choose two cards which bears the death mark and Yi In Jwa shoot two arrows which nearly hit the target which in this case is the baby. Soobin cried and plead as she has to choose the last card which will determine the fate of the child.

At the nick of time, Man Geum appears and volunteers to pick up the last card. It turns out that Man Geum can't turn his back on the innocent baby. 

He bet everything he has on the baby and is determined to save mother and child.

Drama queen's thoughts  

This is the first time a Korean drama actually talk about the topic of gambling. It is interlink to fate and destiny. At the end of the day, we got to accept the consequences of our actions. Our destiny is base on the choices that we make. Somehow it has an educational value in sending the message of not to gamble. It's a innovative and daring move by the jackpot production team.

Back to the story, the baby that Soobin gave away to grow up as a commoner is definitely Dae Dong who will be play by Jang  Keun Suk. I can understand why Soobin decided to give Man Geum the baby to raise after all the palace is a too complicated place to live in. Furthermore, the rumours make it hard of the child to be the crown prince.

Yi In Jwa and Dam Seo are bent on revenge and to think that Dam Seo is older than the other male leads. The love triangle should be quite interesting afterall. Anyway, I am a little amazed that Yi In Jwa is so clever and cunning. At the same time, he is so ruthless to baby Dae Dong. I feel sorry for the innocent baby.

This episode has been easy to follow as it clearly depict the events that leads to these situations. We had a tiger (king) and the wolf (Yi In Jwa) waiting to overthrow the king whenever the opportunity arise. He is going to plot his soldiers along the way to accomplish his goal. Things are going to be intense when the children grow up as an adult.